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My best friend shot himself in the head to months ago, and I've been thinking a lot about it lately because his birthday was a week ago. One of my friends who is lds said that he is going to go to hell because he took his life. Is that true? Because I really don't think that god would send you to hell fore killing your self especially if you had a mental disorder, and my friend was suffering from vary saver depression. So what after death? is he going to go to hell? Will I ever see him again?

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It sounds like your friend's story is similar to my father's (who took his own life, also with a gun, in 1994). I hope and expect to see him again. I know that he was a great example to me of loving others.

This is what the site says about suicide: - Topic Definition____

Here is also a search page from about mental illness: - Search

You must be in deep grief. I hope you have the support you need for yourself, or can reach out for it. God bless.

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One of my friends who is lds said that he is going to go to hell because he took his life. Is that true?

Your friend needs to be chastized for taking upon himself the job of judging your friend's soul. Only God can do that.

In LDS doctrine, we do believe that chosing to take your own life is akin to murder, which is one of the top three bad things you can do. We also believe that some people can be mentally ill to the point where they are not accountable for their own actions. Finally, we believe that it isn't our job, it isn't in our stewardship, and we're not well equipped to see inside someone's heart or mental state and make the judgement on that person's state of mind.

Alexander B. Morrison has a book out called Valley of Sorrow: A Layman's Guide to Understanding Mental Illness where this is all pretty clearly spelled out in a chapter on suicide. If your LDS friend gives you any more crap, point him to this book and tell him to educate himself on what this church actually believes.


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My best friend shot himself in the head to months ago, and I've been thinking a lot about it lately because his birthday was a week ago. One of my friends who is lds said that he is going to go to hell because he took his life. Is that true? Because I really don't think that god would send you to hell fore killing your self especially if you had a mental disorder, and my friend was suffering from vary saver depression. So what after death? is he going to go to hell? Will I ever see him again?

I believe everyone will end up exactly where they want to be. My father put it another way. We are what we have spent our life becoming - nothing more and nothing less.

The Traveler

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As hard as most people fight to the last breath not to die I personally do not believe anyone in their right mind would intentionally take their own life. That said then those who take their own life are not in their right mind. I am glad that it is up to the one who paid the ultimate price for all, Jesus Christ, to be the one who decides who is in their right mind and the intent of their heart.

Ben Raines

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I had a loved one kill himself three days after converting to faith in Jesus. Was he sincere? Did he do it for me? Is he in heaven or hell? I prayed for three weeks. Finally, God spoke to me and said, "I am just and fair and merciful." I realized that I had not been assured of the fate of my loved one, but rather of the character of my God. Come the day of Judgment, when we see who goes where--see as Jesus sees--clearly--there will be no objections, no doubts. All will say that God was good, fair, just and that when mercy was possible, it was extended. I still do not have a sure answer about the fate of my loved one...but I trust God.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry for your loss, and this experience that is part of your life...

As many people have said, only the Lord can decide the eternal fate of anyone. Just trust that He is merciful, understands all things, is forgiving, loving, kind, tender, and just! Trust Him with all your heart; you'll never been disappointed.

Edited by PapilioMemnon
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Mosiah 14:

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

The pain your friends suffered, the sorrow you're going through... I'm essentially tearing up at the knowledge that He, our Savior, suffered the pains of that as well. He knows us so well... He's right there with us, and with our loved ones, in ALL of our sufferings.

Yes, He will Judge us, and He will know exactly our hearts. He is so amazing, so wonderful. I love Him so much, I'm so thankful that He's done what He's gone through, for me. For all of us.

Blessed be, MC.

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One of the reasons I first investigated the church was the fact that they didn't believe that suicide meant hell. I believe that we have an all knowing, loving Heavenly Father that knows and understands what is in our hearts, souls, and brains. I believe that he will have a truely sad but understanding heart when dealing with someone that took their own life, especially with those that are mentally ill.

Remember Jesus atoned for all our sins.


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It takes my breath away sometimes to know how often human beings find themselves seriously considering suicide. What worries me about how common this is, is that most often those who suffer these feelings are afraid to tell anyone.

It gives me hope to read all your have all shown compassion for mormoncutter's friends. It is being open with this kind of compassion that might allow someone to trust enough to share their pain.

I believe that we were created in God's image. Our compassion is a reflection of God's compassion. And our compassion is but a shadow of that which Heavenly Father has in store for us all.

Mormoncutter, I am sorry for your losses. Is there anything more we can do for you?

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I think I can speak a little on suicide because in 2004 I tried to end my life. Was I in my right mind when I made that choice? Not at all! My thoughts and feelings didn't even feel like me -- if you know what I mean. I should have died. I was in a coma for 5 days and it was a miracle (and I don't use that word loosely) that I survived. Heavenly Father's love came through loud and clear. He loves his children and wants us to return to him. It has been useful for me to learn and understand the attributes of our Father in Heaven. In my studying of the scriptures and the teachings on faith by Joseph Smith I've learned that the character of God include the following: he was God before the world was created, and the same God that he was after it was created. He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abundant in goodness, and that he was so from everlasting, and will be to everlasting. He changes not, neither is there variableness with him; but that he is the same from everlasting to everlasting, being the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that his course is one eternal round, without variation. He is a God of truth and cannot lie. He is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that fears God and works righteousness is accepted of him. He is love. His attributes are: He knows all. He is all powerful. He just, his judgments are fair. He is merciful.

I'm sorry you have had such tragic losses in your life --- maybe it's an opportunity to get to know your loving Father in Heaven. I invite you to do so. He loves you! He also loves the friends that you have lost.


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  • 1 year later...

My best friend shot himself in the head to months ago, and I've been thinking a lot about it lately because his birthday was a week ago. One of my friends who is lds said that he is going to go to hell because he took his life. Is that true? Because I really don't think that god would send you to hell fore killing your self especially if you had a mental disorder, and my friend was suffering from vary saver depression. So what after death? is he going to go to hell? Will I ever see him again?

Before I became agnostic, I was contemplating suicide. I found I was thinking about the subject more and more often. I never attempted suicide but I do know my mental state was not alright. My mind felt very clouded. I was confused during this period and there were a lot of factors into why I was feeling and thinking the way I was. I didn't know if I would go to Heaven if I took my own life but part of me felt like I would regret it or perhaps I was making a mistake. Part of me did not believe I would be allowed to enter the ceslestial kingdom had I wished to. I felt I would have been shown something, that would have made what I did unforgivable. I didn't honestly view suicide as something wrong. I just didn't feel like living. I'm not saying your friend can't go to heaven. If there is a God, then I would believe their mentality, knowledge and every possible factor will be taken into account in an absolutely fair and just judgment. I hope that helps.

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It is impossible for a man to know the condition of another's heart. God will judge us all according to what has been given us. We can have faith that all will be fair in the end with Him as our judge. Have faith that God will judge your friends according to their hearts and circumstances, which may include illness.

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Hello from Austria.

I read this thread and although I got some answers, there are a few on my mind.

What will happen to a person that is a convert into the church, without an endowment and all this "stuff".

(I know it is not appropriate to use the word "stuff" in relation to all these holy contracts, but I'm a little bit out of words since I'm not a natural English speaker)

Where will a person go, that became a member of the church and commits suicide?

There is no hell in mormonism, but suicide is a sin, isn't?

Is there a chance, that you are punished badly?

Or that you will be unhappy in the Spirit World?

It would be nice if somebody will answer this question.

And the person I'm thinking of does not have a mental illness or is out of his/her mind.

Thanks in advance.

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