What do you listen to in the car?


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When my kids are in the car, I like to listen to some of their favorites but honestly, I can't do it all the time. Sometimes I drive as a break from the day. I take the kids with me because I have to. During these trips, I like to listen to talk radio. Currents events, news and stuff. Is that wrong? Should I not expose my 4 year old daughter and 1 year old son to that?

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I try to indoctrinate them as completely as I can so that means large doses of Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Bill O'Reilly just to balance things out. There is never anything good on FM stations these days, just screaming or bubblegum pop. So I also expose them to the greatest genre of music ever known to man, that's right 80's alternative.... You know what I'm talking about!!

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Currently? Queen's Greatest Hits. My second grader does a mean Bohemian Rhapsody.

Radio: NPR....so as to indoctrinate the kids properly.

You know every piece of music you put in the player eventually turns into "Queen's Greatest Hits"?

(Brownie Poitns to anyone who gets that ^_^ )

NPR if we're listening to the radio, if we're listening to CD's it's a grab-bag. Erasure, Mika (who's songs might as well be on a kids' CD! My kids love the Lollipop song!), Enya, Sting, LOTR's soundtracks, CARS sound track, and a variety of Christmas music.

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We often listen to "Kids' Praise" type music, including old CDs from their past Vacation Bible School sessions. Then again, sometimes we expose them to the regular praise music we sing in church, so they are accustomed to it. And, once in a while we play the radio, Spirit 105.3 (Contemporary Christian Music)...which has a "kids' safe" promise to its listeners.

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Our son is not even a year old yet, so as he cannot complain about the type of music played we listen to whatever I like. : D

I live in a very small area so our radio reception is terrible. We've got about a dozen country stations, i'd rather bash my head into the dash multiple times before I listened to that. There is ONE modern rock station that used to be fantastic when I was younger, but has turned into total crap. The only talk radio we get is NPR, which I do listen to.

So we listen to my iPod. I guess the last thing Eli and I listened to was the Cure.

I'm looking into getting a satellite radio installed in my car.

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We've got about a dozen country stations, i'd rather bash my head into the dash multiple times before I listened to that.

When my son was little, he went through a cowboy phase. He would ask if I would put on the country station in the car like Daddy does. For the longest time, "I'm sorry honey, Mommy's car doesn't have that station." actually worked.

Too bad for him, I was in a salsa/merengue phase at the time. ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have three daughters so what we listen to is quite diverse. I listen to the 13 volume Chuch Hymn set, jazz and classical. When we are all together if it is inappropriate we just change the station.

Ditto!! Same here in every respect. Since they were little I made it abundantly clear that the car sound system is NOT an extension on their MP3/iPod's.

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