I love you dad


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As I have known many on this website for some time now and have met many in person I wanted to share this.

My dad passed away at 3 a.m. this morning. My family is all okay and are at peace with this.

He was suffering so badly. It's a wonderful thing to know that he no longer feels the pain...no longer is suffering...no longer struggling to breathe.

The amazing thing I keep thinking about is...how lucky he is today. He has now seen the Savior. How amazing that is. I can't even comprehend it. His patriarchal blessing said he would be caught up in the air by the Savior.

Thanks to all of you that have already sent me messages of comfort prior to this. It means a lot.

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sorry for your loss pam, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today. what a blessing it is for us to know that we will be met by our Savior after death. what a comfort it is to have that knowledge.

*hugs* for you.

ditto... all of our love thoughts and prayers are with your family today

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Guest missingsomething

I am so sorry Pam. I am grateful to know that you have faith that your Heavenly Father loved you enough to send his son, Jesus to atone for us. I am so thankful that you will be a family for an eternity. I will pray that your time apart will be endurable and that your memories will sustain you.

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Pam, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Having lost my Daddy just a few months ago, I know the feelings of loss and sorrow combined with the thankfulness that our loved one is no longer suffering, and the comfort of knowing that we can be together again.


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