Why is Sunday just a normal day?


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I submit to you that if you can not ask a "friend" a simple question as you posted without fearing the loss of that friendship then they are not true "friends".

You did not mention religious affiliation so it is possible that they do not hold Sunday as the Sabbath but use a different day or belief.

Many Sunday faiths at least in Canada are trying to retain memberships by bending the "keep the sabbath day holy" commandment. We have friends who love to flea market on Sunday. They are devote in their faith, contribute to collection plates generously and insure their children have gospel induction. Their church in order to retain members has offered for the last ten years Saturday evening services for those who are "too busy" to attend Sunday services.

Many people seem to feel that keep the Sabbath Day Holy refers to attending Church and acknowledging God. Be it on a Saturday or Sunday or whenever. And that it is only required during the service time.

While as an active LDS family we do not follow this and keep the entire day for God. I know of members who are not as diligent however. It is easy to justify bending the Sabbath until the point is reached that you are lost.

The only way you will know for sure is to ask them

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I have two neighbor’s that are very religious. I was wondering why they treat Sunday as just a normal day?

Choose the answer you like best:

  • Because they're Seventh-Day Adventists.
  • Because they are filthy hypocrites.
  • Because they are woefully ignorant of the need to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  • Because you just can't see all the abnormal things they do on Sunday.
  • Because it is just a normal day, silly!
  • What's it to you, you judgmental person, you?!
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Because we are friends and I want it to stay that way. Are you all Mormons?

Not all members here at LDS.net are LDS (Mormons).

I am LDS. Not all Mormons are the same, just like in all other religions.

Unless you ask them why they don't observe the Sabbath and Keep it Holy, you'll never know. You might be surprised that they aren't offended if you ask.

If you believe they are LDS you could start the conversation with "I am under the impression the the LDS Church expects its members to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Am I understanding correctly?"

If someone asked me that way, I wouldn't be offended. My conscious might be pricked but I would use the oppornity to have an open conversation.


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Unless you ask them why they don't observe the Sabbath and Keep it Holy, you'll never know. You might be surprised that they aren't offended if you ask.

If you believe they are LDS you could start the conversation with "I am under the impression the the LDS Church expects its members to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Am I understanding correctly?"

If someone asked me that way, I wouldn't be offended.


It is hard to always know if something will be offensive. It can vary by culture and place. For instance, outside of Utah, it may be considered bad form if the first question you ask people is, "what religion are you?".

Even for LDS the presumption in the statement, "I am under the impression the the LDS Church expects its members to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Am I understanding correctly?", that they may pick up on is that they are doing something wrong. This might tend to alienate one's neighbor.

Just a thought.


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Matthew 7:3-5

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

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Choose the answer you like best:

  • Because they're Seventh-Day Adventists.
  • Because they are filthy hypocrites.
  • Because they are woefully ignorant of the need to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  • Because you just can't see all the abnormal things they do on Sunday.
  • Because it is just a normal day, silly!
  • What's it to you, you judgmental person, you?!

They could be Jewish...you forgot that one.

If you believe they are LDS you could start the conversation with "I am under the impression the the LDS Church expects its members to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Am I understanding correctly?"

If someone asked me that way, I wouldn't be offended. My conscious might be pricked but I would use the oppornity to have an open conversation.

Even for LDS the presumption in the statement, "I am under the impression the the LDS Church expects its members to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Am I understanding correctly?", that they may pick up on is that they are doing something wrong. This might tend to alienate one's neighbor.

Just a thought.


I agree. If someone asked me that question, worded that way, I would automatically be on the defensive. It sounds like a trick question, like they're trying to trap me. I'd be less likely to answer it directly than I would be to dance around it just to avoid a fight.

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I have two neighbor’s that are very religious. I was wondering why they treat Sunday as just a normal day?

#1) You haven't even told us if they are LDS.

#2) What makes you think they are 'very religious' if they aren't even keeping the Sabbath Day holy? Maybe your evaluation of them being 'very religious' is skewed.

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I’m not sure what Church they go to, they are Christian not LDS. The one goes to Church on Sunday and the other might be Saturday. I was thinking of asking them but don’t think I should. I thought I would ask it here. One of the neighbors when they first moved in I was talking to her one day. She started in about the Mormons and I just change the subject. I think sometime later I told him we were Mormons. I believe they have a completely different lookout on Mormons now. We are thinking about moving and they keep saying don't move.

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If they're Catholics then it's completely normal. Sunday church service starts on Saturday 5PM. So, if you go to mass at 5PM on Saturday, it's the same as going to mass on Sunday.

And for them, keeping the Sabbath Holy means going to church on Sunday. After that's done, then it's just like any other day. They do believe in doing the Lord's work everyday, not just Sunday...

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I’m not sure what Church they go to, they are Christian not LDS. The one goes to Church on Sunday and the other might be Saturday. I was thinking of asking them but don’t think I should. I thought I would ask it here. One of the neighbors when they first moved in I was talking to her one day. She started in about the Mormons and I just change the subject. I think sometime later I told him we were Mormons. I believe they have a completely different lookout on Mormons now. We are thinking about moving and they keep saying don't move.

If they do not understand the importance of the Sabbath then of course their behavior will be casual on Sunday. We do the things we've learned. For those of us who understand the importance of the Sabbath we treat Sunday differently. Not everyone believes the same way.

If you don't feel that its appropriate to ask them, then don't. If this is still bothering you then pray about it.


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I’m not sure what Church they go to, they are Christian not LDS. The one goes to Church on Sunday and the other might be Saturday. I was thinking of asking them but don’t think I should. I thought I would ask it here. One of the neighbors when they first moved in I was talking to her one day. She started in about the Mormons and I just change the subject. I think sometime later I told him we were Mormons. I believe they have a completely different lookout on Mormons now. We are thinking about moving and they keep saying don't move.

I think it's strange that you would ask people that don't even know your neighbors why we think they treat Sunday as a normal day. And in keeping with that thought, how do you know they treat it as any other day? How do you know they do not consider it holy? Your idea of "holy" may be different than theirs. Maybe they do keep it holy their way. Ask them.
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Well to the negative post I'm just wondering for people so religious why they think it ok to do their normal work around the house, go movies and things I see. I could care lees what they do. And cookie why don’t you get another picture, ever time I see it I think you’re crying. And Snowhead you shouldn't show your eye I can see there pinned. :D

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Being a true follower of Christ, the blue laws should be enforce. Our children are not allowed outside on the Sabbath or participating anything that is not building the kingdom or the family. Every so often, one our children, who is a national runner, is required to run on the Sabbath. We do allow it knowing this is her future profession and is require to maintain her status on that team.

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Every so often, one our children, who is a national runner, is required to run on the Sabbath. We do allow it knowing this is her future profession

I've never heard of a professional runner. Who pays them?

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Our children are not allowed outside on the Sabbath...

Why? How can being outside be going against the Sabbath? When my MIL was alive, she would plan a picnic for the WHOLE family at a park. After church, everyone would bring something and meet at the park. Why would one LDS family think this is still following the sabbath while another LDS family would think not?
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