I'm "forced" to use a bad show for a project


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I just got a project for school where I and 4 other people have to watch an episode of a TV series of our choice. Well, I don't have many friends, so I got stuck with whoever was left. These s are nice and all, but they want to do a show I'm not comfortable with. I basically HAVE to do watch it and do my part of project on it. Even my teacher said so, because otherwise I get a back grade. I don't know what I should do. Please help me! I need an answer before tomorrow... Thank you!

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I don't know what TV series you're referring to but regardless different people find different things offensive. Have you explained to your teacher why you're uncomfortable doing a project on this specific show? I can't imagine the school "forcing" you to participate in something that goes against your beliefs and faith. Of course, anymore I'm surprised at what students and some teachers get away with these days.. When I was in school I remember doing supposed scientific experiments on cow eyeballs. It was a required class and project BUT some students were excused, specifically, my Hindu classmates :]

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Could you do some portion of the project that doesn't require actually watching the show? E.g., writing up the final report from notes made by others, or doing the art project based on the instructions of the other three, or make up a list of discussion questions, or something like that?

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It's not legal for a public school to force you to watch a TV show that violates your standards. Stick to your guns.

But understand that the school may do so, anyway, legal or not. Unless you are willing to follow up with legal action, if necessary, you may get a low grade in this project. That seems unlikely, but possible. If it happens, it will be unfair, but it may be quite expensive for you to do anything about it.

But stick to your guns anyway.

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Two of my kids have been in the same situation. They have explained they find the show or book offensive and in bad taste and they have requested an alternative assignment or group. One teacher excused my son but instructed him to pick another book and write the same report on his own. He chose the Book of Mormon, (he had been reading anyway) finished it and wrote his report. That opened another can or worms, but he made his point and the school administration backed him.

Good luck and stick by your standards!

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I was goin to ask that too Seattle. Ive had tp read books for school before that my parents wouldnt have thought appropriate. However, in the grand scheme of life and the eternities it was not really a big deal for me. My hubby works on a building site and hears worse things that I ever could have read in that book. Is he not supposed to work? I think if you feel you should stick to your standards of course you should, but sometimes I think we as members have a tendency to overreact. If it was a reativelty small thing, like a half hour show, I'd probably just suck it up. Just my opinion, not saying thats what you should do. But the problems I would have caused if I had spoke out about a book with one or two swear words in would likely have ostracised me from my classmates as an entire new book would have had to have been chosen, just for me, and I dont think that would have been fair. I was bullied at school as it was and this would have made my life an utter misery. Im sure God understood and was happy with my decision, and so was I.

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I've not watched lots of shows and books for school because I wasn't comfortable with them. When it came to group things, I opted to do the project myself with my own standards. Yes, it was more work, but it worked out in the end. Stick to your standards! Your integrity is worth more than one show. Of course there are the legal logistics of this situation, but sometimes making a big stir is more trouble than it's worth, quietly sticking to your standards may raise your teachers eye brow and possibly lower your grade, but you'll feel good about it.

I'm hoping that if you go back to your teacher and tell her that you still aren't comfortable watching that show and that you'll do your own project (or can you add on to an other group?) she might be surprised by your integrity.

Stick to your standards, it's worth it to find a way.

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I remember we had to watch a war movie from a list of about a dozen movies. Every single one of them was rated R. Luckily for me, when I went home that day worried about how I was even going to pay to rent a movie I saw that Platoon was on TV, and was edited for TV...

As far as books, some of them are very vulgar and I would not recommend them to my kids when they get older. Sorry, I'm just not a Steinbeck fan.

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I'm curious as to what show it is and why you find it offensive; what kind of class MAKES people watch TV for Pete's sake, you could do a report that states it was a waste of time and offensive to your standards. Lots of good advice here already.

Maybe a "film study" type course? Only, instead of "films" they're required to watch "TV series"? I took a film study class in high school and we watched all kinds of movies. Many of the students did choose rated R movies for group projects but for those that were opposed to it weren't forced to participate or watch it.

Anyway to the OP, if your teacher is still giving you a hard time over this, I like the advice that suggests you getting your parents involved or even a guidance counselor to step in. Good luck :]

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Thanks for all of your suggestions! Well, it's not as bad as a rated R movie, but I'm just so upset as to why society is so corrupted nowadays. All these teens like to watch are shows that are more "mature", but I think the definition of "mature" has been horribly altered over a long period of time. I couldn't really suggest a show I liked because I don't really watch TV series, I just like to watch younger more appropriate shows. Anyway, I'll see if I can make it through this project a live. Thanks again though!

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Thanks for all of your suggestions! Well, it's not as bad as a rated R movie, but I'm just so upset as to why society is so corrupted nowadays. All these teens like to watch are shows that are more "mature", but I think the definition of "mature" has been horribly altered over a long period of time. I couldn't really suggest a show I liked because I don't really watch TV series, I just like to watch younger more appropriate shows. Anyway, I'll see if I can make it through this project a live. Thanks again though!

You never answered the question:

What is the show that your team chose that you feel is offensive. Title of the Show, Channel it is on, and why you find this offensive.

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You never answered the question:

What is the show that your team chose that you feel is offensive. Title of the Show, Channel it is on, and why you find this offensive.

Maybe Tayo is afraid we weill tell him/her it is not an offensive show.

Tayo, there are incredible numbers of TV shows that I do not watch and even more I will not let my daughter watch (lol). There are people who feel that 'immature' shows like Dora and Spongebob are innapropriate. If you will name the show and why you feel it's offensive, we may be able to help you with your phraseology so you can approach the teacher and/or add it into your project. If you want to take a stand, and it's a 'bad' show, we WILL help you.

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