In case you get raptured tomorrow...


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I cannot believe Mister Camping is predicting the end of the world date again. He has very bizarre views of Bible passages and obviously his Doomsday predictions will fail again.

I feel sorry for anyone who believes he is speaking for the LORD.

Edit: You can watch a video of his new weird prediction here:

AP Video

Edited by Still_Small_Voice
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I cannot believe Mister Camping is predicting the end of the world date again. He has very bizarre views of Bible passages and obviously his Doomsday predictions will fail again.

I feel sorry for anyone who believes he is speaking for the LORD.

Don't be too quick to dismiss him...

... let him worship how he may.

As long as he is actively and honestly searching for truth and doing his very best to follow God.

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As opposed to those who just believe that God the Father and Jesus (God the Son) appeared to a teenage boy almost 200 hundred years ago? :huh:


What angers me about Campings heresy is just this...some potential seekers may dismiss all Christianity as of the same vein. There certainly is a difference between the shallow, hodge-podge Bible cherry-picking that camping did, and the thorough, deeply analyzed faith of the those who follow the Nazarene. I'll leave it to LDS to defend their unique story, but on the surface, they've got a bit more to say than this guy. Yes, he raised money in a short time, and created a flash in the pan. Sadly, some will use him as an excuse to quench the spark of the Spirit that calls them.

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In all honesty, this might be a good thing. They could realize their mistake in casting their faith into this guy who's made predictions before and was horribly wrong and search for correct principles instead. Of course, the opposite is also another serious possibility.

Those who sincerely seek God will find Him. Nevertheless, I find out sad and outrageous that this fellow could squelch that search in some who might otherwise have progressed to sincerity.

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Has anyone heard from prisonchaplain yet this evening?

Well, I suppose it's only almost 6:00pm on the west coast, so we've gotta wait awhile to see if he's gone.

I appreciate the vote of confidence. Walked into the church on Sunday, and did not see my pastor, the main deacon...and just for a second, got to thinking.

Worse was when I went to the jail and none of the inmates or staff seemed the least bit surprised to see me. :o

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PC left his PC on but PC isn't actually using his PC, so apparently PC is doing whatever PC typically does when away from his PC. Possibly PC is afraid that whatever comments PC makes on his PC won't be PC enough toward Harold Camping? Or he got raptured. :huh:

It's not that I don't get were just trying way too hard. :cool:

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Don't be too quick to dismiss him...

... let him worship how he may.

As long as he is actively and honestly searching for truth and doing his very best to follow God.

I won't judge his eternal soul, but your church has it's system of weeding apostasy for a reason. This fellow has spread a big heresy. He deemed himself a teacher of the word. He will be held accountable. Scripture warns us to be careful about taking on the mantle of teacher, for the standards for such are higher.

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Don't be too quick to dismiss him...

... let him worship how he may.

As long as he is actively and honestly searching for truth and doing his very best to follow God.

Harold Camping will continue his nonsense as long as it is profitable. This is not some prophetic man following God. He is following his deposit slip all the way to the bank.

This guys has made over A Hundred Million from combined contributions and book sales.

Some think he should be arrested, but that would violate first ammendment rights, and even I believe he has a right to speak his mind no matter how crazy.

It all goes back to accountability, and free agency though. The people that are using their free agency to buy his books, send him contributions and believe his ranting are equally responsible and accountable.

There has been reports of suicides leading up to this May 21st "rapture" and even a woman who killed herself and her kids.

Remember Hitler had rantings and it is the people who followed him that are to blame, because no single man can cause chaos without followers.

In any event, I think that it would behoove evangelicals and all Christian religions to spend their time concentrating on the love of God, the teachings of Jesus and the loving and serving our fellow man with far more importance than the concentration of the end times. So many people are so hung up on the end times and getting to the right place when they die, that they spend little time thanking God for their lives and striving to live quality Godly lives and help others do so as well.

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LDSJewess, I agree with most of your post above...except that it may be more important than ever for us to offer sound teaching about the end times. Truth need not be divided. Instruction about the 2nd coming should not compete with urging loving and good works. We are commanded to maintain our sense of urgency. Will we be ready? Aha...will we be found caring for the widows and orphans, visiting the prisoners, etc.?

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Just thought I would add a thought. Is it any more wrong to say - the world will not end this year than to say that it will?

We may think ourselves right with statistics or even Biblical interpretation on our side but is just thinking we are right any more wrong than Camping?

The Traveler

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What angers me about Campings heresy is just this...some potential seekers may dismiss all Christianity as of the same vein. There certainly is a difference between the shallow, hodge-podge Bible cherry-picking that camping did, and the thorough, deeply analyzed faith of the those who follow the Nazarene. I'll leave it to LDS to defend their unique story, but on the surface, they've got a bit more to say than this guy. Yes, he raised money in a short time, and created a flash in the pan. Sadly, some will use him as an excuse to quench the spark of the Spirit that calls them.

Everyone who earnestly seek after christ will sooner or later will have to go through a trial of faith, whether they were following this guy, whether they were catholic or whether they were LDS or other.

Some will have gained deep enough roots by then and will be able to weather the heat of adversity and hummiliation, others will shrivel and fall away.

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Blackmarch, I understood that as I typed that last post. The scripture contains passages that declare God's sovereignty and his knowledge of our future decisions. Others that warn us of the perils of apostasy and sin. God knows and He is faithful to those who cling to Him. And yet, there is a place for righteous anger towards false teaching, confusion, and blatant heresy. I am sensing more and more that as a generation, we have lost the ability to be angry at sin.

Now that this teacher has rationalized his error, and is pursuing it with a vengeance, I sense this may be a matter of spiritual pride. At some time over the weekend this fellow went from discouragement and shame to willful pride.

I am willing to be wrong. I hope I am. There is yet time...he can repent and receive God's mercy. In the mean time, I fear he is leading those who roots are not developed into permanent apostasy.

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