A field trip to Hooters


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There's a difference between, "Hey kids! Let's go swimming at the beach!" and, "Let's go eat at the restaurant named after breasts!" We can't live under a rock and we can't control how people dress on the beach, but we can make the choice not to support businesses who use sex to make money.

It's a reference to the owls they have on their shirts. Because owls hoot. I've read the history of the place. In Florida, a group of guys with an apparently love of owls decided they wanted a restaurant with good food.

If you associate owls with dirty things, I don't think it's the restaurants fault.

I don't associate owls with dirty things, its just when morningstar said it was to do with breasts, I'd not heard of that before. In the UK hooter is either your nose or a car horn :)

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Hmm. So let me get this straight. It's O.K. if cheerleaders are dressed like this who are at the football games that we take our kids to and thoroughly support, but then after the game we can't take these same kids to a restaurant where the waitresses are dressed the same exact way because we want to avoid the possibility of an immoral thought going through their head? If that isn't a bass ackwards double standard, then I don't know what is.

The difference is in personal interaction.

Now, I'm not a sports guy at all. But if I went to a game, the cheerleaders are part of the entire experience and are to entertain a crowd.

Going to a restaurant like Hooters, they are to serve you as a waitress. A little more personal interaction there. Yes, it's professional, but there is conversation there.

I would avoid the appearance of evil whenever possible.

Would you feel awkward if your Bishop saw you going into a Hooters restaurant? What if the kids from Primary saw you?

Neither of them would balk or question anything about attending a football game. Hooters or other similar establishments? I'll let you judge it for yourself.

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I don't associate owls with dirty things, its just when morningstar said it was to do with breasts, I'd not heard of that before. In the UK hooter is either your nose or a car horn :)


If that were the case, they would hire people with big noses.

My Irish friend asked to borrow a rubber from someone in class at BYU. Several people looked horrified and one of them finally asked, "Why do you need it?" She said, "So I can rub this out." "Oh, you mean an ERASER." She then explained what rubber means here.

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Hmm. So let me get this straight. It's O.K. if cheerleaders are dressed like this who are at the football games that we take our kids to and thoroughly support, but then after the game we can't take these same kids to a restaurant where the waitresses are dressed the same exact way because we want to avoid the possibility of an immoral thought going through their head? If that isn't a bass ackwards double standard, then I don't know what is.

Carl, I am quoting from Wikipedia- For crying out loud- NO I DO NOT THINK IT IS OK.


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Oh yeah, and this Scottish guy I knew just about died laughing when he saw the poster for "Free Willy".

hehe I snort every now and then when I see that poster too.

Actually it's scary how bad cheer uniforms have got. They wen't that bad when I cheered. I don't know if I would let me daughter cheer. Why they had to get so much more skimppy I don't know. I could jump and dance just fine in the uniforms we had in the early 90's.

Its not so bad in utah at least at the high school level... but whenever I see televised football, i'm almost always ending up wondering if they are having a bikini contest between breeaks >.< (ok ok not quite that bad.. but its really close) Edited by Blackmarch
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hehe I snort every now and then when I see that poster too.

Its not so bad in utah at least at the high school level... but whenever I see televised football, i'm almost always ending up wondering if they are having a bikini contest between breeaks >.< (ok ok not quite that bad.. but its really close)

I grew up in San Diego. They are pretty bad there, now. I'm in Idaho, now. When I went to a parade, here in Idaho, they are worse than what we had in San Diego.

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How about this for a truse position: Ha ha ha...how prudish we are, who oppose Hooters for 13-year olds. We are old-fashioned, out-of-date, and probably have "issues." Maybe a little mild mockery will jolt us out of our 19th-century thinking, and we'll learn to loosen up a little bit.

On the other hand...yeah, I'd still be upset, and I'd still raise a stink if they brought my kids to Hooters, without informing me first.

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...how prudish we are, who oppose Hooters for 13-year olds. We are old-fashioned, out-of-date, and probably have "issues." Maybe a little mild mockery will jolt us out of our 19th-century thinking, and we'll learn to loosen up a little bit.

According to many I have talked with, you are being far too generous. Such thinking is not "19th-century"; rather, it is "medieval". (The fact that these people have no good idea what "medieval" entails is entirely beside the point.)

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There is a part of me that understands the reaction against prudish older people who want to stamp all joy out of the lives of the younger generation. Additionally, that folk my age (mid-40s) and above might wink and nod a bit at Hooters may well be do to our security in our marriages at our stage in life.

On the other hand, I frankly do not believe intentional, commercialized immodesty is a joke, nor is it funny--again, certainly not for 13-year olds.

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Beginning in Florida, Hooters was begun by a group of guys who apparently really liked owls.

I like owls too. Here are some owl pictures:

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Odd, when I look at owl pictures, I don't think of female breasts. And yet when I drive past a Hooters sign...

Yeah, that group of guys liked owls - and they liked something else too. Making money by packaging and presenting the female mammary glands for the enjoyment of their male clientelle. When you spend a dollar there, that's the thing you're supporting - whether you partake of the visual experience or not.

There is really no coherent, serious counter to this obvious state of affairs. It's possible to go to Hooters for the food. It's possible to read playboy for the articles too. It doesn't change the focus of either.

I am not claiming people who go to Hooters are bad. I'm not saying they're sinning, or need to change. I'm certainly not claiming to be better than anyone else. I have no judgement to offer anyone. I once allowed myself to be suckered into going there. Just for the love of pete, be honest with yourselves about what you're doing when you spend money there. All this tapdancing and avoidance and denial is just goofy.

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Odd, when I look at owl pictures, I don't think of female breasts. And yet when I drive past a Hooters sign...

You have not been paying attention, LM. Listen up. GB-UK, Chouchou, and LDSJewess have made it clear that it's your own filthy mind that equates Hooters owls with breasts. What, you think the Hooters people INTENTIONALLY made their owls' eyes to look like breasts, with the irises in the position of <insert favorite euphemism for areloa, a word far too sexually charged to say openly>?

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Ridiculous. It's your own perverted imagination. Shame on you, LM!

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You have not been paying attention, LM. Listen up. GB-UK, Chouchou, and LDSJewess have made it clear that it's your own filthy mind that equates Hooters owls with breasts. What, you think the Hooters people INTENTIONALLY made their owls' eyes to look like breasts, with the irises in the position of <insert favorite euphemism for areloa, a word far too sexually charged to say openly>?

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Ridiculous. It's your own perverted imagination. Shame on you, LM!

Looks like a crappy picture of an owl to me.

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