Salt Lake ranked #1 ?!?!


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While you're coming down this shocking learning curve, here's another doozy for you. I've been told by more than one reliable person, that various SSA groups and meetings run by or affiliated with the church, are a great place for active gay folks with an LDS background to hook up with each other.

Hope nobody is getting whiplash from this thread - but these are the facts on the ground.

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I'm surprised that SLC ranked number one but I'm not surprised that there's a big GLBT network up here. My nephew is an open gay man and I also have a friend, although he is heterosexual, who is a transvestite and will occasionally dress in drag downtown. So yes, there is a support system here for folks walking in their shoes and I'm glad that there is one.

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While you're coming down this shocking learning curve, here's another doozy for you. I've been told by more than one reliable person, that various SSA groups and meetings run by or affiliated with the church, are a great place for active gay folks with an LDS background to hook up with each other.

Hope nobody is getting whiplash from this thread - but these are the facts on the ground.

No surprise there....I would bet that many of our YSA's would say that YSA activities were a great way to hook up YM/YW combined activities....or at least meet.


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Sorry - I should define my terms. Hookup: Some Gay people will go to Mormon-run support groups for people suffering from same sex attraction, so that they can find other gay people to have sex with. They use our meetings as a sleazy singles bar. The exact opposite impact that the meetings are for.

(Or were you claiming that YSA YM/YW activities are also used in this way?)

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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I don't live there or even close for that matter, so I am curious as to if those of you who live there or close by see Salt Lake moving more this way?

U.S. News - Gayest US town? Surprise: It's Salt Lake City


Find this very hard to believe. SFO still must lead in this category. Try to go to a restaurant without a gay waitstaff in the City. Impossible.

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Find this very hard to believe. SFO still must lead in this category. Try to go to a restaurant without a gay waitstaff in the City. Impossible.

The ranking is not based exclusively on population. Were that the case, a number of cities would eclipse Salt Lake despite its growing and very active gay community. As has been pointed out the gay community in SLC is very supportive.

Interesting to note that the editor of The Advocate is from Salt Lake City...

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Sorry - I should define my terms. Hookup: Some Gay people will go to Mormon-run support groups for people suffering from same sex attraction, so that they can find other gay people to have sex with. They use our meetings as a sleazy singles bar. The exact opposite impact that the meetings are for.

(Or were you claiming that YSA YM/YW activities are also used in this way?)

I recall the term "meat market" being used a lot to describe the YSA ward. I knew someone that was only active (attended the ward) so he could hookup with girls. He was a pig but what do ya know, he sure picked up a lot of girls that way..
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Sorry - I should define my terms. Hookup: Some Gay people will go to Mormon-run support groups for people suffering from same sex attraction, so that they can find other gay people to have sex with. They use our meetings as a sleazy singles bar. The exact opposite impact that the meetings are for.

(Or were you claiming that YSA YM/YW activities are also used in this way?)

I wouldn't go so far as to say that all or even many of the YSA's YM/YW use their meetings this way....of course I wouldn't say all of even many of the SSA groups are using meetings this way, but I'm sure that some are, in all groups.


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My guess is there are a lot of gay couples who want to live a quiet suburban life, and SLC is ideal because it is conservative but not hateful as are other conservative religious communities. Also, Mormon families tend not to shun gay children, so fewer of them have the need to move away to be themselves, or come back after sowing their oats in San Francisco or some other "gay" city.

Edited by bytebear
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San Francisco is #18. I'm sure their algorithm for coming up with this "list" is truly a work of art.

Remember that it's ranking 'gayness' as a per capita. There may be a lot of gays in San Francisco, but there are a lot more people in San Francisco.

SLC: 3.35 million in the Urban and Metro areas

San Fran: 7.5 million in the Urban and Metro areas

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My guess is there are a lot of gay couples who want to live a quiet suburban life, and SLC is ideal because it is conservative but not hateful as are other conservative religious communities. Also, Mormon families tend not to shun gay children, so fewer of them have the need to move away to be themselves, or come back after sowing their oats in San Francisco or some other "gay" city.

I have to admit in my experience and in my talking with many gay mormons, the "tend not to shun gay children" hasn't been exactly a common experience.

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I have a hard time to believe there are "gay" children.

Though I do remember in 6th grade there was a girl who wore her hair like Elvis, and acted way more male than female. I understood that her parents were contentious and not what was "the usual" and she also claimed that she still believed in Claus, as she said anybody who didn't got a lot less presents. (manipulative?)

Anyway, she was not rejected for her actions. Oh, wait!!! I forgot-- I actually got in the ONLY fight I ever had with anyone in school, with her! We were playing a game (I forget the name, but it was somewhat like "Capture the Flag" but entailed dowels in a circle on each side, with a line the width of the playing field, where if you were captured (touched) you had to stay until someone from your team came and held hands with you as you ran together back to your side. It was a great game.)

Anyway, she was cheating. She had been captured and was supposed to stay behind the line till freed by someone on her team, but she didn't. She even pretended that she had the power to bring another prisoner out to freedom, and then she was captured again, but she again cheated and went and got one of my teams dowels (there were several-- not like just one flag) and ran to her side as if she had captured it legally.

I confronted her with her cheating, but she just got angry and said it didn't matter

(she didn't even deny it if I remember right?)

and I don't remember for sure but I think she began to push me, and we exchanged a couple of blows then the recess bell rang. (I wonder what would have happened if that bell hadn't rung? She was in my class and larger and stronger than me, but I was faster ;) (maybe that is why she defaulted to cheating, as I could easily tag her? )

So --- some of her actions were rejected-- at least by me. But not any that I recall having to do with her gender. I wish her well, where ever she is now. We all have our mountains to climb. God bless us, everyone! Gramajane

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