Where are we headed


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As a country - do you believe the USA is declining - politically, morally and as a country that is an example to other nations? If so - do you believe you personally can contribute anything to help turn things around? If you think you have something to offer, what can you do? If not, why?

The Traveler

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This has been weighing on my heart for some time. I love this Country and I love people. one of my favorite secret things to do when in public(honey do's at Walmart). Is to look people in the eyes and show them love with an unwarranted smile. I strike up conversations with strangers(at appropriate moments) and try to interject positive outlook feed back on the usually glum info the tell me. Why is it that almost EVERY stranger I talk too spills a sad story out to me?

Morally- It is slipping fast. our children are clueless. TV/Games are so corrupt. I listen and watch me teen agers FB page and hear them chatter in the halls after school. There is a huge distinct line between the children taught by Christians who are interactive with their kids and the kids who are raised by parents who love their own entertainment and thrills more than they value consecrated parenting.

Politically- I see Gigantic gap in the relationship between LDS people and the rest of the Christian people. They have been taught that we are as wacky as the scientologist's and other wacko's. I believe that is the main factor in Romney losing. The Preachers and Pastor's in our area made it crystal clear that we ARE NOT Christian's. In fact they taught people that LDS people Mock Jesus and the Atonement by Believing that only through the right WORK will Christ's offer of Grace be granted to enter heaven. That scares a lot of people with it's twisted version of the truth. I have heard so many crazy versions of why we are an evil man made religious cult that should NEVER be in charge of this Nation. I blame US for this mess(Good men doing nothing). How many of us actually know the people in our subdivision well enough to be turning they're names over to the missionaries?...........Crickets Chirping.............

YES I can make a difference,

It starts with some dude in walmart who has Tattoo's from his neck to his knuckles.

It start's with a dinner table and good food with that loud obnoxious family down the street who like to drink and work on cars.

Last but not least It start's with a BBQ with the Faithfull Nazarenes down the road who won't let their kids play with the scary Mormon kids..........You know who you are to others? Yes? well go fix it.

WE are the answer. Not some slick politician who just happens to share the same belief system that we do. People are scared to death of us. If you heard the talk that happens when you are not near you would be driven to teach the gospel because you would want to fight the lies Satan is spreading about CHRIST's TRUE GOSPEL. He is using ignorance to do it. Because he knows you are too chicken to stick up for CHRIST when it really counts. I don't know if any of you are aware of just how massive and convincing this anti-Mormon campaign really is. I actually know of two preachers here in Idaho who came together with a group of preachers during the presidential campaign to discuss what they could do to stop the Mormon's from unleashing their scary Mormon agenda on the world when Romney gains the most powerful seat in the world...so that's my lil rant. coming from a man who feels so small and week when he looks at the problems of the world and shutters, but feels useful and mighty when he get's off his rump and out of his comfort zone and reaches out and introduces people like the for mentioned to CHRIST's TRUTH. I hope I didn't let my ADD stray to far off the path.hahaha! PTL!!!

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Evangelical eschatology (end-times doctrine) anticipates that things will continue to degenerate. We do not expect to establish Zion prior to the 2nd coming. In fact, we expect to be rescued from the worst 7 years. Nevertheless, Jesus commanded us to be salt and light, so we engage in politics, and the wiser of our ministers and leaders join hands with LDS, Muslims, Jews, and others of traditional social persuasion, to stem the tide. We know it will ultimately come in, but we hope to spare the land, for the sake of the righteous, if only for a season or so.

Individually, redi2ride's counsel is solid--loving our neighbor--whether they be scary LDS or scary evangelicals. :-)

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I really wish I could have seen this joining hands you speak of. All I saw and heard was blasting the Mormons for their cultish ways. Scaring all of the Christians in the valley into throwing away their votes on someone who has no chance of winning. Leaving us with King Obama running ramped through the Constitution:disclaimer:. Way to go Boy's and girl's! You really showed us who's Church is the best.;) The continuous degrading of our society just got a fast forward this election do to insecurity and fear mongering and outright lies. The continued degrading is due to good men doing nothing being distracted by television shows and money making. The devil has us fighting amongst ourselves instead of fighting him. I call all listening to mend this problem. Not resign your efforts to complacency and shrugging off your duties in the spirit that "it's happening whether I want it to or not." :banghead:

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Here's what I think:

“Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love.” -Gandalf

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One time in prayer I asked, when will there be a coming togeather of all the scattered people who love you Lord. All I seem to know was, on the thrashing floor. When the wheat is on the thrashing floor then the hulls will be gotten off, the chaff will blow away.

Yes we can all do our part in the body.

Love never fails, and I know that the walmart story spoke to me too. I have seen those faces and felt compassion as I know others may have done for me.

It will wax worse and worse, then any light that shines will be very welcome.

Don't think they will ask your religion when push comes to shove.

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As a country - do you believe the USA is declining?

I don't know about "as a country", but we are certainly showing some signs of declining as an empire. The next 50 years promise to be pretty interesting. They have different opinions about why empires like Rome fell. The one that makes sense to me, is that they grow in complexity and specialization and shrink in common sense and sense of community, until they eventually collapse under the weight of their own inability to adapt. As they say, California leads the nation.

If so - do you believe you personally can contribute anything to help turn things around?

I'm doing everything I can to raise my kids to be moral, ethical, smart, capable, and independent, with a desire to contribute and leave places and people better than before. I'm also trying to teach them to be adaptable, so whatever changes come their way, they'll be able to handle.
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I wonder what kind of changes in our local communities and eventually Country would happen if we were brave enough to truly get out and share the Gospel with others that do have a faith they currently fallow. It might plant a seed in their hearts, it might clear up some of the crazy lies the local preacher is telling to steer his congregation clear of us, it might just end up helping us all find harmony and like mindedness. I do know that if your not a wacky fanatical that goes to far it can do nothing more than to cool the current environment.

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Evangelical eschatology (end-times doctrine) anticipates that things will continue to degenerate. We do not expect to establish Zion prior to the 2nd coming. In fact, we expect to be rescued from the worst 7 years. Nevertheless, Jesus commanded us to be salt and light, so we engage in politics, and the wiser of our ministers and leaders join hands with LDS, Muslims, Jews, and others of traditional social persuasion, to stem the tide. We know it will ultimately come in, but we hope to spare the land, for the sake of the righteous, if only for a season or so.

Individually, redi2ride's counsel is solid--loving our neighbor--whether they be scary LDS or scary evangelicals. :-)

Thank you for your response. When you say "the wiser of our ministers and leaders", I assume you also mean "inspired" and "enlightened" by G-d. In essence I find this opinion comforting and encouraging.

But I would like to ask a question concerning Evangelicals - Would you say that this "wiser" tide among you - is of a majority and growing? Or a minority and growing - something that is creating divisions or what?

The Traveler

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As a country - do you believe the USA is declining - politically, morally and as a country that is an example to other nations? If so - do you believe you personally can contribute anything to help turn things around? If you think you have something to offer, what can you do? If not, why?

The Traveler

Absolutely our country is declining and Moroni warned us about it when he abridged the book of Ether (Ether 8:22,23,24Â*) and why Mormon included the conflicts between the Nephites and the Lamanites and Gadianton Robbers. Personally speaking, I have been preparing myself for the future, studying the gospel and sharing my experiences in a blog that I write. Spencer W. Kimball once said:

"In spite of our delight in defining ourselves as modern, and our tendency to think we possess a sophistication that no people in the past ever had—in spite of these things, we are, on the whole, an idolatrous people—a condition most repugnant to the Lord.

We are a warlike people, easily distracted from our assignment of preparing for the coming of the Lord. When enemies rise up, we commit vast resources to the fabrication of gods of stone and steel—ships, planes, missiles, fortifications—and depend on them for protection and deliverance. When threatened, we become anti-enemy instead of pro-kingdom of God; we train a man in the art of war and call him a patriot, thus, in the manner of Satan’s counterfeit of true patriotism, perverting the Savior’s teaching:

“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

“That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.” (Matt. 5:44–45.)


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"In spite of our delight in defining ourselves as modern, and our tendency to think we possess a sophistication that no people in the past ever had—in spite of these things, we are, on the whole, an idolatrous people—a condition most repugnant to the Lord.

Also as a nation we are obsessed with lustful sex. I constantly see it in advertising. How many men and women in the United States are addicted to pornography?

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Also as a nation we are obsessed with lustful sex. I constantly see it in advertising. How many men and women in the United States are addicted to pornography?

It is a serious problem in our church as well, even among those who have been through the temple, having made covenants with the Lord, such as the covenant of chastity. It is no wonder, then, that the Lord declared that He will send a scourge, which will begin with us first.

D&C 112:24 Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord.

25 And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;

26 First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord.

Being unchaste, however, is not the only way we blaspheme against the Lord. There are many ways, as King Benjamin said, that we can sin against the Lord.

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I am wondering if others are seeing inner conflict with the idea that our society is getting worse and that it is all in spite of the fact that we may think personally something we can do would make anything better? I am beginning to think my contributions - though important perhaps to my personal development - really do not contribute anything meaningful - meaning will change any outcome?

If others are not benefiting - are we wasting our time and energy trying to set an example (a voice of reason) to make a difference? Or perhaps like the boy throwing star fish back in the ocean - at least it makes a difference with the shrinking minority that by what ever example maintains respect for values and morals?

The Traveler

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Absolutely it's declining. At 53 I've seen things change drastically before my eyes. The best thing I can do is help my own children develop strength for what they will encounter in the future, talk to them about how to stay strong and have them invite their friends who are waffling into our home to be loved and encouraged in the right direction.

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...If others are not benefiting - are we wasting our time and energy trying to set an example (a voice of reason) to make a difference? Or perhaps like the boy throwing star fish back in the ocean - at least it makes a difference with the shrinking minority that by what ever example maintains respect for values and morals?

The Traveler

I think that it can feel like that a lot Traveler. However, we should have hope and remember that when someone dies that is not necessarily the end of their chance to repent or come unto Christ. Therefore our efforts could in the end help save a soul.

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I wonder what kind of changes in our local communities and eventually Country would happen if we were brave enough to truly get out and share the Gospel with others that do have a faith they currently fallow. It might plant a seed in their hearts, it might clear up some of the crazy lies the local preacher is telling to steer his congregation clear of us, it might just end up helping us all find harmony and like mindedness. I do know that if your not a wacky fanatical that goes to far it can do nothing more than to cool the current environment.

I wonder your opinion on this. Do you beleive that 1) there are not many that are trying to do this? 2) Do you beleive that if every single LDS person were to do as you suggested the outcome would also be as you suggested? Stop people from preaching hate against us...etc..?

Granted, there are plenty of people that could get off their butts and do more... even LDS folk. But the feeling I get from your post is that we are all sitting around being cowards. And that if we stopped being cowards, the crazy lies will be held to a minimum.

I am a little confused at your last sentence. So should we all be "wacky fanaticals" ??

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Evangelical eschatology (end-times doctrine) anticipates that things will continue to degenerate. We do not expect to establish Zion prior to the 2nd coming. In fact, we expect to be rescued from the worst 7 years. Nevertheless, Jesus commanded us to be salt and light, so we engage in politics, and the wiser of our ministers and leaders join hands with LDS, Muslims, Jews, and others of traditional social persuasion, to stem the tide. We know it will ultimately come in, but we hope to spare the land, for the sake of the righteous, if only for a season or so.

Individually, redi2ride's counsel is solid--loving our neighbor--whether they be scary LDS or scary evangelicals. :-)

Hey PC not all evanglelicals are premill, my childhood church was largely amill, and although it has always made me an minority at many of the churches I have attended I have never been excluded for my views.

Where is America headed? Well for better or worse no nation can be Zion until Jesus himself is ruling. So I imagine that it somes ways it will get better and in other ways worse.

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I am wondering if others are seeing inner conflict with the idea that our society is getting worse and that it is all in spite of the fact that we may think personally something we can do would make anything better? I am beginning to think my contributions - though important perhaps to my personal development - really do not contribute anything meaningful - meaning will change any outcome?

If others are not benefiting - are we wasting our time and energy trying to set an example (a voice of reason) to make a difference? Or perhaps like the boy throwing star fish back in the ocean - at least it makes a difference with the shrinking minority that by what ever example maintains respect for values and morals?

The Traveler

Yes, I've felt the inner conflict. I often ask myself "what can I do?" and "Is there any way at all I can make a difference?"

The answers are yes and no. Prophesies must come to pass. Christ will come again. There is a lot that has to happen first and none of its good.

Then I listen to Conference and the Brethren and I realize there is a lot I can do. I need to be an example and force for good within my circle of influence. I need to continually pray and repent and do good to my fellow men (meaning family, neighbors, etc.) and I need to not be shy about talking about those funny Mormons and what we believe. None of this will stop the decline but it will make a difference... to me, to my family and to others within my circle of influence.

btw, have you read The Cleansing of America by Cleon Skousen?

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But I would like to ask a question concerning Evangelicals - Would you say that this "wiser" tide among you - is of a majority and growing? Or a minority and growing - something that is creating divisions or what?

The Traveler

I can only speak for my region--the Pacific Northwest. We're so focused on keeping our young people--especially the 20-40 year old age range that I hear almost nothing about cults, heretics, or unorthodox groups. One of our more influential ministers in the area pastors a large church, privately engages in traditional values voter activism, and he works quite extensively with LDS and other conservative groups. He recently met with one of the LDS apostles and came away with some interesting observations. The bottom line is that he was mildly optimistic about future relations getting better.

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When I was a little boy, I was told that people overseas admired us merely because we were American -- that America was a great beacon of liberty and hope to the rest of the world. When I served a mission to Europe in the early 1980s, I found this attitude to be still somewhat true, especially among the 40-and-older set. I don't think it's true any more; I think Americans are largely despised around much of the world. And in large part, I attribute that to two factors: (1) The decline of a perception of America's moral leadership in the world; and, (2) the widespread popularity and distribution of Hollywood's filth.

I will be the first to admit that I may be wrong and that my analysis is not based on detailed surveys, only on my impressions. But almost all foreigners I have met, in the US or outside, have strong (and very often negative) opinions on Hollywood products, and the majority have definite (and again, often negative) views of America and Americans. Many of these views are specious or downright ignorant, and many of them are due to a media even more corrupt than what we are saddled with in the US; but fair or not, that is how many people see Americans.

Admittedly, I'm not a foreign policy expert and I can't see the probable outcomes for actions we take, but if I were king for a year (or president for four), I would try to very greatly reduce our overseas presence and, in effect, become more self-sufficient and isolationist. Germany doesn't want us there any more? Let's close up the bases and leave. Japan doesn't want us? Same. Let's stay where we are welcome and leave every place else; I have no desire to spend billions of dollars just so that we can make enemies of former allies.

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