What’s the last movie you watched?


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Was THIS CLOSE to seeing Ender's Game but I started getting a lot of mixed reviews from family and friends. Some said it was okay, not as great as all the hype, and others said it was fantastic. Some also said you definitely need to read the book/s (my sister read them and loved the movie and highly recommended reading before viewing), and yeh, others were a bit lost.


So I went to see Hunger Games Catching Fire and we enjoyed it but it really was just a filler movie, and that drove us nuts. The beginning was oh so slow and a bit boring. It only got good I'd say towards the last half and then - BAM - it ended.

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And for this 4-day Thanksgiving Weekend we saw a lot of movies at the theater:

Ender's Game (for the 4th time)

- still as awesome as ever

The Book Thief

- it's a really good movie but it dragged. if you're not into WWII might not be worth a ticket and would be better to wait for DVD.


- this is wierd... my 2 boys and my husband liked it very much. I like it but not as much as Tangled or Brave. I can't tell you why my husband and kids loved it without spilling a giant spoiler...

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

- this was fun but not as good as the first one, I think.

Free Birds

- this was not as fun as it sounded. i thought it was dumb. my kids agreed even with the fun turkey fight. they still ate the turkey at thanksgiving dinner. lol. PETA types would enjoy this movie.


- Judi Dench is an awesome actress and she's at her best in this one! It seems really mismatched to have very intelligent Judi be a simple-minded lady but she surprised me greatly with Jane Eyre where she pulled it off without much ado and she did it here again as the lead character! And this is an awesome movie. It's a great change of pace from the animation and fantasy that was most of the weekend. Although, I cried my eyes out on this movie, it wasn't really depressing as Philomena is an engaging lady. There are a lot of disturbing Catholic things here, which a Catholic or the deeply religious might want to avoid as it can be really offensive (for example, the movie doesn't really explain that Catholic Nuns in Ireland back in the 50's helped single-mothers find adoptive parents for their babies to give them a fighting chance because the Irish culture at that time would have been hellish for both single mother and child... instead they portrayed Catholic nuns as cruel baby-snatchers that Philomena's insistence that she wasn't forced to give up her baby didn't quite undo) ... It's also anti-Republican and so Republicans might also find it offensive as one of the main characters is a Republican political figure that puts GOP in a bad light... but that's nothing new in Hollywood.

Catching Fire (for the 2nd time)

- this is not worth a second viewing but my brother wanted to see it.

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'John Carter' was on cable the other day. I'd never heard of it, but it was visually interesting. I actually stopped working on other stuff and paid attention to it. I understand it's based on Burroughs' 'Princess of Mars,' if people are familiar with that.

John carter of Mars did decent homage to the books.... but they tried to squish too many things into 1 movie. that being said it does a pretty good job at it. My biggest gripe with the movie is they did not do a good job of portraying JC as a southern military gentleman.

I highly recommend the books, worst thing about them is the covers, the occasional mention that no one wears clothes on mars.. and perhaps all the swordfighting type violence (but even that isn't very graphic). But if you like stories like tarzan, tereasure island, classics like those youll love the Burrough's warlord/princess of mars series.

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I wasn't a fan of John Carter, I think it was how the tried to portray his 'super-Earthling' strength will all the hopping around. There were other dissatisfactions but it has been long enough since I've seen it that the aforementioned issue is what I remember.

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- Judi Dench is an awesome actress and she's at her best in this one! It seems really mismatched to have very intelligent Judi be a simple-minded lady but she surprised me greatly with Jane Eyre where she pulled it off without much ado and she did it here again as the lead character! And this is an awesome movie. It's a great change of pace from the animation and fantasy that was most of the weekend. Although, I cried my eyes out on this movie, it wasn't really depressing as Philomena is an engaging lady. There are a lot of disturbing Catholic things here, which a Catholic or the deeply religious might want to avoid as it can be really offensive (for example, the movie doesn't really explain that Catholic Nuns in Ireland back in the 50's helped single-mothers find adoptive parents for their babies to give them a fighting chance because the Irish culture at that time would have been hellish for both single mother and child... instead they portrayed Catholic nuns as cruel baby-snatchers that Philomena's insistence that she wasn't forced to give up her baby didn't quite undo) ... It's also anti-Republican and so Republicans might also find it offensive as one of the main characters is a Republican political figure that puts GOP in a bad light... but that's nothing new in Hollywood...

I've seen the trailer for Philomena and it got my attention. I'd like to see this movie.


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'John Carter' was on cable the other day. I'd never heard of it, but it was visually interesting. I actually stopped working on other stuff and paid attention to it. I understand it's based on Burroughs' 'Princess of Mars,' if people are familiar with that.

A Princess of Mars -- fabulous pulp sci-fi from 100 years ago. The initial story spans the first three books; I'm currently reading #3 to Sister Vort. Don't look for Shakespearean writing, but it's a fun yarn. The movie was a disaster, though I admit the special effects were pretty impressive. But the titular (no pun intended) princess of Mars, The Incomparable® Dejah Thoris, is not a sword-fighter; John Carter is the sword-fighter. The Incomparable® Dejah Thoris is the indescribably beautiful, courageous, true, yet delicate object of John Carter's undying affection, constantly getting her pretty little head into mortal danger so that John Carter can manfully bail her out, all the while thanking her for the privilege.

Of course, it would be so deeply politically incorrect to tell such a story -- helpless women in peril, being rescued by doughty men? Unthinkable! -- that Disney would never be willing to do so. Which makes one wonder why they secured the rights to a story they didn't like.

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I wasn't a fan of John Carter, I think it was how the tried to portray his 'super-Earthling' strength will all the hopping around. There were other dissatisfactions but it has been long enough since I've seen it that the aforementioned issue is what I remember.

That was a big part of the books.

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That was a big part of the books.

One nice thing about a book is you are picturing things in your head so I can picture it to be less... 'New Star Wars' Yoda-like. I don't have an issue with an impressive vertical leap (Mars does have less gravity than Earth), but the flea on crack portrayal made me cringe. If the whole flea on crack portrayal is an integral part of the book I think it'd prevent me from enjoying the books fully.

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Just been to the cinema to see Gravity, was fun but a bit unbelievable.

That's the objective of fiction movies... how good a movie is in suspending reality. I thought Gravity did a great job of it.

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One nice thing about a book is you are picturing things in your head so I can picture it to be less... 'New Star Wars' Yoda-like. I don't have an issue with an impressive vertical leap (Mars does have less gravity than Earth), but the flea on crack portrayal made me cringe. If the whole flea on crack portrayal is an integral part of the book I think it'd prevent me from enjoying the books fully.

See for yourself. The first book isn't very long,

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- I really really really love this movie. It's so different nowadays with the professional players.

League of Their Own

- I love this movie too. "There's no crying in baseball!". LOL.

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That's the objective of fiction movies... how good a movie is in suspending reality. I thought Gravity did a great job of it.
Uhm, no it isn't. It's one of the dumbest Presidential Rescue movies ever made... just one scene out of the many stupid scenes: This police officer manages to rescue the President and they both get into this bulletproof car and they're driving around and around the White House yard and there's this military tank and other military stuff right outside the fence and.... the military can't get INSIDE the yard to protect the President??? Really???


Red Dawn remake. I was okay. The original was better. I think that sounds familiar. :lol:

Maximum Conviction. First Stepehn Segal movie I have seen in years. I didn't finish it, it was pretty poor.

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The art of suspension of reality requires that everything makes sense and is plausible. If in a movie set in World War II you have B2-Bombers bombing Nagasaki it would be too implausible that one's willingness to suspend reality gets interrupted. This is the exact same thing for military with tanks sitting outside the fence of the White House that can't rescue a President driving around the White House grounds.

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Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. I wish I had seen that on the big screen.

Now, the whiz-bang of this movie is so out of this world that you wonder... c'mon... that's just too implausible how can one be able to suspend reality that much? But we do because the movie is all about the implausibility of it (it's titlted Mission Impossible after all). But even in that universe, it still has to follow certain universallly recognizable laws of Physics and such because people have a certain tolerance for the impossible.

I don't like Tom Cruise but I do like all the Mission Impossible movies and Ghost Protocol is one of the best. The blue is glue and red is dead acrobatic scene is so much fun.

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I was not the one who had any problems suspending belief to be entertained by a movie.

I know. I was trying to use Ghost Protocol as an example of what I meant about the art of suspending reality from the previous post.

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Pitch Perfect. Again. For the upteenth time.

Really? Why? I just watched it for the first time last week and was bored to tears. The singing was good, but the story and acting was ick. And I just don't think Rebel Wilson is funny. I've never enjoyed buffoonery or slapstick comedy and she is more slapstick than actual comedy, IMO.

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