Christians objecting (and defending) Indiana temple


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This article came across my computer today:

That some would put forth efforts to "educate" open house visitors of the "truths" of Mormonism does not surprise me. I think what surprised me about this article was that, instead of LDS leadership defending us, it was other, local, Christian leaders/pastors objecting to Tri-Grace Ministries methods.

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If my Mormon brother says he's a Christian, I'll accept his word at that," Duckworth said. "We might disagree in theology or have differences in opinion about what core tenets of Christianity are. But I'm not going to deny him the right to call himself what he or she in their faith believe they are.
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I note that the article being referred to comes from a newspaper that serves the communities of Carmel, where the temple will be built, as well as Westfield and Zionsville. So its true - the church is finally building a temple in Zion! :)

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When the St Louis temple had their open house years ago ... We had protesters outside in front ....protesters probally isn't the word I should use .....I meant anti Mormon types. The temple President got into his car and drove down to them and said ... Come on its hot out here ... Let's go to lunch. He bought there lunch.

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OK, I repent. I have heard of Kansas city. Just not in the context of Zion ;)  


From the guide to the scriptures on'll just leave this here ;) Mostly kidding, of course.


"The pure in heart (D&C 97:21). Zion also means a place where the pure in heart live. The city built by Enoch and his people that was eventually taken to heaven because of righteousness was named Zion (D&C 38:4Moses 7:18–21, 69). In the latter-days a city named Zion will be built near Jackson County, Missouri (United States of America), to which the tribes of Israel will gather (D&C 103:11–22133:18). The Saints are counseled to build up Zion wherever they are living in the world."

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From the guide to the scriptures on'll just leave this here ;) Mostly kidding, of course.


"The pure in heart (D&C 97:21). Zion also means a place where the pure in heart live. The city built by Enoch and his people that was eventually taken to heaven because of righteousness was named Zion (D&C 38:4Moses 7:18–21, 69). In the latter-days a city named Zion will be built near Jackson County, Missouri (United States of America), to which the tribes of Israel will gather (D&C 103:11–22133:18). The Saints are counseled to build up Zion wherever they are living in the world."


you've got the real estate, we've got the pure in heart, lets get together and work this thing out -  after “The western boundries of the State of Missouri will be swept so clean of its inhabitants that, as President Young tells us, when we return to that place, ‘There will not be left so much as a yellow dog to wag his tail.’” (Prophetic Sayings of Heber C. Kimball to Sister Amanda H. Wilcox, n.p., n.d., p. 6.) [totally kidding of course]  :)   :D 

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In the latter-days a city named Zion will be built near Jackson County, Missouri (United States of America), to which the tribes of Israel will gather (D&C 103:11–22133:18). The Saints are counseled to build up Zion wherever they are living in the world.


I've been told by a reliable source that this was a transcription error.  It has recently been corrected to "will be built near Atlanta, Georgia". 

Edited by cdowis
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I've been told by a reliable source that this was a transcription error.  It has recently been corrected to "will be built near Atlanta, Georgia". 


I don't think so.

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