Best Post-Election Reaction


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I was hanging out in my various eclectic places online on the day after the election, gathering reactions from terrified people:


Been watching online for indications of violence. Seen four things so far:
1- Lots and lots and lots of genuine fear and anxiety from lefties, LGBT, immigrants - worried about bad things that are going to happen to them. Reports of crying schoolchildren, expecting to be arrested. Stuff like that.
2- My anarchist buddy Greg liked a meme of dudes wearing bandannas around their faces with the caption "Hey liberals, can we riot yet?"
3- This account from a mom I know online: "My son just texted me that some guy tried to beat him up at school this morning because he wore his Make America Great Again cap. His jiu-jitsu skills came in handy once again (can't say enough about the advantages of martial arts training for kids). What makes it the best post election reaction? The school administration defended my son and did not issue him a suspension as is the expected outcome of this newfangled zero-tolerance school policy... where attacker and defender both get equal suspension."
4- Saw a link to a news story claiming patrons of a gay bar had been threatened with violence.




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Guest MormonGator
19 minutes ago, Vort said:

Wow. I used to have a great deal of respect for Josh Weed. I felt most of that esteem drain from me while reading his self-righteous nonsense. I am left feeling foolish that I was ever taken in by such a charlatan.

The name Josh Weed sounds vaguely familiar to me but I don't know him. Just judging from the FB post on this thread I think he means well and his heart is in the right place but is misguided and overreacting. We all did on election night. Some of us out of joy, some of us out of fear. 

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27 minutes ago, Vort said:

Wow. I used to have a great deal of respect for Josh Weed. I felt most of that esteem drain from me while reading his self-righteous nonsense. I am left feeling foolish that I was ever taken in by such a charlatan.

Josh Weed among a lot of people - especially a lot of Mormons - were simply caught up in the vicious rhetoric of the left and establishment right with the help of the media.  If you think about how the election cycle started, the very hour that Trump announced his candidacy it became full-on press attacks viciously painting him as this joke.  There was no recourse - even places like Fox News and highly esteemed conservative voices like the National Review were viciously attacking him.  It is, therefore, completely understandable how good people would fear Trump as this racist, sexist, homophobe deprived of anything moral that these rhetoric painted him as.  It is very far from the truth and the campaign was difficult for those who personally knew him.  Many people listened to the media and did not really listen to Trump himself especially because Trump insisted on running without the filters of political analysts and scrubbers and it is a shocking change from what is "normal political discourse".

A lot of people, though, heard Trump.  They heard his sincere message through the very thick political attacks and Trump fighting back with the same viciousness - it was the only way he could have won against them.

So yes, I do understand why people fear him.  I don't blame them.  I blame the political establishment and the media that is simply an extension of the political campaign instead of the neutral observer.   I am hopeful that people like Josh Weed will one day realize that Trump did not run on the backs of the minorities but that he sees them all simply as Americans - no demographic identities to separate them - and that his message of prosperity includes all of them.  He could care less what bathroom you choose to use, he simply cares that you have a job and that the rule of law is respected and protected.  The break-neck speed of the implementation of the Trump agenda will shake up Washington.  And that will be a good thing for everyone - minorities and majorities alike - as we bring the government back to a working and efficient organization.  The media is also getting shook up.  They are now exposed as the campaign arm of political parties and a lot of people have become wise to their gimmicks.  REAL transparency, as opposed to house-of-cards narratives may someday prevail again.  This is our hope.

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Yep - Josh Weed sort of surprised me too.  He might have surprised himself with that massive rant.  

But I can speak from firsthand experience, the USA had many people experiencing genuine anxiety, fear, dread, panic attacks, loss of sleep, teary terror, and the like.   I was sitting in a facebook group for fans of the broadway play Hamilton.  Half of them were panicking about getting deported, the other half were hearing noises outside that might have been jackbooted government thugs gonna electroshock the gay out of them.  I am not exaggerating.  I told one of the transgendered folk he/she could come hide out at my house and I'd protect them with my white male privilege, and the offer actually seemed to help calm some folks down.

I'm more interested in the causes of all this nonsense, than I am in thinking harshly of those who seem to be in it's clutches.  Media, educators, and government have done a doozy on lots of our fellow Americans. 

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3 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

The name Josh Weed sounds vaguely familiar to me but I don't know him. Just judging from the FB post on this thread I think he means well and his heart is in the right place but is misguided and overreacting. We all did on election night. Some of us out of joy, some of us out of fear. 

Josh is the openly gay Mormon who has been blogging about how it's possible to be both.  He's been an executive secretary, and he's also a licensed therapist of some sort.

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Guest MormonGator
7 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Josh is the openly gay Mormon who has been blogging about how it's possible to be both.  He's been an executive secretary, and he's also a licensed therapist of some sort.

Intersting. Thanks. 

This election has brought out the worst in all of us. Of course I include myself in that. 

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For the last 8+ years those of us of with a Conservative Religious focus have watched as the government has become more hostile to our hopes, dreams, businesses, freedoms, and rights...   So yes I can understand a certain amount of fear about what the government might do to a person and their loved loves


During those 8+ years many of those who are crying and afraid now... Celebrated the attacks on me (and those like me), and encouraged the government to do even more.

Now the weaponized government that they thought was a good tool for them to use because they thought the ones in control where their friends and allies.... has been taken away and put in the hands of someone that is not friendly to their ideas and values...  Hopefully... now they see their folly and realize their whole approach was wrong...  But I doubt it.


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21 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Intersting. Thanks. 

This election has brought out the worst in all of us. Of course I include myself in that. 

Gator, from what I've seen of your online behaviour, I'm guessing that the worst of you would be giving someone a small smile as opposed to a warm embrace.

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31 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I'm more interested in the causes of all this nonsense, than I am in thinking harshly of those who seem to be in it's clutches.  Media, educators, and government have done a doozy on lots of our fellow Americans. 

The campaign is over.  There is lesser need for Trump to viciously fight back like an alley cat.  Everyday Trump proves he is not who these people painted him to be.  His Thank You rallies is a sight to behold.  You have this extremely confident guy with a healthy dose of ego and can-do-bluster hold a post-election rally that has the exact same braggadocio but you come out of it with a feeling of Trump-humility.  He's about the only person I know who expresses humility in braggadocio and it connects.  I mean... he runs through narrating the last few hours of election night telling people how he won this and he won that... and he does it in such a blustery way but at the exact same time, he expresses sincere gratitude and humility - not just through his words, but through this personal connection in which he talks to thousands of people like he is talking to them individually in their lounge chair and talks to them as the wizards that made it all happen for him.  This is quintessential Trump - he pulls it off because it is what he feels.  It's not manufactured from some grand political strategy.

So, the result of this - you see the media spin so desperately on the Russian hacking and everything else and it doesn't have an effect on Trump.  Rather, it has an effect on Obama who is the sitting President with people asking why he didn't do anything about it as President... then you get things like the FLOTUS getting roasted by Trump supporters for her "hope" interview and because there's no need for Trump to "vanquish the foe", he now chooses magnanimity and leads his supporters into cutting the FLOTUS some slack.

He is showing he has no interest in putting a guy on his cabinet because it will vacate a Democrat seat in the Senate from a State that has a high chance of putting a Republican on the Senate to replace the vacant seat increasing the Republican majority.  No, he is not interested in that.  Rather, he is interested in finding the best guy with the exact qualifications and convictions that he needs for the job.  Everyday is a reaffirmation that we are not about playing political games anymore.  We are about getting the job done.

This will eventually resonate not only to the people who believed this about Trump through the campaign season.  This will eventually spread to those Never Trumpers including liberals.  And eventually, this will start to change the culture of division in identity politics and start the culture of One America.


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41 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I'm more interested in the causes of all this nonsense...

The cause is pretty simple.  We expect people to act like we act.  Liberals have had 8 years of increasing taxes on conservatives, forcing them into activities they did not wish to be a part of, using the strong arm of government to harass conservatives, deny them certain governmental privileges, oppressing coservative students at univerities through the power of the professors' grades.  Meanwhile they've granted boons from government to the leeches and rioters.  They allowed anti-police riots -- even giving them extra room to plunder and vandalize because they valued their "free speech" above the property rights of those being harmed by such activity.  Police have been fired or forced to resign because the race card was encouraged even when completely unwarranted.  Conservatives are fined, sued, beaten, and imprisoned because they fly an American flag on their car or home -- or in some instances simply wore a T-shirt with the flag on it.

Now that a President is elected that will not allow any of that (their understanding) then obviously the opposite will happen.  The "obviously opposite" is what they fear because they think that conservatives will now treat them just as unfairly as they've been treating us for 8 years.

The truth is that we have been treated that way for far longer even when a conservative was in office.  And society will continue to put the screws on conservative thought and activity regardless of who is in the Oval Office.

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Guest MormonGator
14 minutes ago, askandanswer said:

Gator, from what I've seen of your online behaviour, I'm guessing that the worst of you would be giving someone a small smile as opposed to a warm embrace.

 Very sweet of you to say, thank you. Sadly, I am human-with all the flaws and weaknesses that comes with it. 

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, zil said:

WHAT!!!!?  :eek:  You're not a gator!?  Lies!  Deception!  Betrayal!  All this time he was trying to pass himself off as a gator and he's....HUMAN!  :scared.scared:

You are right.  I've been living a lie. I am not an anthropomorphic gator. 

I am a polygamist though. That part is true. 

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29 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

 Police have been fired or forced to resign because the race card was encouraged even when completely unwarranted.  Conservatives are fined, sued, beaten, and imprisoned because they fly an American flag on their car or home -- or in some instances simply wore a T-shirt with the flag on it.

You mean like this?

Flying a flag that is the heritage of the South.

How did this happen? The Left has been very good at controlling language and messaging for a lot longer than most of us have been alive.  The words for homosexual used to be completely different then the Left co-opted "gay".  Gay means happy, joyful and the Left co-opted it for homosexual-i.e. the subliminal connotation is that to be homosexual is to be happy.

Changing the plain meaning of words is very problematic; my favorite is the "Evacuation" of the Jews from Germany.

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19 minutes ago, zil said:

WHAT!!!!?  :eek:  You're not a gator!?  Lies!  Deception!  Betrayal!  All this time he was trying to pass himself off as a gator and he's....HUMAN!  :scared.scared:

Does that mean you're leaving the compound?

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, zil said:

Why would I do that?  I'm not done diverting investing funds into from my Cayman account...


2 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Yeah, but after that.

And you know I can't contact the securities and exchanges commission. After all, polygamy is still illegal in the sunshine state. 

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3 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Is that like a bridge?

Well, there's a wall, and you can walk along the top of it, and it would be awfully easy to install a moat around said wall, so it would feel like a bridge, kinda.  I'd recommend gators for the moat, but I'm fresh out, apparently...

2 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

And you know I can't contact the securities and exchanges commission. After all, polygamy is still illegal in the sunshine state. 

Don't worry, if you're a good human, I'll let you live on my new compound in the Caymans... :)

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