UVU asks professors to report non-inclusive student speech to Behavior Assessment Team


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Is Red State Utah trying to prove it's a kind, loving, safe place too?  :wub:  


Look for the September 12, 2017 article by Andrew Johnson, in The Higher Education Bubble section.


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I don't understand this. The letter says nothing at all about "non-inclusive behavior". The thing that puts people's knickers in a knot is the mention of reporting "Using inappropriate language (vulgar or sexual)" and "Concerning email, social media, paper, or communication through CANVAS". I don't know what the last one means, but the first one, about vulgar or sexual language, I happen to agree with. Students should be expected to show common courtesy in speech, including avoiding the use of vulgarity and sexual innuendo. No one would bat an eye at the mention of racist speech; I don't see this as any different.

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Guest MormonGator

This might shock you @prisonchaplain but I'm with you. I think that academia not only tilts leftward, but does their best to quash any view that is not exactly what they think. It's chilling, and it's absolutely disgusting. 

There is a big difference between a liberal and a leftist. 75% of professors are liberal. 24.9% are leftists. The rest are agnostic about politics. There are no conservatives in the humanities. None. Zero. In 30,000 colleges in the United States, there might be one conservative English professor. Maybe. I'd like to meet that one person.  Economics tends to have the most conservatives in the field because, well, if you understand basic economics you lean slightly to the right automatically. 

 My professors in college were all liberals but they kept high academic standards and were fair and balanced when it came to students. They didn't care what your politics were as long as you did your work. Now, more professors are leftists and they'll shoot their mouth off in class, punish you for speaking out, and are much harder on all students that don't vomit out what the professors themselves believe. It's a war zone in there. 

Very depressing. 

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27 minutes ago, Vort said:

I don't understand this. The letter says nothing at all about "non-inclusive behavior". The thing that puts people's knickers in a knot is the mention of reporting "Using inappropriate language (vulgar or sexual)" and "Concerning email, social media, paper, or communication through CANVAS". I don't know what the last one means, but the first one, about vulgar or sexual language, I happen to agree with. Students should be expected to show common courtesy in speech, including avoiding the use of vulgarity and sexual innuendo. No one would bat an eye at the mention of racist speech; I don't see this as any different.

And that falls under the section "Disruptive Behaviors: Behaviors that interfere with normal work/academic process". If this is detailing non-work/academic social media or email I could see it as overreach, but it doesn't sound like that's the case.

The concerning part was this:


The professor who provided the memo to The Fix said it was distributed one day after an administrator told faculty at a back-to-school meeting that if they heard a statement that made Utah Valley University seem “less inclusive,” that statement should also be reported to the Behavior Assessment Team.

There may be something here, but there may not. We have an anonymous source sharing this phrase that may or may not have actually been said or intended in the way it's getting picked up.

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@mordorbund posted what I considered the smoking gun. "Less inclusive," in today's environment would include anything that made non-majority groups and females feel less-than-included. For example, "Make America Great Again," might trigger. "Enforce immigration laws?" "All Lives or Blue Lives Matter?" I could go on. Five years ago I would not say this. I would agree that it's a matter of interpretation and say, "We'll see." BUT, we have seen! Colleges and high schools are restricting conservative and moderate speech. For administrators to tell faculty to report on students engaged in "less inclusive" language is a clarion call to stifle conservative speech and thought...in my humble opinion, of course.


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13 hours ago, MormonGator said:

This might shock you @prisonchaplain but I'm with you. I think that academia not only tilts leftward, but does their best to quash any view that is not exactly what they think. It's chilling, and it's absolutely disgusting. 

There is a big difference between a liberal and a leftist. 75% of professors are liberal. 24.9% are leftists. The rest are agnostic about politics. There are no conservatives in the humanities. None. Zero. In 30,000 colleges in the United States, there might be one conservative English professor. Maybe. I'd like to meet that one person.  Economics tends to have the most conservatives in the field because, well, if you understand basic economics you lean slightly to the right automatically. 

 My professors in college were all liberals but they kept high academic standards and were fair and balanced when it came to students. They didn't care what your politics were as long as you did your work. Now, more professors are leftists and they'll shoot their mouth off in class, punish you for speaking out, and are much harder on all students that don't vomit out what the professors themselves believe. It's a war zone in there. 

Very depressing. 

Are you guys talking about me?

I get this strange tickling behind my left ear sometimes when that happens, and a strange sensation, as if a buzzing of butterfly wings were trying to attach themselves to my anterior nasal cavities.

Very Odd.

I have actually stated I was leftist/liberal on these very forums, at least compared to many here! (though I'd say comparatively I'm more conservative than many as well).

I'm not sure that I would say everything stated in the thread applies to me though.


Then again, maybe I'm part of the illuminati's mysterious gestapo hippies that are out to brainwash your youth.


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@JohnsonJones Hmmm...was that you we saw waving an "I'm woke and more liberal than you are!" sign, while I was touring my daughters at Evergreen State College???

In all seriousness, higher education is terrible today. I went to a school that was fairly liberal as Christian colleges go (24-hour visitation rights in the dorms--back in the 1980s). The students were about 2/3rds for Reagan, while the faculty were about 1/3. The stuff my politically conservative club did (posters, flyers, debates, editorials, video showings) would have gotten us sanctioned and disciplined in today's environment. Surely, putting flyers in every mailbox supporting the Contras would have been perceived as "triggering" behavior, and an invasion of students' personal space. My editorials would have been labeled sexist, racist, bigoted. The student council probably would have defunded the paper and disenfranchised our club.  AND, to be honest, some of what I said and wrote, and a few of our choices were foolish.  BUT, isn't that part of being in college?  We play with ideas, toss them about, wrestle, debate, engage in silly antics--and then learn. Today, anyone to the right of Sanders learns to keep their heads down and mouths shut--especially if they are not part of a protected non-majority group. Then they leave college have learned nothing about government and civics, and we get the kind of election we recently had.

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I disagree with the state of higher education, but I suppose I would be biased.

On the otherhand, some things make you scratch your head, such as the recent news of Harvard getting Spicer and Manning as fellows.  I can't see any good coming out of that.  I don't think Manning even got an undergraduate, much less accomplished much except for treason and getting some of our military killed.

Let the individual live out their life, but this seems absurd to give them a position as a fellow, especially at some place like Harvard.  Who knows, maybe this means that Harvard's respect will fall and make way for almost everyone else to move up the college rankings.

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Guest MormonGator
On 9/14/2017 at 2:41 AM, JohnsonJones said:

I have actually stated I was leftist/liberal on these very forums, at least compared to many here!

Some people here :: cough cough :: @Vort, @mirkwood, @Carborendum are so vehemently to the right that they think anyone to the slight left of Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh is a communist. 

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11 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Some people here :: cough cough :: @Vort, @mirkwood, @Carborendum are so vehemently to the right that they think anyone to the slight left of Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh is a communist. 

There's a reason we have a hymn called "Choose the Right."

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25 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Some people here :: cough cough :: @Vort, @mirkwood, @Carborendum are so vehemently to the right that they think anyone to the slight left of Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh is a communist. 

Sounds like something a commi would say

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I resigned myself from being a Republican many years ago, when I was in my 20’s and involved in a local (Utah) political campaign.  I am convinced that the Republican Party is deliberately involved in criminal and even treasonable activity.   While I was working for the Defense Department (D.C. area) I was contacted by a White House staffer that I knew from high school.  There is something in politics that seems to turn very good people into something with varying amounts of rottenness that would not otherwise be.

It is my personal belief that our political parties (both Republican and Democrat) are heavily infiltrated by “secret combinations” that includes lawyers and judges more versed in “Priest Crafts” than in standards of liberty.  And for @prisonchaplain– I am convinced that anything that is not taught by and through the Holy Spirit will eventually be dominated by discerptions and lies.   Those that seek secular education (especially institutions that delight in denigrating individual Religious thought) outside of the spirit will not be lead to truth and that the more they are influenced by such education the farther from diving enlightenment they will find themselves.

In short – I believe that the United States of America will, at the coming of Christ, be gathered with the chaff (not the wheat) and burned (will not remain).   


The Traveler

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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, Traveler said:

I resigned myself from being a Republican many years ago, when I was in my 20’s and involved in a local (Utah) political campaign.  I am convinced that the Republican Party is deliberately involved in criminal and even treasonable activity.   While I was working for the Defense Department (D.C. area) I was contacted by a White House staffer that I knew from high school.  There is something in politics that seems to turn very good people into something with varying amounts of rottenness that would not otherwise be.

It is my personal belief that our political parties (both Republican and Democrat) are heavily infiltrated by “secret combinations” that includes lawyers and judges more versed in “Priest Crafts” than in standards of liberty.  And for @prisonchaplain– I am convinced that anything that is not taught by and through the Holy Spirit will eventually be dominated by discerptions and lies.   Those that seek secular education (especially institutions that delight in denigrating individual Religious thought) outside of the spirit will not be lead to truth and that the more they are influenced by such education the farther from diving enlightenment they will find themselves.

In short – I believe that the United States of America will, at the coming of Christ, be gathered with the chaff (not the wheat) and burned (will not remain).   


The Traveler

I'm still a registered republican. I voted for Romney in 2012 in the general. 

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I have long given up voting for anyone – my votes are resigned to keeping the greater of two evils from office – to minimize the damage.  BTW – I usually see the incumbent as the greater of possible evils.  Two things we must have to remove evil politics from politics.

#1. Do not allow any non-voting entity to contribute any money to any campaign.

#2. Replace the current seniority system in congress with the higher seniority based on the highest % of positive votes for the candidate against total registered voters.   

Some minor ideas.

1. Give education back to the states.

2. Require everyone to pay a minimum tax to be a citizen amount even if they did not make a dime.  Also, require taxes be paid on government subsidies.

3. Require all elected officials to make all house hold earnings public and subject to audit.

4. Do not pay elected officials more than a stipend – provide housing, meals, medical and other benefits (equal to military benefits).  Give elected officials the opportunity to serve.


The Traveler

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3 hours ago, Traveler said:

I believe that the United States of America will, at the coming of Christ, be gathered with the chaff (not the wheat) and burned (will not remain).   


The Traveler

What do you mean? Like the continent? The ideology? The politicians? The people?

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On ‎9‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 5:53 PM, Fether said:

What do you mean? Like the continent? The ideology? The politicians? The people?

The laws (justice) as officially and consistently upheld by our courts (judges) and clarified by the country’s elected officials.  .


The Traveler

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