Next Apostle?


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L Whitney Clayton


Zwick is gone (which doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t be called).

... he was the scariest general authority i had ever met. He was absolutely ruthless when he came to my mission. He stayed for like 6 months and by the time he left, everyone despised him. He forced our mission president to change a TON of stuff (many of the things he changes went against the missionary handbook of instruction). 4 months after he left, Elder Christofferson came and said that this mission belonged to our MP so if he didn’t like the changes, he didn’t have to keep them... so needless to say we went back to the old way x)

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I’m gonna suggest Christoffel Golden.  Because it would be so satisfying to say “Well, progressive Mormons, you got your South African apostle” and watch their heads explode as they catch themselves saying “But . . . but . . . He’s the wrong color of South African!”

(I know, I’m evil.  Don’t judge me!)

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Guest MormonGator
On 3/28/2018 at 9:49 AM, P_Day said:


I met him at a stake conference in NH. He called LG and I up in front of everyone. Afterwards we spoke for a few minutes. Super nice guy (and I'm sure they all are!) 

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On 10/11/2017 at 3:29 PM, Maureen said:

I'm going to put my non-LDS prophetess abilities to the test and say the next apostle called will be 60ish, a white male and from Utah. ?

I am a flawed and sinful man, with mortal failings.  I openly admit that when I heard the names "Gong" and "Suares", my first thought was not worthy of a disciple of Christ.  It was "in your face, Maureen!"

Additionally, I know I should be ashamed, but honestly, I'm not, at least not right now.   Perhaps I can drum up a drop of humble righteousness later, but not today.


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Update: My half-sincere effort at genuine repentance fell flat on it's face, when I heard Elder Ecohawk was going to give the invocation.  I mean, it's like our church designed a General Conference just to send a personal message to folks who think the current racial makeup of my church is problematic somehow.

Initial unsourced internet claim:

Elder Gong is apparently of Chinese descent and was born in California. Educated at BYU.
Elder Soares is apparently Brazilian and born in Sao Paulo. Educated in Sao Paulo University.
Both were apparently seventies.

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On 31/03/2018 at 10:19 AM, NeuroTypical said:

I am a flawed and sinful man, with mortal failings.  I openly admit that when I heard the names "Gong" and "Suares", my first thought was not worthy of a disciple of Christ.  It was "in your face, Maureen!"

Additionally, I know I should be ashamed, but honestly, I'm not, at least not right now.   Perhaps I can drum up a drop of humble righteousness later, but not today.

Look at that, I was wrong. BTW, his name is spelled Soares.


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WOW!  Look at Elder Gong's resume.  Amazing.

3 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Update: My half-sincere effort at genuine repentance fell flat on it's face, when I heard Elder Ecohawk was going to give the invocation.  I mean, it's like our church designed a General Conference just to send a personal message to folks who think the current racial makeup of my church is problematic somehow.

Well, I'll let myself not be so disappointed that the Lord appointed a man of Chinese decent over a Korean.

No matter who is appointed, it will not satisfy detractors.  There's always something to complain about.

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8 hours ago, Carborendum said:

Well, I'll let myself not be so disappointed that the Lord appointed a man of Chinese decent over a Korean.

No matter who is appointed, it will not satisfy detractors.  There's always something to complain about.

Well, I'll let myself not be so disappointed that the Lord appointed a man of Chinese decent over a Korean.


No matter who is appointed, it will not satisfy detractors.  There's always something to complain about.

Sadly, this is all too true.

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Ah, was too late to return to comment on my updated thoughts on those who were being chosen.  Greatly glad that it is Elder Gong and Elder Soares.  They both have things that will be of exceptional help to the church in ways that only they as apostles could be.  I think people will be able to see the hand of the Lord in their appointments in the coming years.

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Very funny comment from Dan Peterson on the reactions of anti’s to our new apostles:

Over the past day or so, I’ve watched reactions to the call to the apostleship of Elders Gerrit Gong and Ulisses Soares.  Previously, many on these sites have mocked and derided and denounced the Church for its failure to include a Latin American or some other non-Caucasian in the Twelve.  And, in the days immediately leading up to General Conference, these folks had been confidently predicting the choice of certain (absolutely worthy but) Utah-born white guys to fill the two apostolic vacancies.  In fact, they were already denouncing the Church based upon their assurance that the new appointees would be more of the same.


They were wrong, of course.  But they haven’t missed a beat.  (“Often wrong,” goes the saying, “but never in doubt.”)


Elder Soares is really a European Brazilian, they’re saying, not a genuine Latino.  His skin is too white.  So he doesn’t count.  Elder Gong’s ancestors came to the United States too early, so he’s really just another predictable American.  His Asian roots and appearance and his extensive experience in Asia itself are irrelevant.  He’s too well-educated.  Why aren’t these new apostles poor fishermen, like those chosen by the mortal Christ?  They’re too old.  So they’re out of touch.  There should be younger apostles — in their twenties, or at least in their thirties.  Old people just don’t get it, and Elders Gong and Soares are old.  And, anyway, the Church should have been appointing ethnic-minority apostles years before.  Church leaders are desperate.  But it’s too late.

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One thing I note is that the church didn't select these men because of their cultural and ethnicity, nor were they picked on the color of their skin or their ancestry.   They were chosen by the Lord to fill a very real global need as the church expands into South America and Asia.  They were the right people for the right job.  Just read their resumes, and see what their strengths are, and it's pretty clear why they are where they are.  And it has nothing to do with ethnic diversity within the hierarchy.

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26 minutes ago, bytebear said:

One thing I note is that the church didn't select these men because of their cultural and ethnicity, nor were they picked on the color of their skin or their ancestry.   They were chosen by the Lord to fill a very real global need as the church expands into South America and Asia.  They were the right people for the right job.  Just read their resumes, and see what their strengths are, and it's pretty clear why they are where they are.  And it has nothing to do with ethnic diversity within the hierarchy.

Oh!  Come On!  We all know how much the Mormon Church bows down to the whims of society.  Whenever anyone in the Church complains about anything, the hierarchy immediately jumps to make accommodations to placate them.

Oh, wait.  They don't.  My bad.

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On April 2, 2018 at 9:11 AM, anatess2 said:

I'm sick and tired of complaining that there's always something to complain about. :D


Can I tape this up on my locker at work?


Bonus fact: Elder Gong was called to be an Apostle on Easter (2018), and was also called to be a 70 on Easter (2010).

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