CNN spin on the LGBT policy change


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14 minutes ago, unixknight said:

Oh look.  The most busted name in news wrote an article with a bunch of factual errors, distortions and a negative spin.  How shall I ever contain my shock?

Yes but there are some who take CNN as the gospel truth and will be badly misinformed. SMH!!

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4 minutes ago, carlimac said:

Yes but there are some who take CNN as the gospel truth and will be badly misinformed. SMH!!

True, but I suspect the majority of people who think CNN is reliable and honest either don't care about the Church either way, or have an axe to  grind against it anyway.

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1 hour ago, carlimac said:

Has anyone seen this? I know we are to consider the source but this is nuts!   " Don't ask, don't tell"   Really???


And the Criminal News Network continues their twisting of the truth. Are you surprised that it is so often called "Fake News?"

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41 minutes ago, SpiritDragon said:

Do we have a factual narrative from the Mormon Newsroom? I'm curious to know what has actually been said by the Church on the matter.

Here you go

Edited by Midwest LDS
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Ok, please someone start listing the factual errors in the story.   While there is some opinion in this article, what was Wrong?

Sorry, I’m struggling with the whole idea of spending millions on “Meet the Mormons” and the “I’m a Mormon” campaign, to flip and suddenly the Mormon label is offensive to God.    I’m struggling with reversal of the baptism of LGBTQAXYZ’s kids with the now we can.   The fact that heteral and homo marriages will be treated equally when it comes to transgressions.....

Why leave out kids of polygamists?   Why no longer consider homosexuality being apostate?  I believe the church is moving towards acceptance of homosexual marriage, and IT WILL in order to maintain tax exempt status.   

I will be praying and listening hard this weekend, because my heart is troubled by the inroads that the gay agenda is making in our church.   With Bishops like Paul Augentstein and Richard Ostler being allowed to spread the agenda that it’s ok to be gay, bad times are coming....

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You sound like you're in some distress, Brother. Take heart. Listen to General Conference.

16 minutes ago, Pressing Forward said:

Ok, please someone start listing the factual errors in the story.   While there is some opinion in this article, what was Wrong?

Start with the title of the article, which is laughably absurd in its open misrepresentation of the issue. Then consider each sentence, most of which are either mockeries or outright fabrications.

16 minutes ago, Pressing Forward said:

Sorry, I’m struggling with the whole idea of spending millions on “Meet the Mormons” and the “I’m a Mormon” campaign, to flip and suddenly the Mormon label is offensive to God.    I’m struggling with reversal of the baptism of LGBTQAXYZ’s kids with the now we can.   The fact that heteral and homo marriages will be treated equally when it comes to transgressions.....

Yeah, I'm not sure why you and others are getting so worked up about the "Mormon" thing. Since the very beginning of the Restoration, the Lord has told us that we are his, and that we must be called by his name. "Mormon" got worked into things from the earliest years; but though members and leaders alike recognized the name and even accepted it, we have always known better. Now a prophet is calling us to repentance. Thank God.

Why should you struggle with the baptism of the children? The Church's policy in 2015 was fine, parallel with the policy regarding children of polygamous marriages. But it was never about the children per se, but the problems introduced from all sides. Now that policy has been changed. The most galling thing about the change is the apostates and leftists crowing about how they have "won", having pressured the Church's leaders (as they suppose) to reverse course. So what? Those loud voices are those of ignorant and misguided souls (at best) or children of hell (at worst). Let them believe what they  like. Their opinion is worth less than the phlegm you might clear from your throat in hearing their ideas.

16 minutes ago, Pressing Forward said:

Why leave out kids of polygamists?   Why no longer consider homosexuality being apostate?  I believe the church is moving towards acceptance of homosexual marriage, and IT WILL in order to maintain tax exempt status.

The policies are set at the discretion of the leadership. That's why they're called. The Prophet is Jesus Christ's mouthpiece, not his secretary, taking dictation from him. Policy changes come and go, as the leaders see fit and as they're led by the Spirit.

Homosexuality is in no way being "accepted". Rather, the policy for dealing with homosexuality is not to treat it as prima facie evidence of apostasy. In the end, the unrepentant homosexual will not enter celestial glory, just like the unrepentant any-other-sinner. Homosexuality is no less unacceptable now than it was a week or a month or a year ago.

And you are wrong. The Church will not accept homosexual "marriage", either to maintain tax exempt status or for any other reason. You are believing foolish lies told by those who delight in trying to destroy the Church. You would do better to ignore the liars than to listen to them.

16 minutes ago, Pressing Forward said:

I will be praying and listening hard this weekend, because my heart is troubled by the inroads that the gay agenda is making in our church.   With Bishops like Paul Augentstein and Richard Ostler being allowed to spread the agenda that it’s ok to be gay, bad times are coming....

Have faith. If the gloom and doom you predict is true, then the Church itself is a fraud and the apostles are dupes and liars, Jesus Christ does not speak to the prophet (if indeed he exists, or ever did exist, at all), Joseph Smith was the conman that the anti-Mormons make him out to be, and the Church membership is just as deluded as the Church's enemies claim. Do you believe such things? If not, then don't give them place in your heart.

Instead, fight to gain and keep your testimony, a revelation from your Father that your path is right. Then ignore those who want to call you a "bigot" or whatever other foolish filth vomits from their putrid mouths. Homosexuality is not suddenly going to become righteous and okay, even if we are commanded (as we are) to love and help those who are in the grips of such perverse desires. Sustain your leaders and have confidence that they are leading by the Spirit. When your nightmares come true and the Church starts talking about revelations that homosexuality is A-OK, come on back and we'll talk. Until then, you can rest assured that those who promulgate such ridiculous ideas are eminently ignorable.

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8 hours ago, Pressing Forward said:

  The fact that heteral and homo marriages will be treated equally when it comes to transgressions.....

I don’t think this is accurate.  From a perspective of Church discipline, “marriage” doesn’t excuse homosexual sex the way it does heterosexual sex.  The policy just clarified that it is the sex, not the wedding ceremony, that triggers ecclesiastical discipline for gay Mormons.

One thing this means is that a gay Mormon who goes inactive, marries and divorces a person of their own gender, and then returns to activity 20 years later, does not find themselves in a must-convene-a-council situation for something that happened years or decades ago. 

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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8 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

I don’t think this is accurate.

Depends. If it means, "Both in a heterosexual and a homosexual marriage, sexual activity between two people of the same sex will be considered a grievous sin", then it is accurate. ;) 

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