Anyone else disenchanted with The Wm’s Soccer captain?


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9 hours ago, carlimac said:

I feel the need to take her by the hand back to kindergarten where we learn to talk with nice words and say thank you. 🙄

People like that are the reason shunning should make a comeback. 

When nature finally brings us the long overdue apex predator, they can test their athletic abilities against it alone. 

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3 hours ago, NightSG said:

People like that are the reason shunning should make a comeback. 

When nature finally brings us the long overdue apex predator, they can test their athletic abilities against it alone. 

Don't worry... pretty soon one of those U15 boys will realize there's a lot of money coming his way if he simply decides he's a girl now.

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19 hours ago, carlimac said:

I feel the need to take her by the hand back to kindergarten where we learn to talk with nice words and say thank you. 🙄

Someone needs to take her and her compatriots to a high school to play against the boys’ soccer team . . . And see if they can win this time.

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2 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Someone needs to take her and her compatriots to a high school to play against the boys’ soccer team . . . And see if they can win this time.

If it's a state-champion-level boys HS soccer team, the answer will most certainly be "can't".

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3 hours ago, mordorbund said:

Maybe those boys should fight against "ageist" policies and demand compensation for their skills.

Especially now that it has been asserted that sales revenue is not the determining factor of how much you get paid.


By the way... this REALLY REALLY bugs me about the US Women's Team.  They are asserting (or I should say MSM is asserting and they have not issued a correction - they are riding this narrative in filing a lawsuit against FIFA)... that the US Women's Soccer Team should get paid more than the US Men's Soccer Team because US Women's Soccer Team garner more viewership in the US than the US Men's Soccer Team.  Now THINK ABOUT THE MATH OF THAT.  The men's side prize package is ONLY 7% of revenue - and that's only counting World Cup revenues and not matches to qualify for the World Cup.  The women's side prize package is 23% of total revenue including qualifying matches.  But, because viewership in the US is low for the men side over the women's side, the US Women's Soccer Team demands a higher cut for being World Champions to be equal to the US Men's side which is 4 times more than the women's side because the Men's World Cup makes $6B while Women's World Cup makes only $100M.  So, what EXACTLY is the US Women's Team saying?  They are saying that all the other women's side teams should get close to zero - as they don't generate much revenue in their countries than their men's side... or FIFA holds the Women's World Cup like a Charity Event - they don't expect to make money out of revenue and have the Women's side SUBSIDIZED by the revenues of the Men's side - putting Women's Soccer in a worse light being akin to a charity event just so the US Women's Team can be given the same prize money as the US Men's Team.  MODERN FEMINISM IS CANCER!

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Guest Mores

If any male player behaved the way these women have behaved, they'd be sanctioned or otherwise penalized -- possibly suspension and release from contracts.

"Unsportsmanlike conduct" is an offense in men's professional sports -- a pretty big deal.  They're expected to act like professionals.  These "girls" are spoiled brats with an inflated sense of their own self-importance.  Do you really think they're hurting Trump one iota when they refuse to come to the White House?  All they're doing is showing just how bitter and petty they can be.  But what do you expect from a team of Democrats?

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On 7/13/2019 at 2:36 PM, NeuroTypical said:

Someone help me out here.  What the crap is everyone talking about?  The only thing I can find is a poorly-photoshopped picture of a female soccer team captain wearing a MAGA hat and holding an American flag, with the caption "I want this to go viral just to tick her off". 

The main thing is her national anthem protest at the beginning of each match - playing for the NATIONAL TEAM.  If she was playing for the men's side, she won't have to worry about the average joe making comments about it... she'd have to worry if she can set foot back in her country and not get mugged by the fans - Soccer culture is very nationalistic when it comes to national teams.  A men's side national team player making a mistake beyond his control of kicking his own goal might just need police escort going home.  A men's side national team player choosing to behave poorly and embarrassing his country during tournament even in-between matches is even worse and might just need police escort going home.  So, the US Women's side national team behaving in that manner further makes Women Soccer a joke, especially as they don't have a prayer of being better to watch than a Youth club league team, let alone the Youth World Cup team on the men's side.

But she's gone beyond the national anthem now.  First, they acted obnoxious against Thailand during their 13-0 win with the way they celebrated goals.  In Soccer, you jump around like maniacs after making a goal because a goal is a rare event.  But when you're up 5-0 and the other side is obviously just hanging on to save face, jumping around like maniacs after a goal is just poor taste especially after you already broke the records.  Then after winning the final match, her team mate carelessly dropped the US flag on the ground to do a celebratory dance with her and they just did their celebratory dance not caring that they're stepping on the flag - the flag was rescued by one of her patriotic team mates.  Then they went and chanted Equal Pay after the final match with the US crowd - they're suing FIFA to get equal pay as the US men's side - making the championship moment politicized.  Then she's getting herself caught on video holding the trophy and saying "I deserve this" in an obnoxious manner (not - the team deserve this but "I" deserve this), then she's speaking for her team mates (some of whom are very patriotic) that they're not going to accept an invitation to the White House - they accepted an invite from AOC instead, further politicizing Women's Soccer and using it to contribute to divisiveness.  And just a general sucky attitude in other msm interviews.

Basically, it just ruined what could be a big promotion for the Women's Side to get taken seriously as an enjoyable pastime.  This is thoroughly ruining the image of Women's Soccer for all the other countries involved just because of 1 controversial American player sucking the air out of the room.

Anyway, Rapinoe is just an ignorant Californian with a world stage microphone who is very very good at women's soccer.  All she really needs is to actually take her own advice and start listening instead of talking.  Worth a watch:


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3 hours ago, NightSG said:

 Easy, fair solution to the pay gap; pool all the money and let the teams play each other for it. 

YES!!! Those who get eliminated in the first two rounds get NOTHING!!!

But that wouldn't be fair.  The poor downtrodden low-talent individuals also need to make a living.  Why should they get paid less just because someone else can kick a ball better than they can?  That's discrimination.

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How about an even better solution: make it illegal to pay people to play games altogether.  Save that celebrating and big payoff for when you save someone's life, develop a new product to make lives better or teach a child a useful skill. Games should be played entirely for the enjoyment of playing them. 

My girlfriend just finished her first full sprint triathlon a couple weeks ago. Second in her age division. She doesn't expect to ever make any money off of it, but she puts in an impressive level of effort for the satisfaction of accomplishing something most people will never even attempt. 

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2 hours ago, NightSG said:

How about an even better solution: make it illegal to pay people to play games altogether.  Save that celebrating and big payoff for when you save someone's life, develop a new product to make lives better or teach a child a useful skill. Games should be played entirely for the enjoyment of playing them. 

My girlfriend just finished her first full sprint triathlon a couple weeks ago. Second in her age division. She doesn't expect to ever make any money off of it, but she puts in an impressive level of effort for the satisfaction of accomplishing something most people will never even attempt. 

Well... "illegal" is such a harsh word.  I'd just raise the taxes on the earned income of professional athletes.  Something modest, perhaps 150% or so.

And three cheers to your girlfriend, whose achievement is very noble (but is inspiring a bit of envy in me, perhaps).

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1 hour ago, Texan said:

Well... "illegal" is such a harsh word.  I'd just raise the taxes on the earned income of professional athletes.  Something modest, perhaps 150% or so.

Seems reasonable. After all, the Olympics don't seem to be suffering from not having salaried athletes. 

1 hour ago, Texan said:

And three cheers to your girlfriend, whose achievement is very noble (but is inspiring a bit of envy in me, perhaps).

A sprint (half mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, 3 mile run) really should be doable for anyone without legitimate mobility issues, with a month or two of training. If I can ever manage a 5k run without my knee acting up, I'm going to give it a shot. 


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1 hour ago, NightSG said:

Seems reasonable. After all, the Olympics don't seem to be suffering from not having salaried athletes. 

A sprint (half mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, 3 mile run) really should be doable for anyone without legitimate mobility issues, with a month or two of training. If I can ever manage a 5k run without my knee acting up, I'm going to give it a shot. 


If we're going to take this on a serious note...

Olympics may not have salaried athletes by the Olympic Committee but a lot of the athletes compete while being paid by their professional organizations or compete in the hopes of landing a paid professional contract.

Without paid athletes, you can't really get that super high level of athleticism because to get there, you have to be working on your craft full time leaving you no room for other gainful employment. 

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Guest Mores
1 hour ago, NightSG said:

A sprint (half mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, 3 mile run) really should be doable for anyone without legitimate mobility issues, with a month or two of training. 

I doubt it.  A 1-mile run is doable if it is just a fast jog or light run.  But to do it at sprinting intensity requires a LOT more than a month or two.  Any sprint past a 1/2 mile will only be 'doable' by serious and well trained athletes (and I use the term loosely). 

When Olympic athletes race the metric mile, every one of them feels something burning to the point of physical damage after about 800 meters.  It is only after lots of exercise (with both mental and physical conditioning) can they push through this to continue at sprinting rates for the rest of the mile.

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18 hours ago, Mores said:

I doubt it.  A 1-mile run is doable if it is just a fast jog or light run.  But to do it at sprinting intensity requires a LOT more than a month or two.  Any sprint past a 1/2 mile will only be 'doable' by serious and well trained athletes (and I use the term loosely). 

I said do the race, not win the race. Just finishing within the time limits (usually 2:15 total, with 30 minutes for the swim and an hour for the bike) qualifies. So far, every tri I've seen gives a finisher medal to everyone who manages that, in addition to any place medals or trophies. 

Just finishing is more of an athletic achievement than 95% of people will ever even attempt. 

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