Masculine hair question

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15 minutes ago, Serviteur du seigneur said:

Is it wrong for a man to have a long hair in the church? Will it deprive me from holding calling or anything ?

It won't work, Serviteur. They'll call you to be bishop anyway, then just ask you to cut your hair. Don't think you can get out of it that easily!

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(Risking a serious response)

You are free to grow your hair as long as you want, wear a heavy beard, and shave your chest or back hair to read, "J'aime ma femme ♥". it's all good. Should you receive a calling where your leaders would rather you cut your hair, shave, or whatever, they'll ask you to do so.

Seriously, there's nothing to worry about. Grow your hair out long if you want to.

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, Serviteur du seigneur said:

Is it wrong for a man to have a long hair in the church? Will it deprive me from holding calling or anything ?

In most wards, no one cares. You will find some wards where they will look at your funny but they are the exception. 

My hair goes to my mid back. Have always worn it long since I was 18. 

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Generally, the issue is "Are you maintaining your hair?". 

There are no actual restrictions in place concerning hair length, but if you have across the board poor grooming and personal care habits then it can potentially be disruptive to others, just like in any public gathering. 

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On 11/1/2019 at 5:27 PM, Serviteur du seigneur said:

Is it wrong for a man to have a long hair in the church? Will it deprive me from holding calling or anything ?

Two thoughts.

First - We are told in scripture that we should not expect to be commanded in all things but the seek to do good things by our own initiative.

Second - To those that know to do good and don't do it - to them it is sin.


If you are looking for an excuse - perhaps you should rethink the issue.  Since I have no hair and look like Mr. Clean - I would suggest my look but in reality it is not my choice.  It is my personal belief that what ever one chooses - it is best that such choice includes discipline and sacrifice - otherwise it will end up being an act of pride and selfishness. 


The Traveler

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1 hour ago, Traveler said:

Two thoughts.

First - We are told in scripture that we should not expect to be commanded in all things but the seek to do good things by our own initiative.

Second - To those that know to do good and don't do it - to them it is sin.


If you are looking for an excuse - perhaps you should rethink the issue.  Since I have no hair and look like Mr. Clean - I would suggest my look but in reality it is not my choice.  It is my personal belief that what ever one chooses - it is best that such choice includes discipline and sacrifice - otherwise it will end up being an act of pride and selfishness. 


The Traveler

I didn't get your post, i was just looking for an answer, is it wrong or not? Also, i was thinking about donating some of the hair that i'm gonna grow. 

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11 hours ago, Vort said:

Traveler's new avatar:


It's the gold earring that really makes the man.

I have never looked so close - I do not wear a gold ring, even on my finger - such things annoy me.  My eyebrows are not so neat and so wild that the wife demands that they are trimmed such that they hardly show up.  But the blue eyes are spot on.


The Traveler 

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12 hours ago, Serviteur du seigneur said:

I didn't get your post, i was just looking for an answer, is it wrong or not? Also, i was thinking about donating some of the hair that i'm gonna grow. 

It is wrong if your hair is a matter of pride and selfishness.  It is not wrong if your hair is an act of respect for others.  Like so many physical things in life - they are not a matter of good or evil (right and wrong) in and of themselves but how we value and use them.


The Traveler

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12 hours ago, Serviteur du seigneur said:

I didn't get your post, i was just looking for an answer, is it wrong or not? Also, i was thinking about donating some of the hair that i'm gonna grow. 

The answer to this depends on the cultural interpretation of hair length in your area.  In the USA, men wear all kinds of hairstyles - long, short, ponytail, man-bun, afro, dreadlocks, ivy league, white-side wall, full shaved, etc. etc. and it is interpreted as just... a hairstyle.  I mean - the new-fangled progressives try to tell Americans afros are just for black people, dreadlocks are just for jamaicans, etc etc otherwise it's cultural appropriation but these people have almost zero support in American society.

In the Philippines, on the other hand, the cultural delineation is still quite marked that a guy wearing long hair is interpreted as homosexual, the guy with dreadlocks is interpreted as homeless fisherman, white-side wall is military,  full-shaved is berdugo, etc. etc. that it is still quite common for bishops to advise their priesthood members not to give this impression.

So, really, the answer to your question on whether it hinders a calling depends on the cultural make-up of the region you are in.  But, whether it is a sin or not depends on WHY you are wearing your hair a certain way - just like @Traveler said.  If you're doing it for prideful reasons then it may cause you to sin because of pride and not because of the hairstyle.  If you're doing it for charitable reasons then it cannot be a sin.

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10 hours ago, Backroads said:

'Round my parents' neighborhood can often be seen an elderly gentleman walking. He dresses very much like a hippy, with hair to his waist and a Dumbledore beard.

He still manages to look very proper on Sundays where apparently he has some auspicious calling.

Oh, a guessing game, me likes...

"much like a hippy" = Check
"hair to the his waist" = Check
"Dumbledore beard" = Check
"auspicious calling" = Check

Is he the Ward Semi-Annual Executive Assistant Youth Motivational Speaker??

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