Atlantis......... Was it real?


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Hi everyone.... I posted something like this a few days ago in another section of this site but it was deleted. I guess I put it in the wrong section.

Well, my title sorta asks my main question. Do you think Atlantis was real? Do you think this ancient city can fit in the biblical view of the world and make sense?

I say yes. I think if one were to put a lot of thought into this subject and really dig deep the answer would shock most and actually helps make the bible make more sense.

I have been studying this for almost half my life. If I could get my thought together in the right way I could talk about this for hours. I might actually write all this down one day in a comprehensive way but until then I just want your guys opinion on my original question..... DO you think Atlantis was  real?

I actually think Atlantis being real brings some credibility to some of the Mormon beliefs and might help explain a lot about Moroni and the Golden Plates and where they really came from. More on this if you guys seem interested in my topic. 

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I'm open to the possibility that once upon a time, a coastal city that existed is now under water. As to where and when, and the nature of the city and its inhabitants, I'm not really sure.

9  And the city of Moroni did sink into the depths of the sea, and the inhabitants thereof were drowned.

(Book of Mormon | 3 Nephi 8:9)

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1 hour ago, askandanswer said:

I'm open to the possibility that once upon a time, a coastal city that existed is now under water. As to where and when, and the nature of the city and its inhabitants, I'm not really sure.

9  And the city of Moroni did sink into the depths of the sea, and the inhabitants thereof were drowned.

(Book of Mormon | 3 Nephi 8:9)

Hi.... This sunken city of Moroni is absolutely fascinating me now. Is there any more info on this city? When did it sink and why. 

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I believe it was Elder Harold Camping who used gematriot in the Latin translation of Revelation coupled with the Hebrew translation of Isaiah to find that Atlantis would rise up out of the sea on the opening of the sixth seal.  The four horsemen would then be expelled from the Bermuda Triangle carrying a giant obelisk that's full of stars.  The stars are the sources of all the UFOs that we've been seeing lately.

Then Bigfoot will emerge from the hollow earth and provide a translation of all the crop circles that have shown up since 1033.

And Elvis will be revealed to be the angel of music and will show who is the real KING.

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7 hours ago, Me399 said:

Hi everyone.... I posted something like this a few days ago in another section of this site but it was deleted. I guess I put it in the wrong section.

Well, my title sorta asks my main question. Do you think Atlantis was real? Do you think this ancient city can fit in the biblical view of the world and make sense?

I say yes. I think if one were to put a lot of thought into this subject and really dig deep the answer would shock most and actually helps make the bible make more sense.

I have been studying this for almost half my life. If I could get my thought together in the right way I could talk about this for hours. I might actually write all this down one day in a comprehensive way but until then I just want your guys opinion on my original question..... DO you think Atlantis was  real?

I actually think Atlantis being real brings some credibility to some of the Mormon beliefs and might help explain a lot about Moroni and the Golden Plates and where they really came from. More on this if you guys seem interested in my topic. 

@Me399, religious beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are different subject than stories Atlantis.  If any person wishes to learn more or validate beliefs about God, then that proof comes from God, witnessed in the person's heart.

I wish you well on your quest to learn more about whatever you want to learn.

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My son got how to for Christmas and has read it several times over. He kept telling me that he wanted how to II for his birthday. I looked on various bookseller sites and couldn't find it. I asked him how he knew about the book and he showed me that it's referenced in a footnote on one of the pages. Yes, a Randall Munroe footnote. In 1,000 years, if the book survives and his website doesn't, historians will discuss the secret knowledge of Munroe's missing work.

Atlantis is a Randall Munroe footnote by Plato.

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19 hours ago, Me399 said:

Hi.... This sunken city of Moroni is absolutely fascinating me now. Is there any more info on this city? When did it sink and why. 

It sank in about AD 33 immediately prior to Christ's visit to the Americas, following His resurrection in Jerusalem. It was destroyed, along with several other cities at the same time, because of the wickedness of the inhabitants. Other cities were destroyed by fire, earthquake and by being swallowed up in the depths of the earth.

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5 hours ago, askandanswer said:

It sank in about AD 33 immediately prior to Christ's visit to the Americas, following His resurrection in Jerusalem. It was destroyed, along with several other cities at the same time, because of the wickedness of the inhabitants. Other cities were destroyed by fire, earthquake and by being swallowed up in the depths of the earth.

To be more specific, the descriptions given in the Book of Mormon all sync with what is known to happen in cataclysmic geological upheavals, and in fact Central America - where many scholars speculate it all happened - is the meeting point of numerous crustal plates, making it incredibly active geologically. 

I'm trying to remember the name of it, but Mexico has a volcano that *literally* sprang up overnight in a farmer's field. 

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Guest Scott
8 minutes ago, Ironhold said:

I'm trying to remember the name of it, but Mexico has a volcano that *literally* sprang up overnight in a farmer's field. 



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On 6/20/2020 at 11:11 AM, Me399 said:

Hi everyone.... I posted something like this a few days ago in another section of this site but it was deleted. I guess I put it in the wrong section.

Well, my title sorta asks my main question. Do you think Atlantis was real? Do you think this ancient city can fit in the biblical view of the world and make sense?

I say yes. I think if one were to put a lot of thought into this subject and really dig deep the answer would shock most and actually helps make the bible make more sense.

I have been studying this for almost half my life. If I could get my thought together in the right way I could talk about this for hours. I might actually write all this down one day in a comprehensive way but until then I just want your guys opinion on my original question..... DO you think Atlantis was  real?

I actually think Atlantis being real brings some credibility to some of the Mormon beliefs and might help explain a lot about Moroni and the Golden Plates and where they really came from. More on this if you guys seem interested in my topic. 

It is likely that there is some basis to the legend of Atlantis.  The scale of the technology of Atlantis is something of question but more of speculation.  Many ancient cultures developed seemingly advanced science and mathematics for their time.  Never-the-less I have never seen any empirical evidence to connect in any way Atlantis to any place in the Book of Mormon.  There is no record I am aware of that indicates any Nephite settlement on any island.  The ancient term "Aisle of the sea"  - does not mean island but rather a place that can only be reached by sea.  The Americas is not a island or anything close to a city nation.

There are two ancient cities of great importance - both ancient and modern.  One is called the City of Enoch and the other is Salem.  However, I seriously doubt that either city had anything to do with Atlantis or the legend of Atlantis.  I would be interested in understanding why you would devote 1/2 of your life to Atlantis?


The Traveler

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There's a theory that the tale of Atlantis is a much-distorted account of the volcanic eruption on Santorini around 1,500BC.

But other cultures have myths of sunken islands and continents: the land of Lyonesse for example appears in the Arthurian legends. (St. Michael's Mound in Cornwall is supposed to be the last fragment of that country.)


(If you've read Jack Vance's Lyonesse novels, you'll know he combined it with other mythical lands like Ys and Hybrasil, and placed it in the Bay of Biscay - but Vance's stories (fun though they are) are about as consistent with real myth as they are with real history. Also in Thomas Hardy's Wessex stories, the Scilly Islands are called "Lyonesse".)

There are also sunken lands we know to have existed. The Dogger Bank for example, now a shallow area of the North Sea, was once "Doggerland". (It wasn't called that then of course - who knows what the people of the time called it - if they called it anything at all.)


Edited by Jamie123
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