Watch the Republic Die, LIVE

Emmanuel Goldstein

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4 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

I expect that today will be pivotal and full of some major ups and downs.

Probably mostly downs as I don't see Pence as a Constitution Defender. We will just get the usual lame mealy mouthed political double speak. Pence is a mister nice guy, and he will destroy the Republic. I hope I am wrong.

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2 hours ago, mirkwood said:

Uh, you know my username is a forest where the Dark Lord hid in his tower as he gathered his power?

If I recall correctly, the true origins of your name is actually just a name of some random street you were familiar with.

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51 minutes ago, Fether said:

Can someone explain to me what the big deal is? Is it just trump wanting a recount? Or a senate race???

Nutshell: there were enough irregularities in enough jurisdictions that several members of Congress are refusing to certify the election and want more time for these irregularities to be investigated. In many instances these irregularities are of such magnitude that they could have flipped the vote in the affected jurisdictions, and there *is* a chance that if enough of these all add up then it could hypothetically flip the election as a whole. 

Rather than understand that half the nation views the election as illegitimate because of these irregularities, however, there's been a general attitude of "shut up and deal with it" on display from the supporters of certain politicians, to the point that various individuals have taken to social media to demand that anyone who doesn't accept the outcome of the election be charged with treason. 

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Guest Godless

Objecting to the EC result isn't that big a deal. It's happened twice since the Civil War, and as recently as 2005. What's currently happening at Capital Hill, however, is absolutely not normal. Trump ignited this, and every GOP politician who has turned a blind eye to his antics is complicit. If there are any active military servicemembers in that mob, I hope they get court-martialed and imprisoned.

Sorry, didn't mean to break the rules. Ban me if you must. 

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If I can make a comment on current events and the historical nature of the Constitution without getting political, I will attempt a post on this topic.

  • A great majority of Americans believe the election was stolen.  The actual number may vary based on who you listen to.  But the consensus is that it is significantly more than a bare majority of the citizenry.
  • Such a condition (if true) would indeed be sufficient reason for Congress to refuse certification of the election results.
  • Democrats hate the idea only because it means they would lose the Presidency.
  • Some more moderate Republicans are against it because it means that the Democrats will us it in the future.

This last bullet point makes no sense.

  • The Democrats already tried to use it in previous elections.  So, if the Republican's refuse simply because it will "set a precedent" for Democrats to follow...What the???
  • Based on the discussions of the Constitution by the Founders, their HOPE was that the elections would always end up in a plurality and be decided by the House and Senate anyway.  So, why are we afraid of a result that the Founders were hoping for?
Edited by Carborendum
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