President Nelson vaccinated


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The current topic in this thread tells me something about myself. Because I volunteered for a phase 3 trial and got the vaccine in August, that means I am so obviously superiorly righteous, that I was doing with the prophet urged before he even urged it. Therefore, I am more righteous than everyone else here.

I am also at least twice as humble as everyone else.

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33 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Dude, that's awesome. 

And who gave you this picture!?!!?!? Was it Melissa? 

I’ve been looking at the picture perhaps more closely than I ought, but . . . up by the right shoulder . . . is that . . . Albus Dumbledore?

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14 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

I’ve been looking at the picture perhaps more closely than I ought, but . . . up by the right shoulder . . . is that . . . Albus Dumbledore?

Actually @pam calls it her “awkward stage” thank you very much. And she is quite sensitive about it. 

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On 4/20/2021 at 7:35 AM, scottyg said:

I agree with this. Care to elaborate your reason for posting it?

Sorry, I quoted the wrong post I was referring to this one.


Look folks, it doesn't matter which side of the fence you fall on. Government is corrupt, period. I do not see how anyone can be a true student of the scriptures and think otherwise. "Government" will be on opposite side of the Lord and His servants when He comes, and He is coming. Prophecy after prophecy has been fulfilled...there really aren't that many left before the time of the second coming.

I've always been taught to support and even be involved in my government.  

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6 hours ago, dprh said:

Sorry, I quoted the wrong post I was referring to this one.

I've always been taught to support and even be involved in my government.  

As have I, and I agree that we should be involved as best we can. President Oaks' talk a few weeks ago was right on point. That doesn't change the fact though that our current government is corrupt and out for themselves, and possibly just doing the work of the adversary at this point. I am not saying we should throw in the towel or anything, but in the few years prior to the Lord's coming, it will not be easy to be a true Christian...due in large part to the evils brought about by wicked national "leaders". Their policies and plans are setting the stage for difficult times ahead.

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On 4/27/2021 at 11:15 AM, clwnuke said:

@JohnsonJones have you considered that many of us who made our decisions to not receive mRNA spike protein vaccines under emergency use authorizations made those decisions long before President Nelson spoke on the subject?

And have you also considered that many of us regularly exercise and maintain good health habits, have worn our masks, have continued to take, or started to take vitamin D, have avoided large groups and visits with family, have used disinfectant religiously (no pun intended), etc.,

And don't these things count toward "Do[ing] all [we] can to bring COVID numbers down in your area so that your temple opportunities can increase."? While I respect your viewpoint, I do not understand your seemingly singular focus on interpreting President Nelson's recommendation for vaccination as a mandate that divides the faithful from the goats.

I respectfully ask some questions to ponder -

1. Do we need to get the same exact vaccine as President Nelson in order to be exactly obedient? Surely to be fully obedient we would need to take no other COVID vaccine other than the one he took right? Or is there room for interpretation on which vaccine to receive and when to receive it? 

2. Since President Nelson did not specify which COVID vaccine to receive, is it OK if those people who have already contracted COVID and enjoy a natural vaccinated state with active antibodies to not receive an additional vaccine? Or is there room for interpretation in this example as well?  

3. Are people that have significant co-morbidities such as obesity, but who get a COVID shot, more obedient that the healthy person who chooses not to get a COVID shot at this time? Or is there room for interpretation in this example too?  

I love President Nelson, and I am so grateful for all he has done in his lifetime to serve Jesus Christ and His Church. I'm grateful he has spoken on this issue, even if I have chosen to patiently wait. I respect his medical career and knowledge and I feel from a public relations standpoint that he has absolutely done the right thing. But I also have no doubt that if we sat down and discussed the matter together he would completely and lovingly respect my choice.

Will I be able to serve another foreign mission without the COVID shot? Not presently. But it's OK if I serve state-side. Is it possible that Church policy may change and I will no longer be able to serve in the Temple without having the COVID vaccine? Yes, it's possible. And if that happens I will serve in other places. And is it possible that this may all go away just like the original SARS virus did and we go back to normal and COVID vaccines are no longer required? Of course, so I'm not sure why we need to panic, criticize, or goad others into our viewpoints.

In 2000 my younger brother died from leukemia. I watched him suffer through long, intense, and grueling pain for many months prior to his graduation from this life. He made a personal choice to receive those treatments despite a very small chance of success. I would have chosen differently, and yet both decisions would have been right. Imagine that?

So, you are making excuses of WHY you do not feel you will do all you can to reduce the numbers of Covid-19 along with many others on this site?


I did not say you HAVE to get vaccinated according to the latest advice from conference, but you should be talking about HOW YOU ARE GOING TO ACCOMPLISH what was asked of us instead of making excuses of why you are NOT going to follow any advice at all or what you are going to do to ignore the advice.

One of the easiest ways as I have noted, is the advice of the First Presidency to get vaccinated.  Of course, there has been other advice, such as that from Elder Renlund to wear masks and social distance (if for no other reason than express our love of our fellow men).  There has been the inference from Elder Oaks, though more interpretation dependent, to follow the advice of our government leaders which for many would mean the experts who also suggest wearing masks and social distancing. 

So, we understand that you are not going to get vaccinated...if that's the only thing you are doing and avoiding doing anything else, what exactly ARE you or others doing to actually listen to the words of the prophet in reducing numbers of Covid-19?  Or you just hoping others reduce those numbers for you so that eventually our temples can open full time?

This is the pertinent thing.  I see SO MANY members going against the prophet it is ironic.  It's not simply about vaccination or not, though that is one of the major ideas that have been pushed, it's about the entire idea that we are doing things to actually reduce the numbers rather than letting others do it for us or hoping that it just goes away.

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On 4/27/2021 at 12:21 PM, clwnuke said:

I suppose my whole point is that the choice not to vaccinate is not in "conflict" with Church leaders. The First Presidencies statement includes this:  Individuals are responsible to make their own decisions about vaccination. So people who exercise their judgment and choose not to receive a COVID vaccine are not in conflict with their direction IMHO.



Individuals are responsible to make their own decisions about vaccination. In making that determination, we recommend that, where possible, they counsel with a competent medical professional about their personal circumstances and needs.

I know someone here said that when they counseled with their medical professional and that medical professional recommended that vaccine, they explicitly ignored that counsel.

Not sure that's what is implied in the statement above.

I should add the Church Handbook statements on it I suppose...


Vaccinations administered by competent medical professionals protect health and preserve life. Members of the Church are encouraged to safeguard themselves, their children, and their communities through vaccination.

Ultimately, individuals are responsible to make their own decisions about vaccination. If members have concerns, they should counsel with competent medical professionals and also seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

Prospective missionaries who have not been vaccinated will likely be limited to assignments in their home country.

Seeking guidance of the Holy Ghost IS important...but are the members going to become anti-vaxxers now?  If they are...that's not necessarily a good thing and probably is going to be bad from missionary work in areas that are educated around the world (anti-vaxxers opinions against vaccination do not really have a good standing in first world nations).

The church says ULTIMATELY WE ARE RESPONSIBLE...but the advice is still to encourage us to be vaccinated. 

MY PERSONAL opinion (and it is my personal not doctrine, gospel, or any other sort of thing) is that the Lord is NOT fact he is the exact opposite.  He's helped science to further move along so that our lives have been blessed by the advancements made.  This is with medicine as well as many other facets of our lives.  In this, we should not be like the anti-vaxxers of Facebook, but using it to further our lives and the purposes of the church and gospel.

Now, personally speaking (and this IS personally rather than from any doctrinal viewpoint)

There ARE certain circumstances which preclude vaccinations (a prime example, I have a daughter highly allergic to eggs which makes taking certain vaccines an actual danger to her life as they are made using eggs.  I would note though, she has gotten the covid-19 vaccination along with all the other vaccinations in her life, though at times with the advice of medical professionals on how to actually get that accomplished), which are individual.  However, they are not as widespread as the political push to avoid vaccinations or to try to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the US today.  Personally, I think many are mistaking political views and listening to political pundits for medical advice over that of Medical professionals and those who are there to try to safeguard the public health.

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So, it looks like I don't need a vaccination after all.  I just had COVID for about 12 hours.  That was really weird.  Yes, yes, I was probably contagious during the incubation period.  But it's over now.

My wife had some symptoms like a cold or flu. But it was not really like a cold or flu.  It was different.  Not that it was more severe, but just weird.

She was hoping to get over it, but when it continued, she called some relatives who were scheduled to visit to warn them that she was ill and they might want to stay home after all.  They asked what the symptoms were.  The SIL said it was COVID.  They were not worried since their whole household had already had it.  So, they came to visit anyway.

The day before they arrived, I came down with the same symptoms.  And I really understood what my wife meant when she said that they were the same symptoms, but they were just a "weird" form of it.

I took some home remedies (including lots of fluids). I wrapped up in a warm blanket, and I slept longer than I usually do.  I was fine the next morning.

My wife is still ill.  But she's on the downhill slope.  She's a lot better today.  But still a slight fever and some general low energy.  She'll probably skip church tomorrow.  I'm going to call the bishop to see if the rest of the family ought to stay home as well.  The bishop is a doctor.


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6 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

.but are the members going to become anti-vaxxers now?  If they are...that's not necessarily a good thing and probably is going to be bad from missionary work in areas that are educated around the world (anti-vaxxers opinions against vaccination do not really have a good standing in first world nations).

Literally no one despises anti vaxxers more than I do, but to be fair, I’m not sure that refusing the Covid shot makes you one of them.  

On second thought though, it can be a red flag. Like those people who say “I’m not a racist.....” then start using slurs. Maybe you are right, I guess. 


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22 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

Like those people who say “I’m not a racist.....” then start using slurs.

So, what do you think of Lee Ermey? (Think of the video clip from FMJ that I can't post here for obvious reasons).

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Just now, LDSGator said:

I have no idea who that even is. 

He played the drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket.  One of his famous tirades included saying (Imagine ALL CAPS BOLDED and rapid fire) "there is no racism here... there are no (a bunch of racial slurs of all kinds and all races).  You are all equally worthless in my eyes.  And it is my job to tear you down and rip you apart so I can rebuild you into the greatest fighting machine known to man.  And that is a United States Marine."

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9 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

He played the drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket.  One of his famous tirades included saying (Imagine ALL CAPS BOLDED and rapid fire) "there is no racism here... there are no (a bunch of racial slurs of all kinds and all races).  You are all equally worthless in my eyes.  And it is my job to tear you down and rip you apart so I can rebuild you into the greatest fighting machine known to man.  And that is a United States Marine."

Are you trying to teach me a lesson by claiming that an R rated movie has merit? Because that’s what it sounds like. 

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28 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

Are you trying to teach me a lesson by claiming that an R rated movie has merit? Because that’s what it sounds like. 

Are you trying to teach me a lesson by claiming that by asking an innocent question (while pointing to a quote by a Marine drill Sergeant*) is going to invalidate my comment? :)

* Fun trivia: 

During filming, Ermey actually spoke his own words that he often said in front of his real troops during training.  He yelled for something like 2 straight hours, and the editors had to compile it into a cohesive short scene that "captured" what a Marine drill sergeant was really like.

As for your comment earlier:

1) I was trying to hide my counter argument inside a somewhat tongue-in-cheek comment, hoping you'd catch it because you are almost as much of a movie buff as I am.  I guess that failed.
2) Your comment to which I initially responded with said:

A) Literally no one despises anti vaxxers more than I do (disclaimer that not all people who refuse to get the shot are anti-vaxxers).
B) (with the application of "second thought) People who don't get the COVID shot give off red flags like those who say they are not racist and begin using racial slurs.

So the counter-argument was to show you an example of just how extreme someone can get with using racial slurs and not be racist (in my book).  You have to take a look at the intended meaning behind the words and the actions.

I can certainly see where you're coming from.  It is all too often that people say,"Yeah, I understand that, but..." and then proceed to completely ignore the point altogether.

Example: Yeah I understand that taking drugs all my life will mess with my brain, body, and soul.  But that doesn't mean I'm going to ruin my life by using meth everyday.

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