Biden Is About To Be Dumped by Democrats


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3 hours ago, Godless said:

The GOP has their voters so enthralled in gender discourse 

Every Friday, I spend an hour with my workplace's Diversity Allies group.  I'm the only conservative there.  Guess what we talk about more weeks than not? 

I agree with you @Godless, that the gender issue is being pushed hard by the right, to willing audiences.  It'll motivate folks on the right who might not otherwise vote, to get outraged enough to vote.  But if you're trying to claim the left isn't doing exactly the same thing, for exactly the same reaons, well, please let me know if that's what you're doing, and I'll quickly come up with five major recent news stories on gender issues from five major left wing sources. 

By the way, this is what I mean by the "exact same thing":

Right: "The radical left isn't content with redefining woman to let hairy dudes molest women in locker rooms and win gold medals in women's sports.  They also want to groom your children by sticking sexually explicit children's books in every school, and teaching 10 year old boys how to twerk in drag shows!"

Left: "The evil right is trying to commit genocide on an entire class of people by making it illegal for our most vulnerable children to get medical care!"

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2 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Right: "The radical left isn't content with redefining woman to let hairy dudes molest women in locker rooms and win gold medals in women's sports.  They also want to groom your children by sticking sexually explicit children's books in every school, and teaching 10 year old boys how to twerk in drag shows!"

Left: "The evil right is trying to commit genocide on an entire class of people by making it illegal for our most vulnerable children to get medical care!"

Your attempt at showing the two as "exactly the same" fails because it actually points up the fundamental difference between the delusional Left and the far less delusional Right. The "Left" summary is word-for-word what they say, and is patently false. The "Right" summary, though a ridiculous overstatement, is a  fundamentally true description of the Left's efforts. That's the difference: The Right, which according to Godless operates purely on emotion, is correctly identifying the Left's modus operandi, including especially their attempts to normalize their perversion by literally teaching it to the children. The Left, which according to Godless operates on pure, unsullied Reason, overly lies about both the motives and the actions of the Right.

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7 hours ago, LDSGator said:

That guy would get annihilated down here. We joke around down here by saying “Don’t California my Florida!” 

The same is said in Texas as well.  

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14 hours ago, pam said:
21 hours ago, LDSGator said:

That guy would get annihilated down here. We joke around down here by saying “Don’t California my Florida!” 

The same is said in Texas as well.  

It's too late for Colorado.  I'm in the last populous red state and holding out best we can.  

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4 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

I always thought Colorado was a battle between Denver elitists, Goldwater conservative-libertarians, and the Focus on the Family Colorado Springs crowd. 

Operative word there, "was".  When I moved here 20 years ago, we were a good purple, sometimes leaning red, sometimes leaning blue.  Every year since, we've turned bluer.  Red folk are leaving for Arizona and Texas and Florida (Half a dozen from my stake and friend groups.)  As California empties out, they're coming to Colorado (I know personally at least two dozen recent Cali transplants, with more arriving weekly.  

I am the FotF CS crowd - that's El Paso county, the last populous red county in the State.  Lauren Bobert makes national news, but her 3rd congressional District covers half the state but only has ~12% of the population.  Our front range corridor from ColSpgs through Fort Collins is growing at something like 5-8% yearly, and they're all blue refugees from failing liberal places. 

Denver is like the whiny little brother to Seattle and Portland.  Those two get their safe injection sites and zero cash bond programs going, and Denver is running after them wailing "wait up guys I wanna come too".

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29 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Operative word there, "was"

Oh, agree totally. Ben Nighthorse Campbell could never get elected there in 2023. 


31 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Lauren Bobert makes national news,

And she barely squeaked by in her last election.

The Colorado Springs/ James Dobson right doesn’t exist in large numbers anymore. They failed to pass on most of their values to their children. 

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On 7/3/2023 at 10:06 AM, Godless said:

I won't sit here and make excuses for CNN and MSNBC, but...

Then why did you?

On 7/1/2023 at 11:29 PM, Godless said:

Biden did shady stuff and the media is holding him accountable for it, which is kind of their job. It's a weird indictment of our current political atmosphere when the media holds a politician accountable for possible wrongdoing and people spin it as some kind of coup.


On 7/3/2023 at 10:06 AM, Godless said:

I remember the media slamming him on Afghanistan, gas prices, inflation, student loan forgiveness (first he wasn't doing enough, then he did too much), and COVID management.

I vaguely remember the criticism from the left on Afghanstan.  But the rest of it?  Please show me examples.  And I mean that sincerely.  If I missed them, I'd like to see just how much I missed.  Was it just one article that mentioned that Biden may have some responsibility here among 20 puff pieces?  Or was there really some intense pushing for answers?

BTW, I believe the inflation for the first two years have been Trump's fault.  This past six months or so is because of Biden.

On 7/3/2023 at 10:06 AM, Godless said:

The right operates on outrage. The left operates on facts.

What outrage/facts specifically?

  • Climate change will cause us all to be 6 ft below water by 2017? Oh, then 2020, then 2023, then 2035... That fact?
  • The United States can handle the millions of illegal immigrants coming across the border, and then trying to get rid of them from sanctuary states and cities?  That fact?
  • That AK-47s are freely available to anyone who goes into a gun shop?  That fact?
  • That racism is so prevalent that people have to fabricate race-based attacks to keep the fear alive?  That fact?
  • More guns = more gun crime?  That fact?
  • That men can menstruate and even have children?
  • That we can no longer have any legal definitions of men and women?  That fact?
  • That there is no big push to trans our children? (Here is the recent NEA Summer reading list - It includes Gender Queer, and it references another book: All Boys Aren't Blue).  Yup, absolutely true.  No agenda there.  I mean, it's not like the NEA has much pull in public schools or anything.

Outrage?  Like allowing men to pretend to be women so they can rape women in bathrooms and locker rooms?  Why would you suggest that we should stop being outraged by that?  And why exactly are YOU not outraged by it?  How does that square with the Me Too movement? 

On 7/3/2023 at 10:06 AM, Godless said:

The liberal media has been much harder on Biden than conservative media ever was on Trump. 

Perhaps you're not aware of just how many media personalities (not to mention Republican politicians) were "Never-Trumpers."  The term was coined precisely because there were so many of them. 

How many Democrat senators refused to confirm even a single judicial nominee from Biden even when they were so unqualified that they couldn't even answer the question about what Article III of the Constitution was about?  BTW, Article III is the portion of the Constitution that defines the Judicial branch.  They were that unqualified, and yet not a single Democrat refused to confirm any one of them.

And instead, we have people on the left saying that Biden's protection of Hunter was "an act of love."  Uh-huh.

If all you're saying is that our crap smells too, then fine.  It does.  But don't you try to sell this idea that you don't need to clean your own house first.

Edited by Carborendum
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14 hours ago, Carborendum said:

What outrage/facts specifically?

  • Climate change will cause us all to be 6 ft below water by 2017? Oh, then 2020, then 2023, then 2035... That fact?
  • The United States can handle the millions of illegal immigrants coming across the border, and then trying to get rid of them from sanctuary states and cities?  That fact?
  • That AK-47s are freely available to anyone who goes into a gun shop?  That fact?
  • That racism is so prevalent that people have to fabricate race-based attacks to keep the fear alive?  That fact?
  • More guns = more gun crime?  That fact?
  • That men can menstruate and even have children?
  • That we can no longer have any legal definitions of men and women?  That fact?
  • That there is no big push to trans our children? (Here is the recent NEA Summer reading list - It includes Gender Queer, and it references another book: All Boys Aren't Blue).  Yup, absolutely true.  No agenda there.  I mean, it's not like the NEA has much pull in public schools or anything.


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A few videos I came across last night that prove how grounded the left is in facts. Sadly, not one democratic rep or senator nationwide has spoken out against the views expressed by the mentally ill people in these videos. Rather, they welcome these same people to their rallies and encourage them to act out in violence when their views are not shared.





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I continue to roll my eyes about how often I hear them say "There's a difference between gender and sex."  Then they turn right around and protest when we segregate based on sex.  

If gender is just how you see yourself, then great.  No problem.  But once that "feeling" becomes a basis for you to force others to see you that same way, then there's a problem.  Because you "feel" you're a woman, you can go into a woman's locker room even though you have male sex organs?  How does that even make sense?

Because you "feel" something, you're going to require that I use YOUR preferred pronouns?  This puts you in charge of what word definitions are.  And if anyone has control over that, then they have control over laws.  Because laws are all about the definitions of words.

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31 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

If you google "LGB vs. TQ+", you can see some fascinating things happening within the alphabet community.  (Make sure you have your safe content filters on first though.)

JK Rowling, a liberal’s liberal, got “Liz Cheneyed” if you catch my drift. JK didn’t bow to the transgender set, so she got the ax. Liz Cheney (who was very right wing) didn’t bow to God Emperor Trump, so she got whacked. Once again the two sides are very similar. 

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On 7/7/2023 at 11:06 AM, NeuroTypical said:

If you google "LGB vs. TQ+", you can see some fascinating things happening within the alphabet community.  (Make sure you have your safe content filters on first though.)

While we can celebrate the fact that there are a few on the left who are trying to draw a distinction from themselves vs the further radicals, the underlying pattern continues to be "well, as long as you're not that far gone, I guess you're ok."  This isn't really an objective measure by any means.  It just means that the crap keeps getting pile higher and higher.  And we're just happy that we're in the area of the barn where there is the shortest pile.

The distinction we can make about any point where we disagree is when whatever you do requires that I change my life or behavior in any way just to accommodate you.  And prior to this past decade, the LGBT community didn't really ask for much. 

  • The first point of contention was when they asked for bakers, designers, and priests to accommodate gay weddings.  And we were losing that battle.  Thankfully, there have been some cases where we pushed back and won.  But we lost just as many (or more).
  • Then they allowed gay couples to adopt children.  Now their decision to live a homosexual lifestyle meant that they are now affecting other people.

While we certainly make some allowances for living in a pluralistic society, we keep losing ground on what our rights have been for centuries.  And the distinctions they are trying to make (which has some validity) doesn't change the fact that we've ceded far too much already

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m hearing more “gossip” (nothing but online rumors) that Newsom will run. I’m with @pam 100% that it scares me to death. He’e wrong 95% of the time, younger then Biden and far more likable. Not to us of course but certainly to his base. Probably to the suburbs too. 

Anyone else with me in missing Ronald Reagan now? 

:: sigh ::

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