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  1. NeedleinA

    Police Reform

    I was pulled over about a year or so ago for also going significantly faster than the speed limit... it was my fault. I received a ticket with the option of going to a STOP class. I said almost nothing to the police officer, complied, got my ticket and thanked him and wished him well on his day. My older son, entire family was in the car, said, "Dad, you just thanked the officer for giving you a ticket?". I said, "Yes I did. I was wrong, he was right. I deserved it and he was doing his job. Everyone showed respect, it is a two way street". I did go to my 3.5 hour long STOP class... long snooze fest but that was probably part of the lesson learned - hah!
    2 points
  2. romans8

    Satan's First Lie

    I would view it a little differently - Satan hasn't changed, the overall temptation and excuse is, "Has God really said ..." Satan has always tried to get people to doubt what God has said to mankind.
    1 point
  3. Two days ago, Colorado's governor issued a statewide mask order for all indoor public areas. Shortly after, 2 or 3 county sheriffs issued statements like this: In later interviews, we hear the executive order is worded as basically ordering the owners of the public areas to require masks, and trespass those who refuse. All the LEO agencies as far as I can tell, will respond to trespass situations and trespass people. My local WalMart handled it well - with a giant (at least 3 inches taller than my 6'1" self) young friendly greeter, with a big smile on his face and a box of masks. My daughter and I watched a few maskless folks head in, they all either put on their masks, or put on one he gave them.
    1 point
  4. mirkwood

    Police Reform

    The vast majority of traffic stops end in a warning or ticket. Probably 90% or even higher. However... If you are actively doing interdiction of some sort those numbers will be higher. If for example, I'm watching a drug house and making traffic stops, those percentages will be significantly higher. The shift you work can also influence the arrest numbers. The highest numbers of arrests I made were on my weekend graveyard shifts. That is a much different environment then what I work now (weekdays, dayshift).
    1 point
  5. mordorbund

    Police Reform

    1. I appreciate that this is getting done on the local level instead of the state or national. Let them try it and if it works let others adopt it. If it doesn't then the damage is relatively small. 2. Sounds like they're trying to split police work into violent and non-violent work. I'd like to hear from @mirkwood how reasonable is the assumption that a routine traffic stop only ends with a ticket or a warning, and how often does it include an arrest from outstanding warrants, or conflict escalation, or some other thing. 3. Something I learned from when my wife was on the HOA board: People want the problem solved - as long as you're the one solving it. Put it back on them and they don't complain as loud (or they rise to the challenge and everyone wins). In an effort to include local policing that represents the community, your senior year of high school you are paired up with experienced LEO to police your neighborhood.
    1 point
  6. NeuroTypical


    Speaking of 'running away from all this crap', my wife lost a little hen a while ago. She figured a dog or coyote got her. Then, the other day, well, we found where she had run off to:
    1 point
  7. https://mylifebygogogoff.com/2020/07/when-satan-gives-you-a-revelation-that-you-dont-need-to-follow-your-church-leaders.html?fbclid=IwAR3fwnL_iA_OuCR6yQp3xms9dA9c1fCVuEDOHSQPUaBOY8ufpJFaLDLqpRg
    1 point
  8. I would have stayed on board The Ark with the rest of the animals and weathered out the storm waiting for the Ark to stop wobbling. 😎 Mostly serious answer. The Traveler
    0 points