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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/22 in all areas

  1. Just_A_Guy

    Just my luck...

    You know, “God Save the King” remains in the hymnal—at least, for now . . .
    2 points
  2. There very nearly was an Arthur II - the eldest son of Henry VII who sadly died before his father. Henry was a Welshman and a descendant of the British kings who ruled before the Angles, Saxons and Normans came along, so it's not hard to see why he chose the name.
    1 point
  3. Jamie123

    Just my luck...

    I thought on Thursday when *the news* came, I didn't envy whoever was down to lead intercessions in church this Sunday. Guess who it is... This is the one Sunday service everyone's going to remember for ever, so if I muck up intercessions that's my place in history assured. Wish me luck...
    1 point
  4. JohnsonJones

    Men of no worth?

    I am the outlier here, though not unexpected. I ascribe, and still say, woman inherently ARE more righteous and attuned to the spirit. Does that mean every woman is more spiritual or attune to the spirit or more righteous than men? No, it doesn't even mean that even a majority of woman are going to be spiritual or righteous. Does it mean that men and woman cannot be equally yoked, or that the woman is always more righteous than the man? Absolutely not. You can have men that are just as righteous and spiritual. We hope that they are equal in spirituality and righteousness. Unfortunately, throughout the past, and in history, we see men more prone to violence, murder, destruction, and all sorts of malicious and nefarious sins against men and heaven. I think there is a reason that we see more woman stay within the confines of spirituality than we do men, and it is NOT because churches are driving men away, but because men are abandoning the churches and following their own desires instead. So, I will say I still feel that woman have an inherent part of their character that is able to make it easier for them to draw close to the spirit. HOWEVER, it does not mean that men are not able to be just as spiritual or righteous. We have men that are far more righteous than most woman, and there are men that are spiritual giants that lead us. It may lead to a massive imbalance in heaven though, where those who were righteous will have far more woman that attain the highest degrees of heaven than men.
    1 point
  5. This is good. I was under the impression that Idaho wasn't really having that bad of a drought though, that most of the problems stem from it having drought in the past, so even if they had a higher amount of water this year in Idaho, they are still recovering from drought prior to this. On the otherhand, the rain seems to hit Western Idaho and then skip right over Utah so Utah hasn't really had any relief from it at all and is in dire conditions right now. 59.2% of people in Idaho falls are members, so out of around 66.5 K, that means around 39K members. The food bank seems to be feeding almost 10% of the population of Idaho Falls, if I read the article right.
    1 point
  6. Jamie123

    Just my luck...

    Since posting this the thoughts have come flooding and I think I'm ready. Thanks to anyone who prayed for me!
    1 point
  7. Jamie123

    Just my luck...

    Sorry I should have said "prayers" not "intercessions". You stand up at the front and say prayers for everyone. You decide yourself what yo say, but you typically follow an accepted form (beginning with "Dear Heavenly Father" and ending with "rejoicing in the fellowship of all your saints...etc..etc..amen. Traditionally it is done by the priest, but in these more progressive times it's someone from the congregation. Some people go on and on and on until in the end no one's listening. I keep mine short - usually because I put it off to the last minute to write it (tell the truth and shame the Devil!) - but short intercessions are generally preferred by the congregation. Anyway, this is the one week I definitely can't afford to be sloppy. Anyone got anything prayerworthy they want me to include?
    1 point
  8. Vort

    What a great bathroom!

    The shower does not have a shower curtain. But it does have a chandelier. So on the whole, everything balances out.
    1 point
  9. laronius

    Men of no worth?

    Initially Satan encouraged men to treat women as inferior. Then he riled up women to demand to be treated like men. And because women can never be as good at being a man as men are (and vice versa) pressure is then put on men to be less manly in the name of equality. So the end result is non-feminine women and non-masculine men. Satan then puts his hands behind his head and his feet upon his desk and laughs.
    1 point
  10. 1. I have (twice) asked what you think God intended for humankind after the fall, and your answer focuses on what He intended before the fall. Fortunately, you finally sort of get around to answering my question 1 in your latest response to question 2. 2. When you say “They experience happiness in their life but also experience misery due to consequences which began with the Fall”—I agree with this. And that’s what changed between Gen 3:16 and Moses 5:10-11: experience. That’s why Eve came to understand that the fall was not an unmitigated disaster. It is interesting to me that you ask @person0 what “the curse of Adam” in Moroni 8:8 refers to, and then—without waiting for a response, and in your very next post, carry on as if you know exactly what it means. Your question to person0 is especially interesting when you have proven in the past to be so industriously resourceful at finding obscure LDS pedagogical materials—but are somehow ignorant of the church-published youth seminary manuals that define this term as the separation between man and God that was a result of the fall. What I am concerned about in this particular thread, is that even though Mormonism pretty clearly describes the Fall as a mixed blessing you seem heck-bent on straw-manning the Mormon teaching as pronouncing the Fall as being either all good or all bad—and then you try to play “gotcha” by confronting us with LDS scriptures, sermons, and teaching materials that don’t line up with the caricature of us that you’ve created using hyper-technical semantic interpretations of a language (English) that is neither the original language of the most of the source documents, nor (as I believe you’ve freely acknowledged) is even your own first language. It all comes across as deeply disingenuous. So, let me try to put this as clearly as I can: The fall of Adam had both positive and negative effects. Positive and necessary long-term effects included: enabling procreation, permitting spiritual growth by introducing an element of opposition, and heightening humankind’s ability to enjoy the good by making it possible to actually experience the bad. Negative short-term effects included allowing humankind to experience pain, despair, and sin; wresting humankind from their innocent state, and bringing about an alienation from God that—if one does not repent and turn to Christ—can become permanent. Different scriptures, sermons, and church instructional materials will focus on different aspects of the fall, whether positive or negative; depending on the attitudes, priorities, and praxis that a particular speaker is trying to elicit within a particular audience at a particular moment in time; and may be influenced additionally by whatever secular/literary traditions (whether accurate or errant) that the speaker’s particular culture may have ascribed to the story of the fall.
    1 point
  11. We could feed the children with the potatoes...
    0 points
  12. Just_A_Guy

    Queen of England health

    Full name is Charles Philip Arthur George. England has never had a King Philip, and these days tradition and continuity with the past is practically the monarchy’s only selling point. On the other hand they’ve had a surfeit of Georges, especially in the last 100 years; another would be confusing. And legend has it that the reign of their only King Arthur was cut short due to a war incited by his wife’s adultery. “Charles” may have been his least-bad option.
    0 points
  13. Vort

    Just my luck...

    And Sister Vort is the chorister! But she's gone this weekend. Bummer.
    0 points
  14. mordorbund

    What a great bathroom!

    I remember that place! I was standing in the yard looking through the window. I was really impressed with … that chandelier.
    0 points
  15. mordorbund

    Millions of potatoes

    My Modest Proposal is to have more children harvest the potatoes.
    0 points