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Everything posted by mrmarklin

  1. Well, Mexican culture is a lot closer than one would think, and the language is farther apart! Just got back from Spain, and though I'm a fluent Spanish speaker at times I felt the need of a dictionary to translate the menu! The tortillas are not the same...................
  2. While I would agree with Loumouth's take on self reliance, the fact remains that most of us in the West are anything but. With the world itself becoming increasingly interdependent, we would have to rely on our families, friends and yes, even the authorities to maintain our very lives. One would not want to be independent, and in fact the vast majority could not.
  3. You don't say whether you have children or not. If not, I would say move on with your life. If you have children, you should stay for them, and raise them properly.
  4. You are not married. You owe this person nothing. What you're seeing now is only a preview of your possible married life together. That is why it's called "dating", to see if you're compatible and a "match". This relationship is not a match. Cut your losses.
  5. Matthew0059, Here is an excerpt from last year's Sunday School manual of the Old testament: "President Kimball taught: “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored in 1830. … This is the kingdom, set up by the God of heaven, that would never be destroyed nor superseded, and the stone cut out of the mountain without hands that would become a great mountain and would fill the whole earth” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1976, 10; or Ensign, May 1976, 8–9). • What did Daniel prophesy concerning the Church in the latter days? (See Daniel 2:34–35, 44.) a. Be “cut out without hands” (Daniel 2:34). b. Become “a great mountain, and [fill] the whole earth” (Daniel 2:35). c. “Never be destroyed” (Daniel 2:44). d. “Not be left [given] to other people” (Daniel 2:44). e. “Consume all [other] kingdoms” (Daniel 2:44). f. “Stand for ever” (Daniel 2:44). • What did it mean that the stone would be “cut out without hands”? (See Daniel 2:34. It would not be man-made.) How is the restored Church of Jesus Christ like a stone cut out without hands? Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said: “Our Lord and Savior stands at the head of this church and directs it through his servants. This is the Lord’s church; it is not a church of men” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1993, 4; or Ensign, Nov. 1993, 5). • How is Daniel’s prophecy that the Church will “fill the whole earth” and “never be destroyed” being fulfilled today? (You may want to refer to the second chart in the attention activity.) President Gordon B. Hinckley testified: “This Church is true. It will weather every storm that beats against it. It will outlast every critic who rises to mock it. It was established by God our Eternal Father for the blessing of His sons and daughters of all generations. It carries the name of Him who stands as its head, even the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. It is governed and moves by the power of the priesthood. It sends forth to the world another witness of the divinity of the Lord. Be faithful, my friends. Be true. Be loyal to the great things of God which have been revealed in this dispensation” (“Keep the Faith,” Ensign, Sept. 1985, 6)." Note the quote by President Kimball. This church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will roll forward and fill the earth. I have never heard another interpretation in any manual, speech or anything else that contradicts this. As far as I'm concerned, these ideas appearing in the Gospel Doctrine manual taught to all the church, is tantamount to doctrine.
  6. Hopefully, the west will continue to support Israel. I think it likely for the forseeable future, and in fact if one follows current historical trends we will continue to become more liberal.
  7. It is nowhere written that Joseph Smith's church, which he established (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) would continue to grow uninterrupted until it sent missionaries to the whole earth. That is how many members interpret it- but that is not what the scriptures teach us. I totally disagree with your interpretation of this scripture. One of the signs of the last days is that the gospel will be preached to all the world. See D&C 90:11, Matt. 24:14 and (JS) Matt 1:31.
  8. You are already living in the "hard times" prophesied of old. Most of the people in the world experience just what you are afraid of. Everyone on this forum who has not spent any time in a 3d world country (not in just the tourist areas) should do so immediately, if not sooner! Quite an education.
  9. I certainly recommend an interesting book 1493 for an idea of how the world became dependant on one another, and the seeds of liberalism have been sown. And since that early era the world has only become more interdependent. Life without free trade, travel and communication would be intolerable. Yet that is how people in the Dark Ages largely lived before 1493. LDS are aware of how the Book of Mormon alludes to this progress.
  10. Pray tell, what are the "real" prophecies that supposedly vindicate the current state of the U.S.? I am aware of all the scriptural prophecies, and none of them are not congruent with the idea that we're on the fast track to destruction. It is nowhere written that Joseph Smith's church, which he established (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) would continue to grow uninterrupted until it sent missionaries to the whole earth. That is how many members interpret it- but that is not what the scriptures teach us. There IS such a scripture: Daniel 2 44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. 45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. By "liberal ideals", do you mean the modern understanding of "liberalism" or the "classic liberalism" of the Founding Fathers? I meant the current "liberalism" which champions the Socialist and Communist methods of government, which are inherently godless, though many liberals believe they are serving God by advancing their philosophies and policies. I do mean classical liberalism, not the Marxist nonsense. But to give you an idea of how pervasive Westrn thought has become, note that the largest and oldest civilization in the world (China) adopted Marxism, a Western idea!!!! It would be impossible without the total breakdown of our current society! The last time Zion was trying to come forth (pre-Manifesto) the Federal Government betrayed the free principles of the Founding Fathers and raged against the men of God, using all legal powers they possessed to stop the work of God. I totally disagree. It is necessary that things continue as they are for the church to prosper. Has the United States gotten more righteous? Are we able to preach the Gospel in public, or to preach correct principles of Government as our forefathers were? Are the most innocent of our citizens- the unborn children inside their mothers' wombs- protected, or are they legally seen as something more akin to tumors than people? Have we not developed a Roman-esque system of "Gladiatorial" games for the idle entertainment of men? Can you even publicly state that the U.S. is based on the Judeo-Christian system of values without being attacked by the faithless "wise men" (professors and scholars) of the day? No; America has not become more righteous. President Monson mentioned the "moral revolution" that occurred in the '60's in the last General Conference- mentioned and lamented it. President Packard said our children are being raised in "enemy" territory. These and a thousand other testaments, from this past General Conference and all the Conferences before it, testify to the actual direction our society is headed. I encourage you to search out some of the prophecies of the early Brethren, and their modern counterparts, and fast and pray that God will give you a personal understanding of what the scriptures really teach us about our day. Yes it is. Why do you think it is written in the book of Daniel that the little horn was given power over the Saints of God? Who is it that has power over the Church right now- which is where the Church teaches the Saints of God are located? Whose side was the little horn on- God's or the devil's. I don't deny that great powers of wickedness are arrayed against the Church and its allies, but I submit that for the last 200+ years the Lord's hand is guiding us to ever more liberalism. And that this is necessary for Daniel's prophecy to come true. In the last ten years western civilization has been made very aware of the forces of Intolerance represented in part by Al Qaeda, and is taking steps to resolve this. It will be a long road of many years to break down the predjudices represented by that sort of civilization, but I am optimistic that it's part of the Lord's plan. The continuing support of Israel by the US and others in the west is also part of the plan, and woe unto us if that support should ever waver, for then we will be ripening in iniquity. Oranizations such as the European Union, and yes even the hated United Nations, are slowly but surely working in the direction of the fulfilment of Daniel's prophecy. By making the world in general more liberal and democratic.
  11. Not really buying into the idea that the US is headed for destruction. If one closely examines the real prophecies, one must concede that a strong US and other Christian nations is paramount in the future success of God's plans. The Gospel will be preached to all the world before the last day. Since over 1/2 the world right now doesn't even allow missionary work, this prophecy has a long way to go. But progress is accelerating. Progess depends on more liberal ideals than now extant in most of the world. I don't believe in a war among ourselves in the USA other than the one we already had ca. 1861. Remember, the New Jersalem will be built here in the USA. I submit that this would be impossible with a total breakdown of society. The Church itself is somewhat dependant on the protection of Western civilization. And in fact contemporary history supports the idea that the world is becoming more liberal rather than less, with the pervasiveness of Western philosophy throughout the world in general. In 1820 there was 1 democracy, and constant tension among the European powers, leading to many wars during which tens of millions suffered and died. I just returned from a European vacation travelling from Germany to France and Spain. How many times was my passport checked?? That's right: not even. This would have been unthinkable 190 years ago. So God's hand is leading us toward more liberality. That is the actual trend. Will there be future problems, wars and suffering? Yes, but only in the context of accomplishing God's objectives.
  12. Probably no such thing as completely unbiased because editors are people after all. Fox is probably closest. But Roger Ailes is right wing, which I personally prefer.
  13. Bottom line is this for me: You're not going anywhere or doing anything without a sure water supply. For the vast majority of us who live in cities that means needing some sort of well-digging equipment, a pump and water storage facility. Not necessarily on the shelves at your local K-Mart. It's kind of fun I suppose to speculate about total disaster scenarios, but also kind of silly IMHO. In the interrelated world in which we live, only a small minority of us are or even can be self sufficient. If all transport etc etc ends, most of us in cities live so far from our sources of water that our lives would be in danger in only a matter of a few days. All resources would have to be devoted to finding potable water. as soon as possible. Any other speculation about getting TP, guns, or comfort items other than food is ludicrous.
  14. I'd pick Utah too, if I had to. Farther south!!!! Less bad weather. We here in the PRK (People's Republik of Kalifornia) certainly do pay a lot for the privilege of living in very nice weather almost all year round. But it's a very good life for those of us who like to go outdoors in the winter. Skiing is less than 3 hours from the sun as well, and this year they skiied past Memorial Day.
  15. Likely your problems if any are more cultural than religious. After all, people are people. I have a son in Idaho, and not letting your kids play with non-Mormons is a real thing (not for him). I have a hard time getting my head around that in a missionary church. Some other things that are not religious but cultural that I have observed in my travels: Slow driving in the "fast" lane and in general a lot of "bad" driving compared to where I live. A rejection of birth control and common sense about family planning. Many Mormons being "social" Mormons, and rolling with the flow but not having an actual testimony of the gospel. Rejecting any R rated movie out of hand without even knowing that it may be appropriate anyway. A certain amount of gullibility when doing business with Mormon authority figures. Pressure on young women for early marraige. But I will say that especially in Idaho where I travel frequently, people are more friendly than the average where I live. And that's a good thing!
  16. In my experience: Two kinds of missionaries that had girlfriends after a year or so: Those that were afraid that the girl would not wait and those that were afraid she would. Edit: Bottom line is at 19 you're too young for any serious relationship.
  17. The prophet speaks for Christ so there is no possible contradiction. This is really a very silly postulation. See Amos 3:7
  18. I think it's reasonable to say that all this factual arguing boils down to "he said, she said" stuff. No one really knows the whole truth, because we weren't there to witness the events, and apparently no one even knows for sure whether the documents we currently have are accurately provenanced. I do know one thing for sure after being on this planet for over 63 years: Every Anti argument that I have ever researched to a conclusion was a total lie and fabrication. Whereas, the spirit of the Lord I have felt from time to time in my life, wasn't.
  19. If you have seen your bishop and followed the steps he gave you for repentance, you are a virtuous woman. It's as if the sin never happened in the eyes of the Lord. There is no need to tell anyone anything.
  20. Remember this: You don't need to be perfect. Your sins are forgiven every time you take the sacrament, if done with the right spirit. We are all saved by grace, after all we can do. The Holy Ghost is always available, just like the radio waves that are around you right now. All you have to do is tune in.
  21. never heard of such a thing, I'm from Ephraim.
  22. Congratulations. You are going to a good part of the world where there are a lot of people seeking the truth. Unfortunately, there must needs be opposites in all things, and there are also a lot of sinners in the area! You'll have a good mission, I'm sure. A lot of those sinners are also seeking truth.