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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from Blackmarch in Wish me luck as I start a new diet   
    extremehealthradio on youtube is one podcast that I got hooked on recently. He interviews a lot of the top specialists in the nutrition and medicine fields. I am excited to know that the future of our human health development is finally moving forward in the mainstream and people are becoming aware and informed. Thank you internet.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from a mustard seed in Can Satan make you sick?   
    I have been researching healthy living and slowly trying to implement good habits into my daily life. What I learned over the past few months about health and science is very interesting. For example water is more then just a liquid that hydrates us, its a structure that has memory and information stored in it. Dr Emoto from japan observed that frozen water that has negative energy looks very ugly, frozen water that has positive energy looks pretty. Other researchers have chimed in and told Dr. Emoto that water does have negative and positive properties and that is why it looks the way it does in a frozen state.
    They did a test and put several glasses of water on paper that had words written on it and placed it in a freezer. The glass that was sitting on the words "hitler" looked very ugly when it froze, another glass that was on a positive word like "happy" looked pretty when it froze. One researcher went so far to say that when you pray over your water at meal time the water becomes positive.
    The more us humans advance in science, the more proof will support that God exists as the positive energy and Satan as the negative energy. So whether you call it negative energy, unhealthy, or Satan...yes all those things can make you sick. imho
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    priesthoodpower reacted to CV75 in Who thinks the Word of Wisdom needs updating?   
    Pray about your motives, habits and your goals in this area and with the confirmation of he Spirit, you will certainly become motivated. That is the "finding wisdom" part of the blessing in keeping the commandment as it currently interpreted by our leaders, and is part of another promise which can be had on an individual level: "Yea, blessed are they whose feet stand upon the land of Zion, who have obeyed my gospel; for they shall receive for their reward the good things of the earth, and it shall bring forth in its strength. And they shall also be crowned with blessings from above, yea, and with commandments not a few, and with revelations in their time—they that are faithful and diligent before me."
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    priesthoodpower reacted to Maureen in Who thinks the Word of Wisdom needs updating?   
    Do Mormons follow Jewish food laws? If the LDS Church can stop practicing plural marriage (among the living) then it's also possible for LDS members to some day enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee (in the 21st century). All things are possible, only believe. ?
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    priesthoodpower reacted to anatess2 in Who thinks the Word of Wisdom needs updating?   
    Except... the Church is worldwide and not just American.
    The thing is, we don't need the Word of Wisdom to ban things to get us healthy.  Rather, it is the principle of the Word of Wisdom that gets us out of danger territory.  We don't have to be told that we shouldn't consume gallons of sugary drinks to stay healthy.  Tons of Filipinos drink sugary drinks - matter of fact, I grew up drinking Coke everyday, of course, in the Philippines Coke is expensive so my family of 6 buy a 1-liter Coke bottle to share for afternoon snacks.  But just because it is cheap in America doesn't mean you should guzzle all 1 liter by yourself in one sitting everyday.
    WoW should not have to ban fatty pizza just because Americans eat too much of it.  WoW shouldn't have to ban Red Bull because Americans have a strange addiction to it.  WoW shouldn't have to be updated everytime some modern invention like vaping comes along.  Rather, Americans should be smarter about their life choices... which is what the WoW teaches.
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    priesthoodpower reacted to NeuroTypical in Who thinks the Word of Wisdom needs updating?   
    Yeah, good luck with that.  The Original Abrahamic Covenant posse are, (after what, 5000 years?) still using two sets of dishes and refusing to eat bacon.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from Backroads in I feel silly doubting a relationship over career prospects, but there it is   
    My current occupation has nothing to do with my degree. It took me 5 years after marriage to settle into the field im in now, another 3 years after that to gain the courage to start my own "side hustle" business in another unrelated field. So now I have two incomes and feeling comfortable as a provider to my family. Wife has been a stay at home mother all these years and will be going back to work next month now that the kids are bigger.
    Life is about the journey not about keeping up with the joneses in your ward.
  8. Like
    priesthoodpower got a reaction from Jane_Doe in I feel silly doubting a relationship over career prospects, but there it is   
    My current occupation has nothing to do with my degree. It took me 5 years after marriage to settle into the field im in now, another 3 years after that to gain the courage to start my own "side hustle" business in another unrelated field. So now I have two incomes and feeling comfortable as a provider to my family. Wife has been a stay at home mother all these years and will be going back to work next month now that the kids are bigger.
    Life is about the journey not about keeping up with the joneses in your ward.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from Sunday21 in Top Reasons Not To Enter A WalMart   
    Walmart....the only store where you should open and check the shoe box before you end up buying a used pair of shoes.
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    priesthoodpower reacted to NightSG in Acceptance in church is the goal   
    If it directly supports the Scriptural view, does it really matter whether a quote comes from Shakespeare, the US Constitution, Mother Teresa, Buddha or Brigham Young?  Generally, finding agreement from outside the echo chamber is considered a good thing in persuasive speaking.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from zil in Acceptance in church is the goal   
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from Maureen in what if you don't want to become an endowed member?   
    I have to disagree. Everyone has different personalities and gifts, your son is a social butterfly and gifted at making people around him feel comfortable. You also only told us about the relationships that he has flourished in, has your son ever met resistance from a cohort? its pretty convenient to avoid people that you dont click with and take your friendship to the next person in class that is more receptive. Parakeets daughter is in a leadership position and pressured to work with 100% of the girls under her watch that all have different personalities and are obviously showing resistance.
    When your son is able to have 100% of the jujitsu students and 100% of the music program students over to his house because he is such a great friend, then will your comparison be a legitimate comparison to the YW leaders situation. Or lets wait til your son is the YM leader and is able to fellowship 100% of his class members who dont have the same interests as he does.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from ztodd in what if you don't want to become an endowed member?   
    Here is something to think about...why is it that at work, when you dont like your co-workers or boss you still need to be polite and interact with them, its called being cordial and its a very normal thing. At church its called fake fellowshipping and its a bad thing.
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    priesthoodpower reacted to zil in Signs of the Times   
    If you want to service my lawn, send me a PM.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from curious_mormon in I don't feel like I belong in the Mormon community   
    Im socialy awkward, its tough for me to enjoy myself when im in a crowd...wait, I hate crowds. Whether at school, work or church Id much rather be with one friend and stick with that one person the whole time. At church that means my three friends are my three daughters (wife is inactive). After sacrament when my daughters go to class I get social anxiety because I feel that everyone is staring at me like im a loner, sometimes I would go straight to the car and take a nap until church was over. The best thing that happened to me was that I got a calling and that gave me a sense of purpose and reason to communicate with others. 
    One good thing that helped me was to accept the fact that Im in an uncomfortable environment and to not beat myself up over it as if there is something wrong with me. I have learned that I dont need to be a 100% active participant in the ward. For example I was asked to give a talk in sacrament and I politely declined because I was in a hard time of my life and didnt feel like getting up infront of the ward, a year later the bishopric approached me again to give a talk and I felt honored so I accepted.
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    priesthoodpower reacted to NeuroTypical in 2nd marriage, wife doesn't want to be sealed...   
    Well, of course I can't speak for the OP, but the answer I often hear is this: They're hoping the sinful ex will repent and change, avail themselves of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and live worthily to inherit the kingdom of God.
    It's a legitimate hope, right?  I mean, it's not the level of hope that keeps someone single and longing for their ex, but it is the kind of hope born of love and forgiveness (at least it seems so to me).
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from Sunday21 in New Church Education initiative coming to your area! Great news!   
    This is awesome news! My 7th grader is picking up bad habits and shes finding it harder to maintain her GPA at her public school
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    priesthoodpower reacted to Anddenex in "I think we met in the pre-existence."   
    As to the first question regarding "[promising] each other that they would meet" doesn't appear to be inline with any doctrine (at least to the majority of God's spiritual heirs). Now, could we have known each other -- yes, for sure! What about Joseph Smith? I wouldn't be surprised if this was true for Emma and Joseph. Adam met Eve before they were spiritually organized in the Garden of Eden, did they make any promise? We don't know.
    This also steps very close to the pseudo doctrine, "I have to find the one!" I remember one of my teachers at BYU, who also taught seminary, explaining how a man who was in his 40's (married with 4 children) had met a wonderful young lady he worked with. He strongly believed he received a spiritual witness that she was "the one." He divorced his wife, left his family, and married this wonderful young lady -- "the one." The Lord would have never provided such a witness, no matter how much a person wants to convince themselves, "It was confirmed by the Spirit." 
    The concept of "plural marriage" in some instances would confirm this principle to be a pseudo doctrine; however, again possibly for a small majority this will not be the case. Did Nephi find his one, or would he have chosen a different partner if they stayed in Jerusalem? 
    This teaching would beg other questions, "What made one child fortunate enough to be even close to the one he made the promise to, while others were born on separate continents, or even different generations. The promise brings back to my remembrance this song from Last of the Mohicans (I Will Find You), "No matter where you go I will find you...if it takes a thousand years." Here are principles of doctrine one will have to take in mind regarding any promise (not made by God) in our counsels in heaven:
    1) Moral agency -- how many of our brothers and sisters made a promise, even to God, and are not living up to such due to moral agency? And God will not interfere with our free mind.
    2) Listening to the spirit through righteous living -- how would a person be directed to "their one" if they were born on separate continents, or even same state but different cities, according to God's will? The only way would be through righteous living and living close to God's spirit. How many of us actually live close enough to this spirit that we would be able to listen to such delicate promptings that would direct us in the right direction? What sin would have caused such to be lost?
    3) God already knew who we would marry -- imagine one of our brothers or sisters making a promise and God is thinking, "Great promise, but I have already seen your choice in a companion, and it wasn't her."
    4) God is perfectly just -- What principles would make it fair and just that some were able to choose, promise, their companion "I will find you" (and they are found), while others simply had to "make do" (poor choice of words but that appears to be in line with "second best") with a second choice. "I wanted her, but I was born a thousand years before her, so I had to make do." Now I have a new "one and only" -- so to speak. As God is no respecter of persons than some principle/law would have to in place for God to remain such.
    5) Soul Mates, "Soul mates' are fiction and an illusion; ... it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage."
    "While I am sure some young couples have some special guidance in getting together, I do not believe in predestined love. If you desire the inspiration of the Lord in this crucial decision, you must live the standards of the Church, and you must pray constantly for the wisdom to recognize those qualities upon which a successful union may be based. You must do the choosing, rather than to seek for some one-and-only so-called soul mate, chosen for you by someone else and waiting for you. You are to do the choosing. You must be wise beyond your years and humbly prayerful unless you choose amiss” (Eternal Love [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1973], p. 11).
    These are a few principles I can see off-hand that would interfere with this concept, particularly #5 as given by President Spencer W. Kimball.  EDIT: This statement, "But my feelings have been wrong before of course." is for all of us. We, ALL, at times will find ourselves believing something to be true, which is false. The Brother of Jared experienced this when he saw God's finger. The Apostles during Christ's life, asked the Lord regarding the blind man "who sinned" and they were shared true doctrine. What matters most, is how we respond when truth is provided. Do we humble ourselves, or do we turn away from the Lord like others who no longer followed Jesus because he spoke hard things? That is our choice, our moral agency.   So, I would be less concerned about being wrong, and more concerned about the heart that changes when truth is shared, because we will ALL be wrong at some point. 
  19. Like
    priesthoodpower got a reaction from Backroads in Faith promoting stories: having children but money is tight   
    I started my family 14 years ago and boy do I look back and see so many blessings gained and some missed. Hind site is 20/20 right!
    I am a firm believer in prayer and my 3 daughters are 3 more extra people in this world that pray for me on a daily basis. I have felt the power of prayer protect me when on dangerous job sites or when the stresses of life seemed to want to take me down into dark places. I believe that prayers from our immediate family (my children and wife) are the most strongest but prayers from my parents and distant relatives also help. For those of us that dont have children or come from small families your ward is also your family and your leaders and church members are praying for you also, Isnt that a great feeling to know that there are 100's of other people in your community praying for you?
    Immediate family, extended family, ward family, human family...all these prayers help.
    What does this have to do with starting a family and finances? I have had the same job after 14 years, we downsized multiple times and I am one of two people left from what used to be a team of 15. I also started a small service business 8 years ago and it has constantly grown bigger every year. The prayers and blessings from Heaven are the reason my family has gone from struggling to being comfortable. I am NOTHING without my children and wife, I am NOTHING without Christ.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from David13 in Teaching Modesty   
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    priesthoodpower reacted to BeccaKirstyn in Teaching Modesty   
    100% agree. 
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    priesthoodpower reacted to Just_A_Guy in Teaching Modesty   
    Perhaps; but those thoughts come much more quickly and powerfully if said woman is wearing--say--a bikini.
    I get the "your inability to control your thoughts is not my problem" thing, to a point; but I think it's also fair to ask people to recognize that our appearance does send a signal about us that other people are intended to receive and process and draw conclusions from.  If it didn't, I could quit wearing suits to court; and I daresay most females would dispense with makeup entirely.
    That said, I think it's best to take a much more holistic approach to modesty, treating it along @Jane_Doe's suggestions as a general concept of not drawing excessive attention to ourselves (including, but not limited to, sexual attention).  And I also agree with @anatess2 that these lessons need to come very, very early.  Eighteen is too late to be trying to teach the modesty lesson.  Heck, twelve or ten is probably too late.
    To the OP, I would probably suggest that if she's eighteen, harping on this issue is only going to seem like another parental attempt to oppress/control her.  Don't let this become a wedge issue between her and the gospel--be content to lead by example on the modesty front; and try to focus on the liberty and joy and safety and stability that a strong testimony, obedience to the commandments, and a Christ-centered life inevitably create.  If she values her God, and values herself, and values the temple covenants she's seen you make and live . . . sooner or later, the modesty thing will fall into place.
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Teaching Modesty   
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    priesthoodpower got a reaction from David13 in Fiance cheated   
    simply put, she got disrespected by her boyfriend. If someone did that to me I would be gone.
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    priesthoodpower reacted to NeedleinA in .   
    "Did Joseph Smith reinvent the temple by putting all the fragments -- Jewish, Orthodox, Masonic, Gnostic, Hindu, Egyptian, and so forth -- together again? No, that is not how it is done. Very few of the fragments were available in his day, and the job of putting them together was begun, as we have seen, only in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Even when they are available, those poor fragments do not come together of themselves to make a whole; to this day the scholars who collect them do not know what to make of them. The temple is not to be derived from them, but the other way around. . . . That anything of such fulness, consistency, ingenuity, and perfection could have been brought forth at a single time and place -- overnight, as it were -- is quite adequate proof of a special dispensation." (Ensign, February 2007).