Bad Karma

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Everything posted by Bad Karma

  1. When I did have a family to home teach, I've never had a companion to go with me, I just went it alone. I've been lucky to have really easy families that were really into the message. I don't have one right now and it has been three years since I have had one. I've brought it up in HP a few times, but the matter remains on the back burner, I imagine they have it covered. My home teacher is the first counselor to the Bishop, so, when I get a visit, the Bishop is usually in tow, or his second counselor. (I make sure I am an extra good boy when they are there) So, there is no flubbing up with my colorful tongue. I get regular visits, I also get phone calls twice a week, we're close, my home teacher and I. I'm not worried about the whole home teaching thing as much as I am anxious for our youngest son to be able to fend for himself as I really want to go on a senior mission with my wife. I'm hoping she can handle it, she's got some health issues plaguing her. I think she would be a gorgeous missionary. Ok, I fibbed, I do miss home teaching from time to time.
  2. May heavenly father bless and keep him while he undergoes this troublesome and spiritually painful time.
  3. That one kind of wears me down. I just hear it too much in absence of substance. Of course the church is true! We're here, dog gone it! I'm not spending three hours in a meetinghouse to grow boils!
  4. Empathy is a rare thing. I'm not ashamed to admit I am a Bat Crap Crazy PTSD jacked up crying out of the blue, jumpy, terrified red hot mess that when I am done taking all my pills, I've had a full meal. But when I have to talk to head shrinkers or family, it's often an experience in speaking to someone who not only doesn't speak my language, my body language, facial expressions, everything, is alien to them. I think empathy is a skill rarely mastered, I think of sweet souls the likes of Robin Williams, who's passing still brings me to tears was a master at empathy. I don't know why that is where I went with this.
  5. Brothers and Sisters, please think of my wife and I in your prayers tonight.
  6. I'll chime in here in the spirit of forgiveness. Abuse: Not all persons perpetuating abuse are "abusers", and those that have perpetuated abuse when called to repentance, such a marriage is subject to the lord's will, whatever that entails, I'd say the victimized spouse would know what that is one way or another and very much between heavenly father and the injured spouse. I am not going to delve into situational discourse here. Abuse is ugly, more often than not, the wife and husband both need to go to jail. All too often the female half gets away with felony spousal battery and gets away with it based on gender. Adultery: How sad a thing, adultery. Such hurtful betrayal it is. It is often the destroyer of both marriages and families, leaving the innocent and guilty wounded in the heart for the rest of their lives. I've seen the aftermath, divorce the end, and at times, out of a VERY lengthy separation, weeping couples exchange "I love you", to find their marriages restored when I was certain they were toast. Odd, very odd and hard to understand things happen and happen too often. Some do it out of evil, some do it out of mental illness, some do it because they feel entitled. ALL can be saved from that life. It's not for me to say what that spouse should do, yet I think if it is a repentant soul, maybe throwing that MAN a lifeline, he's still a man regardless of what he's done to change it, (DNA doesn't lie) If that man is unrepentant, heavenly father will be taking issues up with that "whatever" he wants to be. "And if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon" - Mr. Scott (Star Trek)
  7. Hi, sorry I have not been on as of late, Mrs. Karma has had a list of things for me to do. Staying "active" when deployed or otherwise unable to assemble in an LDS church, consisted of attending a generic service by a "chaplain", sacrament was more often than not done by yourself. I just happened to be the only soldier in my unit that was LDS, I made sacrament up and took it for myself. Something present challenges, such as our rights, like sacrament. Military service during this time of war was met with slight discouragement by the Bishopric and stake president, I was married to my EX wife (Non member) at the time and returning to service was more of an attractive option to me than the bishopric's argument. So, I charged forward. Is it hard to stay active as a member of the faith whilst in the military? Define "Active", your heart knows what you are.
  8. In agreement with Sunday21, I find this scenario to stand as more to truth, What does Satan gain by such full disclosure? A very considerable weapon in which to force your husband into Satan's playground by not just destroying you, or him, but to destroy a whole family, families being food for the deceiver, such is a feast joyful in Satan's eyes. "What God hath joined together"..... Make sure you find your way to your husband's protective loving arms each night, pray together before you lay your heads upon your pillow. It's such a small thing to be asked of either of you,lead him to it if you must, until he girds himself in his priesthood and leads. Blessings
  9. OUCH! Well, you've learned first hand just how deadly to your soul it can be to have an extramarital affair. I know this, if my wife came and told me she had an affair after all we have been through together, it would hurt me so deep, I think I would totally be a crying mess, close off my heart and just try to survive the knife in my chest, I don't think I would ever divorce her, but she would be dealing with a very crushed and broken man. So, In time, I know heavenly father would tell me to take my wife back into my arms and love her, although I already have trust issues as it is. The deceiver WANTS bad things to happen in marriages, bad things in marriages destroy families, often turning the other spouse away to find themselves in the devil's playground to be further destroyed. Are you being punished? Not by heavenly father, he doesn't work that way. Mental illness in you is not a punishment, but an affliction. I can't tell you what to do as far as telling him or not, I don't see any good coming from that when your marriage is already having strife, pray, pray, pray some more, go see your bishop quietly about this, having someone to help you with spiritual battle is a great asset, which is clearly in evidence, that is spiritual battle. You are very repentant and do not come off as flippant at all, I'd say your heart is screaming out to our lord with all it's might. In the mean time, pray, cry, tell your husband you love him, several times a day. You'll teach him to do the same. Those little words in a man's ears do so much. Welcome here.
  10. I don't know any gamblers minus my mother's ex boyfriend (Prior to her having been baptized), I do not know if he had a problem or not, I never had an affinity for him to ask, he was had other issues more acute IMHO. Now, pornography I understand being verbotten, it destroys on the human level in so many ways, also giving the viewer unrealistic perceptions what women and men are supposed to look like, encourages extramarital activity, etc. I would see where gambling addictions are destroyers family, etc. The faces of the cards though, I looked them over, they are really unremarkable except that when you flip the card, the opposing face is up ended.
  11. I've never really thought about it. We live in the mountains, often when we get a real heavy snow, the power goes out. We light the lanterns and play games, often "Go fish" or blackjack. I've only ever glanced at the faces on the cards and never gave it a second thought. It's been some time since I've played poker, and even then, I've only ever played for simple poker chips bought at Rite Aid. What do you think of face cards?
  12. Eh, the last one I tried on wasn't flattering. I scared everyone at the beach, people were running away, even the seagulls left. Made me sad
  13. 1. Ok 2. Ya got me there, I have no idea who that is. I didn't google, my bad. 3. I can't say I've ever done that. I'm so behind. 4. Check! 5. Oh, Monsters for the WIN!! 6. Is there any other kind? 7. I look awful in a bikini, so I just don't wear 'em. I'm just doing the whole fig leaf thing 24 7 now. It's not so bad if you remember what poison ivy looks like. 8.Oh, you should see the faces I make at the Bishopric! 9. Momma said I'd put my eye out and that is the debil!!! 10. I keep a 3 day assault pack stuffed with pogey bait and figet spinners, you know, for when you gotta "represent"!
  14. Yes, that's pretty nuts, but think about it, "Sheeple" do that kind of stuff, and there's no shortage of "Sheeple".
  15. OP, Lay it out to her, you may crash and burn, stuff happens! You may strike gold. If you don't say something, you will NEVER know, if you crash and burn, you're going to strike the hard deck and that sucks, welcome to everything everyone else has gone through at least once. Welcome to having a heart. The possibilities are exciting and scary, but this is life, charge forward if you wish. Or, maybe she'll just club you upside the head and drag you off because she is sick of waiting for you to open the subject.
  16. The bickering from Mike Jones is hilarious! Oh, my sides hurt.
  17. Backroads, In the future, just tell that imposing person to go away and eat a bowl full of ice cubes. It will give her yammering biscuit eater something else to do, part company with her. Being friendly doesn't mean you have to be a door mat. A very pointed conversation followed by disinvitation will cease that monkey shine straight away. I love the power of NO, it just feels soooooo good. I can just say it all day long! No! NO! Oh wow, it's delightful! NO! I'm getting carried away here.
  18. *Screeching tires* Well, that kind of blows repentance right out the window. Please, continue.. Stop... You've lost me. I don't want to read anymore, it wouldn't help... I don't think you want the answers you are asking for. I am pleased to make your acquaintance welcome to Mormon Hub. I actually read and replied before I noticed Vort did. Yeah, what HE said.
  19. No problem, It's much akin to teaching Adults to become Boyscouts.
  20. When the Provident living comittee chairperson was actually doing that, my wife taught canning, storage of goods needed for one year, etc.I taught archery, we had range days and I took some of the men hunting. I also taught knife, axe and hatchet care to newer men in the ward that had less experience living in the woods. Easy calling.
  21. I've once asked for a specific calling because I felt led to it. I asked to be a ward missionary, and, not long after, I was called to be a ward missionary. I have to say, it was to date the calling I've enjoyed most. My wife and I are on the provident living committee, we do nothing. We've not convened as a committee in 3 or so years and have been in that calling for four years. My wife has gone LESS active, she's more upset about it than I am. I've give it another year, if it remains this way, I'll have another talk with him, if that fails, I'll ramp up my inquiries.
  22. I agree with Vort, I call the Bishop "Bishop".