Manners Matter

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  1. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to NeuroTypical in Would you let your son's girlfriend stay over at your house?   
    1. Your son is a dependent child.  He doesn't get to be an adult until he's paying his own way in life.  
    2. Another things adults do, is have rules and enforce them...
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    Manners Matter reacted to Sunday21 in Would you let your son's girlfriend stay over at your house?   
    Agree with @Jane_Doe and @LiterateParakeet 
    Breaking the Law of Chasity is a huge deal. I would not allow it in my home. Your son’s eternal progression is important.
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    Manners Matter reacted to Jane_Doe in Would you let your son's girlfriend stay over at your house?   
    Your house, your rules.
    If he wants to play the "I'm an adult now" card, then he can show you that by being an adult: start by getting his own place and paying his own bills.  
    And that's completely ok.  
    Warning I'm VERY going to be blunt here--
    Your son is committing a GRAVE sin.  He is taking the scared powers God gave him -- the powers to create life itself and to bond a married couple -- and bastardizing it.  Throwing that sacred gift in the mud and treating it as if it was a nothing more than a child's play thing.  It is a HUGE disgrace to God, His gift, your son, and the girl involved.  And you, the parents, are endorsing it by allowing you to commit such acts under your roof with you paying the bills, etc.  
    In my house, we respect God and His gifts.  You don't need to believe as I do (my husband is actually an Evangelical and I have atheists over all the time), but we're going to respect God.  I don't care what age you are: we're going to respect God in this house.  
    You want your own rules?  Get your own house.
  4. Like
    Manners Matter got a reaction from scottyg in Daughter wants her belly button pierced   
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    Manners Matter got a reaction from Sunday21 in If you had your pick of the bunch, what calling would you want and why?   
    For me right now - the person who does the Sunday bulletin - because there is currently no rhyme or reason to what is being printed for my ward every week and all the randomness drives me batty!
  6. Like
    Manners Matter got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Brainstorming - Sabbath a Delight   
    First off - "Fun is an attitude, not an activity" - C. Tuttle
    Since Sharing Time has been cut - look up what those have been in the past and do them at home. There are also great object lessons and games that teach Gospel Principles you can do.
    Serve! I especially recommend secret service - in the home, neighborhood, whatever. Who doesn't like trying to be sneaky and not get caught?
    To add a surprise element, put all sorts of ideas in a jar and do what is chosen (ie read a story about an ancestor, play geneopardy, make treats and take to a widow, write thank you notes...)
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    Manners Matter reacted to jerome1232 in AP news story about name change.   
    Seeing as we are specifically avoiding removing the name of Christ from our church I'd say "The Church of Jesus Christ" would be the best abbreviation.
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    Manners Matter got a reaction from SpiritDragon in Online LDS religion courses   
    Re: family history work. A couple options:
  9. Haha
    Manners Matter reacted to zil in Who is the best cook in your home? What is your best dish?   
    Best Dish: I have this nice platter my mom's cousin gave me when I got married...
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    Manners Matter reacted to Jane_Doe in Done with it all   
    Why is it that LDS women equate cheating with their husbands not loving them?   Did you really just ask that?
    And yes, porn is cheating, as clearly stated by Christ Himself.  This isn't "LDS culture" thing, but about following Christ.  
    Yes, porn is an addiction.  So are other forms of infidelity.  And while the addicts motivation may have nothing to do with lack of affection toward their spouse, that addiction does indeed warp the addicts brainwaves, how they view/treat their spouse, and shatter the spouse's self esteem.  
    Hey @Lost Boy, your wife is sex with random men.  But there's no emotional attachment at all.  I wish you don't take it personally.  Just keep loving her the exact same as when you thought she was faithful to you.  Don't say how her for the continual affairs hurt you.  Just ignore the culture that says she should only be yours and not continually have sex with random dudes. 
    (the above is me making a point, in case that wasn't obvious).  Yes we should always love any child of God.  But that doesn't mean denying that horrible sins bring horrible pain.
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    Manners Matter reacted to zil in Done with it all   
    @Lost Boy, here's what I hear you saying (and I'm only saying this to make a point, so please read the whole thing before your knee-jerk reaction sets you to typing):
    Women think wrong Women should understand how men think Women should change their thinking to be compatible with how men think1 Men don't think wrong, they just do wrong (sometimes) Love is an emotion and one's behavior has nothing to do with said emotion Now, if I wanted to, I think I could go and pick apart what you're saying and change my bullet list to match how you perceive what you're saying.  Instead, I'm going to suggest that you (a) recognize that how a woman's brain works is as designed by God (or as eternal / natural) as how a man's brain works, and that if either needs changing, they both need changing; (b) that understanding will get you farther than criticism / complaint (same could be said of the wife of a porn addict); (c) that intentional or not, porn use inflicts pain on all involved; (d) that love is not an emotion, it's behavior, and what we love, we serve (aka spend time, energy, and attention on).  Alternately, you can define love @anatess2's way - is your porn bringing your wife closer to Christ?  No?  Are you spending your time, energy, and attention on her as a wife?  No?  Then you're not loving her.
    As a final note, modernity (at Satan's bidding) has royally messed up the way men and women think about each other and their relationships.  The ways in which this has been done are so subtle that I doubt the vast majority of the population are remotely aware of them, let alone how to properly think / overcome them.  Complaining about the outcome, as if it were a conscious choice, is not helpful (on either side).  See above.
    1I expect men would really dislike this, regardless of how much they complain about how women think.
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    Manners Matter reacted to Lost Boy in Done with it all   
    I have been in a similar situation.  My wife and I were basically roomates for a long time.  There were things she held against me for 10-15-20 years.  Whenever I would try to do something nice for her, eventually she would drum up my ancient past deeds.  You get to the point where you don't see it worthwhile to try anymore.  She would spend hours chatting with her friends online, but not me.  She ended up finding a guy friend to chat with and occasionally hang out with.  I didn't find out about the guy until it was over between the two.  They didn't have a physical relationship, but it was certainly emotional.  She would plan vacations with her girl friends.   And she doesn't go to church anymore.  
    So I think I know a bit about where you are coming from.  Marriage sucks and you don't know whether to stay or go.  You have changed, but your wife doesn't seem to care.  yup, been there done that.  I decided earlier this year that I would make one last mega effort.  I decided that I would try my best to love her for one year, and if things didn't get better, I would finally end it.  I wanted intimacy.  I wanted romance, I wanted my friend back.  So I prayed and prayed and I felt inspired that I had to love her unconditionally.
    This meant a few things.
    1) I had to show her love everyday whether I felt like it or not.  And some days I really didn't feel like it.
    2) I wouldn't hold the past against her.  unconditional love is about forgiveness and holding her past against her is not forgiveness nor is it love.
    3) I would not fight with her.  I would get angry and still do sometimes, but I committed to shut my pie hole and take a few steps back and analyze the situation from a different perspective.  And then approach the conversation in the most loving way I could.  We often don't see the whole picture and it frustrates us.  Anger is just frustration that has boiled over.  stay away from the "You always"  or "You never" statements.
    4) I would find ways to sincerely compliment her.  Never once did I ask for one in return.
    5) I started doing things specifically for her.  Making her breakfast.  Making her dinner.  Doing more house cleaning.  washing her car.  Just helping out where I could.  I never asked for anything in return.  Didn't tell her I was doing this stuff, just did it.
    6) I would buy her flowers once a week.
    7) I would take her on dates.  The dates at first were not enjoyable, but I figured we needed to spend some time together.
    😎 I would try and talk with her more.
    Essentially I asked myself, "How would Jesus treat her?"  I made kindness my motto.
    I did this religiously for 4 months before the ice started to break.  Those were a sucky four months.  But slowly the ice started to thaw.  That gave me some hope.  because even though I had committed to doing this for a year, I was feeling like I couldn't keep it up.  One of the things that kept me going was thinking to myself how God never gives up on us regardless of how bad we are.  He always provides a way back.  So I kept at it.  never saying a word about what I was doing or why.
    Things did start to get better.  They continue to improve.  She eventually did ask me about what I was doing.  She had noticed essentially from day one that I was trying, but she didn't have any faith that I would continue on this new path.  Heck, I wasn't sure I would.  But I did.  
    I changed a lot about me.  I am not the same me that I used to be.  I don't have the same relationship with my wife.  It isn't the relationship we had when we first got married.  Nor is it the terrible relationship we had for the past few years.  It is new and different.  But I know she loves me.  She has never been the type to initiate physical contact, but occasionally she does now and intimacy has returned.
    I truly believe that this was the only way back for me.  I had to toss my ego out the door and forget myself.  If you are looking for something in return, it isn't going to work.  Of course I hoped for something in return, but I didn't base my actions on whether I got something in return.  I guess I kind of based my actions on what I thought the perfect husband would do.  I guess I tried faking it tell I made it.  I am not the perfect husband today, but I am much more closer than I was.
    There are no guarantees that the method above will work for you.  But at this point I don't think you have much to lose.
    As for therapists and what not.....   no comment.
    Things between my wife and me are certainly not perfect.  We have a long way to go, but I believe we are now on the journey together and that is what is important.
    Your wife is not going to change over night.  She is emotionally attached to her friend now and it is going to take a long time.  and I mean long time for you to replace the friend as her emotional go to person.  Be patient.  It can certainly happen.
  13. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to Traveler in Misdirection   
    It seems to me that in politics it is more about what happens when the world and the country are looking somewhere else.  I wonder, what is going on in politics while we are so focused on the Kavanaugh circus.  What is going on at the border, in the Middle East, China, North Korea and anywhere else while everybody is not paying attention.
    The Traveler
  14. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to OnePassenger in "They will in a minute"...   
    A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."
  15. Like
    Manners Matter got a reaction from seashmore in How to start trusting a colleague/coach again   
    Sorry you're dealing with this. What came to my mind:
    1 - "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
    2 - Come up with responses you can have on the ready for when you might be told info and/or something about someone else. Comments that tactfully defray the situation but put a stop to it. 
    Hoping for the best for you!
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    Manners Matter got a reaction from carlimac in What name would you choose?   
    Although I like some of the proposed options, non-members with questions may find it difficult to find and not understand or make the connection (aka "what's a ward? - like in a hospital?"). The suggestions also don't offer an idea of what this site is about. So maybe something like:
    ChurchChat (a take on chit-chat) or CongregationConnection
  17. Like
    Manners Matter got a reaction from JohnsonJones in What name would you choose?   
    Although I like some of the proposed options, non-members with questions may find it difficult to find and not understand or make the connection (aka "what's a ward? - like in a hospital?"). The suggestions also don't offer an idea of what this site is about. So maybe something like:
    ChurchChat (a take on chit-chat) or CongregationConnection
  18. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to prisonchaplain in Today Prisonchaplain will hear President Russell M. Nelson   
    So, first I will say I made a wise choice going with the staff member and his family. It was pretty easy to blend in, and being part of a family going made it feel much more natural. There were 49K plus in attendance, and a repeated theme, even by a couple of the speakers, was the unique privilege of being able to see and hear God's prophet in person. Other common themes were the privilege of the restored gospel, the powerful witness the Book of Mormon offers (with reference to the Moroni promise, as well as James admonition to ask the Lord for wisdom), and the power and blessing of temples (with their covenants and sealings, etc.). As for styling, the feel was that of the old church--dress up, piano and organ, and order of worship clearly laid out. President Russell was impressive in his energy, his conviction, and the clarity of his message. There was a good blend of classy, yet comfortable. I may not have a testimony of several of the unique doctrines and claims of the church, but it is now much easier for me to understand why so many find strength and comfort in the church, the community, and from its teachings.
  19. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to Jane_Doe in Good idea for 4th Sundays   
    Someone in my ward had a brilliant idea for 4th Sundays, and I thought I would share it here.
    As you all know, the current RS/PH protocol is to teach the same topic every 4th Sunday for 6th months straight.  This time around it's been on Ministering.  Now, for our ward, those of us who attend RS/PH regularly this has gotten... frankly I'm not the only person who's tired of RS lessons on ministering.  But the ladies who teach Primary and YW haven't had these lessons at all and are really yearning for some guidance.  
    So this time we're doing a swap: RS/PH folks are taking over Primary and YW for the week, allowing those adults to go to RS/PH and get that guidance they need.  A simple yet (at least to my small mind) brilliant way of supporting each other.  
  20. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to prisonchaplain in Today Prisonchaplain will hear President Russell M. Nelson   
    He is in Seattle for a stadium-sized meeting, and a staff member invited me to join his family. I figured that, as a chaplain and Mormonhub moderator, I should accept. So, tonight I will join 10s of thousands. Has anyone been to this kind of event? Any thoughts to offer? I'll certainly give my impressions within the next day or two.
  21. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to clwnuke in More drama from June Hughes/Mckenna Denson   
    I posted this information to serve at least two needs:
    1. Long before Sister Hughes (Ms. Denson) "revealed" her identity I portrayed myself on these boards as someone who personally interacted with Sister Hughes in the MTC and people deserve to know if I am credible. Adding this information helps to confirm my statements.
    2. The second is that the story being told by Ms. Denson and the media is incomplete. There is a virtual blackout of media coverage and interviews from people who interacted with her while in the MTC and mission. Ms. Denson went public to garner support and belief in her claims. I believe that same public deserves to know why many of us who knew her are highly skeptical of her overall story. Once you go public, ALL the details matter.
  22. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to NeuroTypical in The Compliment thread - Positive Feelings   
    Shout out to the lesser-known, not-as-popular posters.  Double shout-out to all the hundreds/thousands of lurkers out there who may have never posted, but come here and read the heck out of topics that interest them.  I've been a vociferous prolific loudmouth online for going on a decade now, but before that, I spent about a decade lurking, reading, thinking, researching.  I grew tremendously by watching other people argue and discuss.  I think before I started posting regularly, I had compiled maybe 100+ pages of quotes and links and whatnot.
    I love to see stuff like this.  I mean, look at the views vs. replies!

    Ten times the number of people are reading our discussions, than actually participate in them.  I love the lurkers!  You all remind me to try to stay humble.
  23. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to Brie in Want to be released from RS President calling   
    I have not. Good idea. Thank you. I think part of me doesn't want to reach out to leaders in my life because they will try and convince me to stay in the calling, and I so badly want to be free of it. I know she will probably have good advice though, so I need to get over myself.
  24. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to Backroads in I am leaving my job, not sure what it means for the future   
    Updating this: found new job. Loving it. It's technically a longer commute, but goes opposite rush hour traffic as I zip up the freeway or the old highway. All the other teachers in my ward hate me for it. Hours are significantly better, classes are smaller, the That Kid has nothing on what I have dealt with (though is the superintendent's grandson/legal ward so that's interesting), and I feel the school has an actual plan
     It's nice feeling happy at work.
  25. Like
    Manners Matter reacted to JohnsonJones in The Compliment thread - Positive Feelings   
    So, with some of the topics I have felt a bit of negativity recently (probably on my own part perhaps) and so I thought I'd create a positive thread.  In this thread we compliment those we know of in the forum.  I'm going to try to give everyone compliments (and if Somehow I miss you, PLEASE, tell me in the thread.  It is not due to maliciousness on my part, but I'm a older and sometimes my mind is not as sharp as many others around her.  Forgive me for my bad memory and jog it with a post so I can include you).
    So, I'll start...
    @JaneDoe I appreciate your thoughtful replies
    @NeuroTypical I enjoy your snark at times, and though I may not understand it, your little Pony enthusiasm
    @CV75 I enjoy your willingness to discuss things with people who have questions and your recent posts in the Resurrection thread.
    @zil I appreciate that you are active on the forums and, though I do not understand it fully, that you are so enthusiastic about fountain pens
    @BJ64 I think it is great that you pick up on small details and want to help those that are striving to do better
    @Traveler I appreciate you injecting a more scientific approach at times and explaining things from a more technical mindset
    @MormonGator I like that someone from a rival team is here (LoL), but I also enjoy that you can relax the forum and spring in some humor when we all get too serious
    @FetherI think that you do wonderfully at striving to do good, and this is an extremely commendable thing
    @Iggy I think your staunch support of standards and your desire to help others up is something that is wonderful
    @MrShorty You seem to be able to navigate the middle ground at times and try to create peace.  The Lord said, blessed is the peacemakers.
    @Grunt I appreciate how you bring up the gospel so plainly and point out how these we should know.  It brings us back to how we should be, rather than trying to dodge around commandments.
    @Just_A_Guy  I think you look great in a suit ( hah).
    @Just_A_Guy I do think it was good you wore a suit, but there is more to compliment you on, just making a joke because I know you can take it.  That's what I like about you, you can take all the abuse and still be nice.
    @Carborendum  I think you and I are more alike than we may think at times, and I like how you stick to your guns and your morals.
    @Anddenex  You bring in thoughtful injections into conversations that note that you really think about the subject and consider what is said or not said
    @Scott I appreciate how you like to go back to sources.  You like to check to see where something is sourced and give a source for your comments
    @Blackmarch  You are blunt at times, but we all need the blunt truth to bring us back to reality.
    @Laniston You have a smaller post history so it is harder to define what I enjoy, but from what I've seen, I think I appreciate your willingness to share personal experiences with the rest of us.
    @unixknightI enjoy how frank you are in admitting your own difficulties which helps us to understand our own and help prop others up in there striving to be good.
    @estradling75  I not sure I understand the carebear, but I do appreciate your willingness to share your opinion, even when others may be hostile to it.  It takes courage to do so at times.
    @SilentOne  You are exceptional and you speak through listening and only say something when it is important.  We all could learn more from your approach.
    @Vort  I love that you stand for something (the gospel).  Gordon B. Hinckley instructed us so and it is good to see someone doing that.
    @Emmanuel Goldstein  Not a ton of posts to know you well yet, but you seem to convey a lot with very little.
    @mrmarklin  I like that you are able to converse with those who need advice and share with them in order to help them
    @pwrfrk  I think it is good that you bring us to recognize how blessed we are and strive to help others with your advice and words of peace
    @theplains  Not a long time member, but it seems that you enjoy talking about the gospel with others and I think that is a good thing to do.
    @wenglund  I appreciate how you are normally trying to discuss hard subjects without condemnation or judgement, but rather understanding and hope.
    @Jersey Boy  I think that you are willing to share your feelings in the open which is a hard thing some of us have doing.
    @Rob Osborn  You point out the plain and precious things of the gospel at times.  Even if we don't agree with all your opinions, I think it is terrific that you point these things out
    @NeedleinA   You are a wonder to read in your posts.  You try to help others on the forums and have some interesting perspectives
    @Crypto  I see you post infrequently but people genuinely like you and your posts here
    @warnerfranklin  I haven't seen you around much recently on the forums, but I appreciate how you share your views and opinions and how thoughtful you can be
    @Lost Boy  I like how you express sympathy for those in need and empathy for others.  I appreciate how you can make us think about how others are and how we should be.
    @Midwest LDS  Thank you for how you interact with others and taking the time to listen
    @Backroads  I also enjoy how you show empathy for others and how you, despite your troubles, try to listen.  I hope that you continue to enjoy your new job also
    @askandanswer  I find your answers refreshing at times and your injections in conversations interesting
    @mordorbund  Tis an interesting name you have.  LotR connection?  I think you express your humility at times and I appreciate that willingness
    @mirkwood  Another reference that seems it could be a Lord of the Rings thing?  Anyways, I think you try to make things lighter on the forums and make others laugh.
    @anatess2  I like how you tell it how it is.  You come right out and tell us what you think and I feel that is a good thing.
    @person0  You have things to share with us that enlightens our minds, though you also tend to joke around as well at times
    @classylady  Your name bespeaks for itself.  We would all do better if we had as much class as you
    @Maureen  You help us to recognize that we are mistaken in many of our assumptions and point out the good in others
    @bytebear  I find your comments fun to read and at time enlightening
    @seashmore  I look forward to reading your posts and enjoy what you have to say.  I enjoy how you share your experiences and your thoughts on things
    @DennisTate  You are another that I cannot say I have read a ton of your comments, but from what I see you are thoughtful and reflect on what you write.
    @LiterateParakeet  Your posts are refreshing on these forums as they try to see the best in people and view the best possible things about others
    @MaryJehanne  Your willingness to share about the Catholic Church is appreciated
    @Lindy  sharing experiences from your life is good in showing us examples and ways to be.
    @Sunday21  Your enthusiasm is a beacon for us all.  Your love for the temple is also something I admire greatly
    @SpiritDragon  You are a wonderful person that seems to be Canadian. 
    @Jeremy A  I'm not sure how many have participated in your trivia but you keep on trying and going.  You are like the energizer bunny.  Perserverance is a positive quality.
    I'm certain I've missed many, I've tried to include as many as possible and yet I've probably still failed.  If so, be aware it is NOT because I don't think you are wonderful, but simply because there are so many names and so many people and remembering them all is sometimes very difficult.  I probably forgot some of the closest and dearest ones that are on these forums.  I apologize, but if I did miss you, just tell me in the next day or two and I'll hopefully have that to jog my memory.
    Don't let me be the only one, if you have people you want to compliment on something they did on the forum, go ahead and post it!
    We should recognize people for doing good!