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    Traveler got a reaction from Barrett Maximus in Tampering with votes   
    I find this most interesting.  Just for information - I stated before that I am from a political family.  My first real experience with politics was working on a campaign.  While involved I discovered criminal activity but I did not say what it was.  I left the Republican Party because of tampering with ballots.  I reported this to the FBI but no one was ever convicted.  I also reported this to both the Deseret News and Tribune - neither of which would report the incident.  I left the Republican Party because of this and now they are blaming the Democrats.   It does not surprise me that Democrats also tamper with ballots.  When I posted this before - I did not provide the information about what was going on.  This is because historically when I have told of Republican criminal behavior - no one would believe me - that the Utah Republican Party could be corrupt.  For a long time I have been concerned about political parties not just that the law was broken but that no one would do anything about it - and that was 50 years ago.
    The Traveler
  2. Like
    Traveler reacted to mikbone in How to read the Book of Mormon, a practical example.   
    Study of the 28th chapter of 3rd Nephi is well worth the effort. An event of great import occurs within the chapter, but without careful investigation it will be unappreciated. Pay attention to Mormon’s voice, his actions, and commentary. I don’t wish to spoil the personal discovery, but for convenience I will point out that Mormon is giving us a perfect example of how to read the scriptures. The chapter can be divided into three sections. In the first part, verses 1-16, Mormon studied Nephi the Disciple’s manuscript and then inscribed the material into the Golden Plates. In the second part, verses 17-24, Mormon does some cross referencing and then shares with us his personal insight. In the remainder of the chapter - something special happens.
    It may help to visualize the setting wherein Mormon is writing. The following image is Tom Lovell’s Oil on Canvas work titled Mormon Abridging the Plates. The painting does have some inconsistencies with the text, but a picture can give a very useful impression.

    Mormon is an old man. With a little research, we find out that the writing of The Words of Mormon took place approximately during Mormon’s seventy-fourth year of life.[1]  The collection of plates that Ammaron had hidden in the Hill Shim had been retrieved ten years earlier by Mormon.[2]  In Lovell’s painting Mormon appears to be in the setting of a Temple or large well-appointed residence. Mormon was probably in a much more spartan setting. He had recently moved his people to the land of Cumorah in preparation for war. Apparently, he inscribed the material between The Words of Mormon and Mormon chapter six within the self-same year.[3]
    I recommend picking up the Book of Mormon and giving the chapter some scrutiny. In your mind, modify Tom Lovell’s illustration where you perceive differences within the text.  For example, Mormon probably was not scuffing up prior prophet's manuscripts with his sandals... You can even direct your own movie if you want to; I certainly do. If you don’t find anything of significance with the first reading, keep studying. It may even benefit you to pray and ponder as needed. If there is any interest I will post a follow up of what I think is a pretty exciting find.  
      [1] Mormon 1:6 (Age 11 at year 322 A.D.), Words of Mormon v. 2 (year 385 A.D.)
    [2] Mormon 4:23
    [3] Mormon 6:2-6
  3. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Lindy in Self-defense poll for US Saints   
    I have no problem with anyone that is willing to permit and carry. I have carried and I have served in the military with opportunity for combat (but was never in actual combat).  At this point of my life - I would rather be shot dead by a bad guy than to shoot dead a bad guy - but that does not mean that I will not shoot a bad guy.  Even Jesus (the Son of G-d) found himself doing things he did not actually want to do but realized that there were somethings he had to do.
    The Traveler
  4. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from mordorbund in Spectrum of Adherence to the Letter of the Law   
    What is moderate seems to be more dependent on what we want and do not want than it is on what is good or needed.
    The Traveler
  5. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Self-defense poll for US Saints   
    I have no problem with anyone that is willing to permit and carry. I have carried and I have served in the military with opportunity for combat (but was never in actual combat).  At this point of my life - I would rather be shot dead by a bad guy than to shoot dead a bad guy - but that does not mean that I will not shoot a bad guy.  Even Jesus (the Son of G-d) found himself doing things he did not actually want to do but realized that there were somethings he had to do.
    The Traveler
  6. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in Why do you vote the way you do?   
    This is like saying... I’d like to thank the guy who saved the baby he threw into the swimming pool..
  7. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Mosiah 18:17   
    Part of the problem is understanding ancient culture and terms used within the culture.  The concept of a church is sort of a term created during the Dark Ages.  Previously such references were more associated with congregations or gatherings.  For example - in the Dead Sea Scriptures there are references to the congregations of "The Children of Light" and "The Children of Darkness".  In general ancients thought more in term like "gathering" so in essence a church is kind of an official term for a gathering.  
    As far as official gatherings - Jacob references an individual that came among the Nephites shortly after the death of Nephi (but does not mention from where - a little side note here about the Book of Mormon being a "historic" document - obviously there are historical information missing - indicating that the purpose is not historic but rather something else - in the past I have suggested that the actual purpose is not historic but prophetic).  Jacob references that this person preaching against Christ, created followers.  I suggest this means a "gathering" or "congregation" - which is the essence of what we think of as a church in our modern time.  The reference in Mosiah indicates that Alma was a descendant of Nephi.  It is common in ancient documents to reference someone that is an heir of authority as a descendant.  In essence - this would mean that Alma was an official of the church that was using their position in Noah's court outside of covenant.  Alma was renewed in the covenant by a washing ordinance that was called "baptism".  But the actual term on the golden plates may have been different but is properly translated as baptism.
    I would point out that ritual cleansing (or preparation) was not uncommon under the Law of Moses in the Old Testament.  An example is when Joshua baptized the all children of Israel in Jordan before entering Israel.  This was to establish an new era of covenant.  The idea of covenant era is what I believe the Book of Mormon is referencing in Mosiah rather than a whole new "church" that did not previously exist.
    I would like to now make two points - first is to the accuracy and proof that the Book of Mormon is of ancient source and not a fabrication of Joseph Smith in our modern era.  Joseph Smith could have been a literal genius but being a farm boy of early American culture - could not have had access to such in depth understanding of ancient cultures to have created the Book of Mormon by his own devices.  
    The second point concerns prophesies of two churches in the last days.  One being the Church of G-d and the other the Church of the Devil.  Many try to point to some modern Church (for example the Catholic church) as the church of the devil.  This is an incorrect understanding of the ancient terms.  What we should understand is that in these last days - people will be divided by issues.  A good example of this is access to religious covenants (in particular marriage) by individuals unwilling to follow the divine religious covenant of marriage between a man and a woman to bring children into the world by sexual relationships).  We see this particular division taking place not so much by what we may think of as "Church" but as a "gathering" of like thinking peoples.
    The Traveler
  8. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to JohnsonJones in More "restoration" to come   
    On a more serious note....
    We have already been involved with the Gathering of Israel.  We have members of almost (if not all) every tribe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today.  Almost all that I've been made aware of are from European descent.  If we use logic from that idea, that would indicate that the North Countries would be those that were North of where Israel and it's surrounding nations were. 
    We do not have great numbers of any tribe in relation to the rest of the world's population, and in relation to those who are members of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Judah, the numbers of the other tribes are still minimal in comparison.  I've still met several that (at least they claimed to me) to be from tribes other than the big three that we normally hear of.
  9. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from JohnsonJones in Mosiah 18:17   
    Part of the problem is understanding ancient culture and terms used within the culture.  The concept of a church is sort of a term created during the Dark Ages.  Previously such references were more associated with congregations or gatherings.  For example - in the Dead Sea Scriptures there are references to the congregations of "The Children of Light" and "The Children of Darkness".  In general ancients thought more in term like "gathering" so in essence a church is kind of an official term for a gathering.  
    As far as official gatherings - Jacob references an individual that came among the Nephites shortly after the death of Nephi (but does not mention from where - a little side note here about the Book of Mormon being a "historic" document - obviously there are historical information missing - indicating that the purpose is not historic but rather something else - in the past I have suggested that the actual purpose is not historic but prophetic).  Jacob references that this person preaching against Christ, created followers.  I suggest this means a "gathering" or "congregation" - which is the essence of what we think of as a church in our modern time.  The reference in Mosiah indicates that Alma was a descendant of Nephi.  It is common in ancient documents to reference someone that is an heir of authority as a descendant.  In essence - this would mean that Alma was an official of the church that was using their position in Noah's court outside of covenant.  Alma was renewed in the covenant by a washing ordinance that was called "baptism".  But the actual term on the golden plates may have been different but is properly translated as baptism.
    I would point out that ritual cleansing (or preparation) was not uncommon under the Law of Moses in the Old Testament.  An example is when Joshua baptized the all children of Israel in Jordan before entering Israel.  This was to establish an new era of covenant.  The idea of covenant era is what I believe the Book of Mormon is referencing in Mosiah rather than a whole new "church" that did not previously exist.
    I would like to now make two points - first is to the accuracy and proof that the Book of Mormon is of ancient source and not a fabrication of Joseph Smith in our modern era.  Joseph Smith could have been a literal genius but being a farm boy of early American culture - could not have had access to such in depth understanding of ancient cultures to have created the Book of Mormon by his own devices.  
    The second point concerns prophesies of two churches in the last days.  One being the Church of G-d and the other the Church of the Devil.  Many try to point to some modern Church (for example the Catholic church) as the church of the devil.  This is an incorrect understanding of the ancient terms.  What we should understand is that in these last days - people will be divided by issues.  A good example of this is access to religious covenants (in particular marriage) by individuals unwilling to follow the divine religious covenant of marriage between a man and a woman to bring children into the world by sexual relationships).  We see this particular division taking place not so much by what we may think of as "Church" but as a "gathering" of like thinking peoples.
    The Traveler
  10. Haha
    Traveler reacted to The Folk Prophet in More "restoration" to come   
    The lost tribes live inside the earth, which is actually hollow with another small sun that lights the inside.  You access it from somewhere near the north pole where there is a hole in the ground that leads into to Shangri-La.
  11. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in More "restoration" to come   
    I am going to guess that there will be changes in donations and that we will move towards a church economy more like the United Order but with more emphasis on the law of consecration.
    The Traveler
  12. Confused
    Traveler got a reaction from mikbone in More "restoration" to come   
    I am going to guess that there will be changes in donations and that we will move towards a church economy more like the United Order but with more emphasis on the law of consecration.
    The Traveler
  13. Thanks
    Traveler got a reaction from Anddenex in More "restoration" to come   
    I am going to guess that there will be changes in donations and that we will move towards a church economy more like the United Order but with more emphasis on the law of consecration.
    The Traveler
  14. Okay
    Traveler reacted to wenglund in More "restoration" to come   
    My guess is a return to the Patriarchal Order from the current Ecclesiastical Order, and this in a decentralized way--i.e. continued shift in responsibility from church headquarters to local leadership and particularly the home. Come Follow Me home study program is "just the beginning.
    Either way, I will be taking my vitamins.
    Thanks, -Wade Englund-
  15. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Luke in Should we encourage little children to take the sacrament?   
    It is my impression that if it was important enough for an official declaration (one way or the other) that there would be several.  I use the term several because this is the economy of G-d -- to provide plural witness concerning things he is bringing about and plans to happen.
    The Traveler
  16. Okay
    Traveler reacted to carlimac in More struggles with Direction from stake President   
    When I was in the MTC we sisters had grooming lessons during time we could have been studying the gospel or learning Spanish.  We also had "exercise" classes. Anyone remember doing "Chicken Fat" in the MTC?  Also I've noticed that all the female temple workers in the temples I've gone to are very well groomed with make-up, and fingernail polish and some with not extreme but modern haircuts. 
  17. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from carlimac in More struggles with Direction from stake President   
    It is interesting to me that two people can be in the same place doing the same thing and one is doing it because they are Christ centered and the other is not.  But for sure if someone is involved in an activity that they cannot remain Christ centered - they ought to change that.  Sometimes we priesthood holders get distracted and cannot see how something like any makeup on a lady can by Christ centered - so somethings have to be explained.
    The Traveler
  18. Like
    Traveler reacted to mikbone in Whom do we worship?   
    Exactly.  This is the question.  As stated by Joseph Smith, we have to have a correct idea of whom God is to truly develop faith.
    Vort may be worshiping beings.  Others may be worshiping attributes.  
    Our understanding of the character of God and Jesus Christ is paramount in our devotion and worship.  Thus we should do our best to get to know them better.  Thru prayer and even study.
    Unless you have had your calling and election made sure, you don't know them.  
    The more we know about God and successfully emulate his character, the closer we come to true worship.
  19. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from let’s roll in Understanding vs. justifying   
    I believe this is the essence of the teaching of Jesus (first taught from the Old Testament) concerning those that have eyes and see not and ears and hear not.  But I look at this also - what purpose is there in reading scripture if one does not intend to learn anything?  If in reading scripture and listening to the brethren - what use it it when we come away having not learned anything or changed our minds concerning some principle?  Isaiah said that we learn line upon line upon line and precept upon precept upon precept.
    I also believe that we disrespect G-d if we study revelation with the intent not just to avoid learning something that we previously did not understand - but also without the intent to change our heart - especially how we view G-d, our fellow man and ourselves.  
    Thanks for the reminder @Vort
    The Traveler
  20. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Connie in What book would you force people to read?   
    There are at least two books not necessarily in this order:
    The Law by Frederic Bastiat -- I would require this book especially in the USA so all citizens would understand the basis of our Constitution and what constitutes the "Rule of Law".   Though the book was written almost 200 years ago I believe it clearly points out how politics has devolved constitutional law into the hate based politics to divide otherwise free peoples from liberty.
    The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason - I would require this book so individuals could understand that failure to be economically solvent is not just foolish and stupid but criminal and evil - aimed mostly at one's self.  I believe the principles are explained better than "Rich Man Poor Man".   For example, I find the comparison of certain bad spending habits akin to cannibalizing and eating your own children interesting and on point. 
    The Traveler
  21. Haha
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in Residential Tech   
  22. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Residential Tech   
    There are a couple places in my home that lights are needed but it is inconvenient to be turning on and off the lights while coming and going.  So I have installed motion detection switches to do it for me.  This way the lights get turned on when ever needed and there are no worries about turning the lights off - ever.  Plus I have discovered a new pastime.   I call it - slowly sneak through without turning on the lights.  And I am getting purity good at.  One drawback - the other day my wife caught me almost all the way through and motioned on the lights.  I have tried to explain but alas she does not understand.  But secretly I wonder if and when she will try it.
    The Traveler
  23. Confused
    Traveler reacted to Sunday21 in More Fun with Words   
    My university had no spam filter for about a year.  During that time, I discovered that there are many opportunities to change the dimensions of one part of the anatomy. Quite a revelation! 
  24. Okay
    Traveler reacted to Vort in More Fun with Words   
    You read your spam?!
    I get plenty of entertainment from reading discussion forums...
  25. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from SilentOne in 40 Years: Commemorating the 1978 Priesthood and Temple Revelation   
    After some pondering - I have thought to post something - with a disclaimer.  I was not present when the revelation to give Blacks the priesthood and temple blessings was given - nor was the person that gave me this account.  I will leave it to those to ponder and pray themselves.  Thus what I print is not my opinion.  The person that told me has since passed.  This is what I was told - but given in my own words.
    I was told that the president (prophet) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and several apostles had gathered in the Salt Lake Temple to call upon G-d for direction (but that this was not the first time).  While in the attitude of prayer that several angles from G-d appeared to those gathered and administered to them telling them that their prayers (and the prayers of many members) had come up before the L-rd that that G-d has sent them to open up the time for which all worthy male members of the Church could receive the priesthood and the oath and covenant of the priesthood opening up all the temple blessings and work for ancestors and all other possible blessings of covenant membership.  I was told and I believe that the first presidency as well as the quorum of the 12 all voted unanimously in agreement that the time has come for all worthy males (12 and older) are able to receive the priesthood.
    I do not give this as doctrine nor do I testify of the truthfulness of the account - it is not my place or calling to do so.  But I will say this - that the time has come and that it was under the direction of G-d that the change was made (not of any mortal man).  And that I believe that we should rejoice - that we are so honored to live in this time and that we thank the L-rd that this has taken place and and that we can be a part of bringing these blessings to those that previously did not have opportunity.
    The Traveler