To non-believers of the LDS faith


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What do you hope to accomplish by coming to

Learning about the LDS church for educational purposes?

Sharing other religion's beliefs and exchanging ideas?

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Sharing your reasons for not believing and why you left the faith?

Investigating the church?

Persuading LDS members away from their faith?

I am just curious to know how many non-believers are out there, honestly some people seem to be trolling and I don't want to assume that.


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Well, sometimes I read a post and think "why would a member be saying that" and then sit and discuss doctrine with them, only to find out they aren't even a believer. Other times I read posts and think "this person is a troll! get off the computer!" but then I don't want to make assumptions.

What if someone is playing the devil's advocate, for example, to a question just to see what kinds of responses they will get? They may look like a troll but are only trying to get more of an answer out of people.

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I came because I want to learn more about the faith. I was not raised to think ill of Mormons. On another board, whenever Mitt Romney's name came up, some members would just go off on his being Mormon, that it was a cult, etc. I'd never heard such vitriol (well, maybe against the Catholics). :) So, I've been trying to learn more for awhile. Watching 'Big Love' also made me curious and when I found that someone I knew had converted, I just thought I needed to deepen my investigation.

I really enjoy the official LDS sites, but I think this one is quite good because you have people who aren't 100% in agreement with the church, or who have been inactive, etc., so you hear different sides without getting the anger on the ex-Mormon sites. Whew. Some of those people have real issues and I don't think they were all caused by being LDS.

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Maybe this was a stupid question.

Well, I won't say the question is stupid but a little bit naive since nobody will come and say "Hey, yes I am troll or I want each LDS member to leave the church!".

Also, keep in mind that just because people happen to belong to the same church it does not necessarily mean they agree in points of doctrine (heck, they do not even agree on what is considered doctrine). :P

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Well, I won't say the question is stupid but a little bit naive since nobody will come and say "Hey, yes I am troll or I want each LDS member to leave the church!".

Also, keep in mind that just because people happen to belong to the same church it does not necessarily mean they agree in points of doctrine (heck, they do not even agree on what is considered doctrine). :P

I didn't think anyone would say, "Hi, I am an anti-Mormon troll and I think you are all a cult," but I was hoping to maybe get to know people's backgrounds a bit more.

I was born and raised in the church, but the reason I first came to was because I was seeking anonymous advice about my marriage from people with the same faith. Then I got off the site for a long time. Then recently I started coming back to the site again because I find it interesting and because I am wasting time, trying to not think about my hubby's upcoming deployment.

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I came because I am basically curious about faith in whatever form it takes. I have always had an interest in religion but have never joined any church/religion myself.

I also believe that if I am going to comment about a religion or offer an opinion about it then I should at least hear/read first hand information rather than what people 'think' it is all about.

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I found this forum by googling utah immigration list. I stayed because I like it. I'm not as interested in the religious discussions as I am in current events and other secular topics. Really, it's good clean fun - and you don't find that in many forums.

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I found this forum because I was searching for info on something related to food storage and one of the places it led me is here. I started reading about LDS beliefs while learning about preparedness. I read the book on prophecies by all the prophets related to food storage.

Just little by little I learned more and more. Something stirred inside of me and I knew I was on the right road home. I started watching the devotionals on BYU and everything makes so much sense to me. I seemed to be at peace with what I was hearing.

I really want the fellowship of LDS members here because I feel like I'm a believer even though I have a long way to go. There are still things that are hard for me to grasp but I believe that I'm being led by baby steps. I have a long way to go but I don't want to feel like I'm alone on my journey.

So I guess I'm what you call an investigator. Thanks for allowing me to join in.

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What do you hope to accomplish by coming to

Learning about the LDS church for educational purposes?

Sharing other religion's beliefs and exchanging ideas?

Making friends?

Sharing your reasons for not believing and why you left the faith?

Investigating the church?

Persuading LDS members away from their faith?

I am just curious to know how many non-believers are out there, honestly some people seem to be trolling and I don't want to assume that.


I mainly came here for another source to help me find answers to questions I had. I don't comment very often on these forums but I've found this site to be helpful. I'm a former member but I never try to persuade people to believe or disbelieve in a particular faith. I also do not attack someone for believing a particular way.

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Also, keep in mind that just because people happen to belong to the same church it does not necessarily mean they agree in points of doctrine (heck, they do not even agree on what is considered doctrine). :P

Indeed, we are a lot less monolithic than outsiders, and sometimes even ourselves, realize.

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what do you hope to accomplish by coming to

Learning about the lds church for educational purposes?

Sharing other religion's beliefs and exchanging ideas?

Making friends?


sharing your reasons for not believing and why you left the faith?

Investigating the church?

Persuading lds members away from their faith?

no, not exactly, and not possible (only holy ghost converts)

i am just curious to know how many non-believers are out there, honestly some people seem to be trolling and i don't want to assume that.


the most subtle trolls often make the best moderators. :D

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I've been coming here for many years now that it's practically home. My reasons are habit, it's comfortable, it's diverse, the other posters are familiar, some of the topics are very interesting to discuss or just read, it's informative, I learn something new once in a while, I like to give my opinion or input when I can. is a good forum to participate in.


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I must confess - I've occasionally been a troll on YouTube, pretending to be an anti-evolutionist spouting poor creationist arguments to see how people will react. Yes I know it's very childish of me. I need to grow up! :tsktsk:

However, I've never done that here. I have a deep affection for the LDS Church, which goes back to the early 90's when (for about 3 years) I was an investigator. I find many people on this forum to be very intelligent, stimulating and funny. They've challenged my own views and helped me to clarify a lot of my own ideas. (It's always good to interact with people you disagree with.)

Also, it's been helpful to talk to ordinary LDS people who aren't necessarily trying to convert me, or even to present the LDS lifestyle in its best possible light. (I never really bought the sanitised version anyway.)

I've learned some quite startling things on this forum - particularly the separation of the "folkloric" elements of Mormonism (which the Anti-Mormons particularly dwell upon) from the Church's official teachings. If you're going to disagree with the LDS - and for me as an Anglican that's pretty much a given - then you need a clear idea of exactly what you're disagreeing with.

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I've learned some quite startling things on this forum - particularly the separation of the "folkloric" elements of Mormonism (which the Anti-Mormons particularly dwell upon) from the Church's official teachings. If you're going to disagree with the LDS - and for me as an Anglican that's pretty much a given - then you need a clear idea of exactly what you're disagreeing with.

If we can get people to understand and dispell any of the stereotypes or myths that have been generated, whether someone converts or not, then has done one of the things it set out to do.

Thanks Jamie, for that comment.

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If I can just quote Pam with slight modification, it explains my primary reason for being here, besides meeting awesome people, learning, discussing, sharing life and spiritual experiences, etc...

If we can get people to understand and dispell any of the stereotypes or myths that have been generated, whether someone converts [to my line of understanding] or not, then [i have] done one of the things set out to do.

I admit I find myself 'trolling' the homosexuality forums more often than I probably should, but I tend to chime in on occasion in other places as well. The problem I've found, though, is that my opinion doesn't seem to matter much when talking about gospel things, because sometimes people don't particularly LIKE me talking about gospel things - I think it's funny when I say something inline with church teachings on varying church subjects, only to have someone try to start an argument with me (maybe I have a credibility problem since I'm an ex-member?).

Maybe I should create a new account for those discussions ;). I could probably play the part of an 80 year old true-to-the-faith LDS woman pretty well - tee hee hee.

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