In case you get raptured tomorrow...


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I just wanted to let you know that I truly enjoyed spending time on the forums with you. You have blessed my life and hopefully I can say I'm smarter now after learning from y'all...

But please, if you have pets, please don't forget to give them in the care of your nearest athiest. Or if you don't know of any, you can check these guys out:

Eternal Earth-Bound Pets

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Tomorrow at 6:00pm: 2011 end times prediction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My favorite part of the page is the "official" response from the NYPD regarding extra coverage for the date: "The New York Police Department (NYPD) stated: 'We don't plan any additional coverage for the end of the world. Indeed, if it happens, fewer officers will be required for streets that presumably will be empty.' "

But world won't actually end for five more months.

Personally, if I were God, even if someone did manage to predict it right, I think I'd change the date anyway.

Edited by Wingnut
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OMW! This is hillarious:

The New York Police Department (NYPD) stated: "We don't plan any additional coverage for the end of the world. Indeed, if it happens, fewer officers will be required for streets that presumably will be empty.

However, isn't it the end of the world in Australia and the Philippines already?

But just in case, the US Government has tips with dealing with zombie attacks.

In any case, I predict a slew of lawsuits against this dude for ripping off all those gullible numb-nuts.

Edited by slamjet
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I just wanted to let you know that I truly enjoyed spending time on the forums with you. You have blessed my life and hopefully I can say I'm smarter now after learning from y'all...

But please, if you have pets, please don't forget to give them in the care of your nearest athiest. Or if you don't know of any, you can check these guys out:

Eternal Earth-Bound Pets

I have been told many times I am one of the pre-damned by a number of Calvinist.

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In any case, I predict a slew of lawsuits against this dude for ripping off all those gullible numb-nuts.

I don't think so. I mean, what is the lawsuit gonna say, that the rapture that everybody who paid $135 bucks for their pets for is not really true?

I mean - you're gonna have the rapture-ists (is there even a proper term for that?) picketing you for ignoring/rejecting their beliefs or thinking them loony-tunes or whatever.

If I was a certified athiest, I would probably get in on that business too! It's not gullibility I'm banking on - it's I'm right, you're wrong, I'm banking on... which, if you really think about it, is what an insurance policy is all about (beating the odds that the guy is not going to die at age 70 like statistics say they would)...

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Share on other sites the resident evangelical here...if I don't show up after tomorrow, what does that mean??? On the other hand, if I'm the only one...hmmm

DUDE! I'll be the one holding on to your legs to keep you here with us sinners ^_^

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I was listening to Michael Medved this afternoon and they had a spokesperson for the organization that started this whole thing on the air for a couple hours. He takes parts of Revelation extremely literally but he refuses to take Matthew 24:36 literally.

My face all day today:

Posted Image

What my face will be all day tomorrow:

Posted Image

What eBibleFellowship believe my face will be tomorrow:

Posted Image

What eBibleFellowshippers' faces will look like tomorrow:

Posted Image

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Are the Evangelicals who find themselves in bed tomorrow morning going to say, "Oh, I guess the Rapture didn't happen after all"?

I mean, if they're not prideful, shouldn't they assume...something else?

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They'll probably convince themselves into believing God created an instantaneous alternate parallel reality for them so that they wouldn't have to suffer because they were righteous. These people are the sort who will believe anything, after all. I would imagine their reaction will be similar to how the atheists react when they pass on to the other side; that it's not actually reality and their brains are firing off weird signals in their final moments.

Edited by PrinceofLight2000
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Most Evangelicals will wake up with a sigh for their kooky brothers and sisters who didn't heed the warning that no one knows the day or hour... The small group making the claims will do what they did before... "Oh must have made a mistake in the math" and return to their calculations to come up with another date

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My favorite part of the page is the "official" response from the NYPD regarding extra coverage for the date: "The New York Police Department (NYPD) stated: 'We don't plan any additional coverage for the end of the world. Indeed, if it happens, fewer officers will be required for streets that presumably will be empty.' "

Sound pretty optimistic for New York... ;)

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Ok I guess I am being judgemental but I find it absolutely amazing that this Eternal Pet Company is actually gathering clients and appearently they want payment up front AND ignorant people are paying it. It scares me that people with this same lack of common sense actually drive cars, and vote and manage to perform many tasks that can effect us all.

I have to think that if I believed in all this, then it is more likely that our pets would be raptured and we would be pet-less. If mine is missing tomorrow with a full food bowl left behind, I will be sure to post about it. ;)

Edited by LDSJewess
Spelling & Typos
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Guest Godless

From what I've observed, most evangelicals (even the die-hards) recognize this as the false prophesy of a false prophet who's been wrong in the past. Just for kicks, I checked out a Rapture-themed discussion board to see what people there were saying, and there wasn't a single poster there who seemed to be taking this seriously.

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