Bless this Food?

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I would say yes...and the reason is simple. I think of blessing the food more as an act of gratitude than a request. So even though it is "left over" is still a blessing to have it and to live in a time of yes, by all means give thanks for it. ;)

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So tomorrow for dinner we're having leftovers. Everything is a leftover. We're not even drinking new water from the tap; we'll have leftover kool-aid.

So my question is, since all of this food has been blessed previously do we need to have a blessing on it again?

I would say yes! You're one of the few in this world who're blessed with such abundance of food. What a blessing.

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So tomorrow for dinner we're having leftovers. Everything is a leftover. We're not even drinking new water from the tap; we'll have leftover kool-aid.

So my question is, since all of this food has been blessed previously do we need to have a blessing on it again?

Yes, please bless the food reinstitutes any blessings that have been lost in the fridge.

And be sure to bless the hands that prepared it. Not the arms or shoulders, but just the hands.

Edited by beefche
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It's all about being grateful and thankful for all that we have. Let not a day go by where we are not mindful for all that we have and give thanks. We are so fortunate to have such overflowing abundance where we had more than we needed and can use it for the following day. ;o))

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Pre-Blessed Food:

Still laughing about this. I say we go orthodox and buy only 'double pre-blessed' food. :D

Since we're sharing videos, how about this one which asks 'What is the proper etiquette when someone prays privately publicly?'

"Am I allowed to be turned on right now?" Pretty funny.

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To me, blessing the food is a good reason to offer up another prayer and to invite the Spirit to be more a part of our lives...

As far as praying over unhealthy food, I always ask as part of the blessing to use food wisely and for our benefit. Being diabetic, I did find it a little askew to observe a person at BYU praying over their Kentucky Fried Chicken.... At the time it seemed a little paradoxical to me to pray for something to bless one's body that was so obviously unhealthy. Now I feel that it's really none of my business what a person chooses to pray over and that their private prayers are theirs, and not mine to critique.

Still, I feel a particular responsibility in how I pray over food, thanking and yet asking that I use it wisely and eat what is best for my health to eat.

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Thanks everyone for your input. Unfortunately, I didn't bother blessing the leftovers and now I'm concerned that I did something wrong. Usually, if I take a bite of something without blessing it, I have someone say a prayer and leave my mouth open. But in this case, the food is long gone, so how do I retroactively bless it?

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Thanks everyone for your input. Unfortunately, I didn't bother blessing the leftovers and now I'm concerned that I did something wrong. Usually, if I take a bite of something without blessing it, I have someone say a prayer and leave my mouth open. But in this case, the food is long gone, so how do I retroactively bless it?

Now you've done it. :P

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I was on a car trip with my cousins. And, all we had was loads of junk food. My cousin blessed it "thanks for all this food..please help it to....keep us full of energy. And, please help us not to develop caveties."

I found it hilarious, it got me thinking about blessing junk food and dessert.

We always bless and thank in my family.

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I tend to graze. I usually eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, which I bless... the rest of the day I will grab a handfull of nuts; a couple of crackers; a granola what I do is that first meal of the day, is bless "the food that I eat this day..." if I do have a sit-down meal later, I will give a blessing.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Unfortunately, I didn't bother blessing the leftovers and now I'm concerned that I did something wrong. Usually, if I take a bite of something without blessing it, I have someone say a prayer and leave my mouth open. But in this case, the food is long gone, so how do I retroactively bless it?

I think it is sweet that you are so concerned, but at the same time don't be so hard on yourself. The Lord loves us, He wants us to be with Him again someday...prayer is there to help us do that...not to brow beat us with if we don't "do it right".

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So tomorrow for dinner we're having leftovers. Everything is a leftover. We're not even drinking new water from the tap; we'll have leftover kool-aid.

So my question is, since all of this food has been blessed previously do we need to have a blessing on it again?

we're told to pray over everything... and

better safe than sorry :P

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I'm wondering if maybe I can sit down for dinner tonight and bless the food. And then with the blessed food, maybe proxy bless it in behalf of my other meal. Anyone have experience with this?

I've had a terrible time eating this week. I find it difficult to chew food with a cheekful of tongue.

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Not only is blessing the food a way to express our gratitude, it invites the Spirit. We have had many guests in our home over the years, some non-members. Since we always bless the food, we simply would do the same if one of the kids friends or other guest was there with us. The fact that we always did it and therefore didn't make a show of it made the guests comfortable I believe.

Once, a friend of my daughter asked her to teach her to pray after having had several meals with us over time.

It was way cool.

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I'm wondering if maybe I can sit down for dinner tonight and bless the food. And then with the blessed food, maybe proxy bless it in behalf of my other meal. Anyone have experience with this?

I've had a terrible time eating this week. I find it difficult to chew food with a cheekful of tongue.

Oh, you are so witty!

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