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I was on costco the other day, and they had one of those tables out where they were giving out samples. This particular one was for fruit juice. I took one of the little cups and downed the contents like a shot. I was making small talk with the sample lady when she mentioned that the juice contained tea. I would have had to go throw up to get it out of my stomach. I decided to just let it go, but I literally felt sick afterwards...

what would you guys do in that situation?

Another time, while out to dinner with friends we ordered a chocolate sunday at Applebees. It came out and everyone started enjoying it, but I realized after a couple of bites that they had put mocha coffee flavored topping on it. I thought about asking to send it back, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I just stopped eating it.

how would you guys handle that?

thanks for your thoughts!

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My thoughts are the accidents happen. I think when this happens and is an honest mistake, you can say a prayer and be done with it. Who would think that fruit had tea or a sundae had mocha? I would not have thought about it. (I am sure many would say not to even pray about it, and that might be just as correct. I just would to be sure. :) )

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I would have had to go throw up to get it out of my stomach. I decided to just let it go

Hi sister_in_faith, did you actually thought about throwing up because it contained tea? Maybe I am way too weird for Mormonism but seeing it was an accident, it wouldn't have bothered me in the least.

Another time, while out to dinner with friends we ordered a chocolate sunday at Applebees. It came out and everyone started enjoying it, but I realized after a couple of bites that they had put mocha coffee flavored topping on it. I thought about asking to send it back, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I just stopped eating it.

how would you guys handle that?

thanks for your thoughts!

Same as above. I would not send it back because unless I specifically mentioned no coffee then there is no reason why it should have been sent back.

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I was on costco the other day, and they had one of those tables out where they were giving out samples. This particular one was for fruit juice. I took one of the little cups and downed the contents like a shot. I was making small talk with the sample lady when she mentioned that the juice contained tea. I would have had to go throw up to get it out of my stomach. I decided to just let it go, but I literally felt sick afterwards...

what would you guys do in that situation?

Another time, while out to dinner with friends we ordered a chocolate sunday at Applebees. It came out and everyone started enjoying it, but I realized after a couple of bites that they had put mocha coffee flavored topping on it. I thought about asking to send it back, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I just stopped eating it.

how would you guys handle that?

thanks for your thoughts!

I would have done the same thing you did in both situations. There are some things that are hard to avoid completely. I try to do my best to avoid them. Ultimately, God judges what is in your heart.

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With the WoW, we are making a commitment to avoid certain things. If we partake of something unintentionally, then it is nothing to worry about. Continuing to partake after it has been identified would be a problem, but what you've already done isn't something you need to repent of.

I've had a couple "friends" that knew what I would and would not eat or drink, and they attempted to "trick" me into breaking the WoW by bringing something to share that contained coffee or tea or alcohol. After I'd eaten some, they let me know what was in it and I would refuse to eat more. They'd try to make me feel guilty and/or con me into eating/drinking more since I'd already tasted it. All I did was decide those people weren't good friends and stopped associating with them.

In a situation like yours, the partaking was unintentional and accidental. You are fine. :) It's not like you had poison.

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Not knowing is not a sin. :) Reminds me of a friend of a friend who made spaghetti once. They sent some over to us but we didnt eat any. Later we found out that they were happy and joking how they had made us sin because of the wine they put in it.

The sin would not have been ours even if we ate it. The sin was on the person making it and sending it to us hoping to make us sin.

I would have stopped eating the shake as well. Once I knew it had coffee in it. If I had continued then......

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Guest Magen_Avot

I was on costco the other day, and they had one of those tables out where they were giving out samples. This particular one was for fruit juice. I took one of the little cups and downed the contents like a shot. I was making small talk with the sample lady when she mentioned that the juice contained tea. I would have had to go throw up to get it out of my stomach. I decided to just let it go, but I literally felt sick afterwards...

what would you guys do in that situation?

Another time, while out to dinner with friends we ordered a chocolate sunday at Applebees. It came out and everyone started enjoying it, but I realized after a couple of bites that they had put mocha coffee flavored topping on it. I thought about asking to send it back, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I just stopped eating it.

how would you guys handle that?

thanks for your thoughts!

What!!! :eek: ... just kidding :D

What everyone else said. ^_^

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Situation 1: I'd possibly make a face to myself and move on with my life.

Situation 2: I'd not eat any more, possibly make a face to myself and move on with my life. If it was specifically my desert, I'd probably double check the menu to see if it mentioned the inclusion of coffee. If it did, I'd chalk it up as a lesson to pay more attention to menus, if it didn't I'd probably ask for it to be remade without or replaced with a different desert with a concise explanation that I wasn't aware it contained that ingredient and it's not listed on the menu, and that I don't consume coffee.

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You did good.

I had 1/2 a Mike's Hard Lemonade while on a skiing trip to vail CA.

I found it in a display with the rest of the cokes so I assumed...

I though it was a particularily good Lemonade till my friends started looking at me oddly.

"We thought that you did't drink..."

Woops. I gave the rest of the drink to someone at the table and got a Mt. Dew.

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I had a buddy who traveled to Germany and got served their non-alcoholic beer while everyone else had the real stuff. He had like three or four steins of it. Later, someone told him that in Germany, their non-alcoholic beer has about the same alcohol content, as Utah's regular beer. It dawned on him why he was having such a hard time thanking the hostess in German - he was about halfway drunk.

God knows your heart and your intent - He'll judge from there. Sounds to me like you'll be ok.

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I love this story about Pres. McKay,

At a reception McKay attended, the hostess served rum cake. ”All the guests hesitated, watching to see what McKay would do. He smacked his lips and began to eat.” When one guest expostulated, “‘But President McKay, don’t you know that is rum cake?’ McKay smiled and reminded the guest that the Word of Wisdom forbade drinking alcohol, not eating it.” (David O McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, p 23)

We shouldn't seek to make exceptions to the Word of Wisdom. But perhaps in some situations we can lessen our overly strict interpretation of it.

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Once at BYU-Idaho, a group of business majors sold hot chocolate during the cold months. A student wroter a letter to the editor the campus newspaper detailing how one of the creamers smelt like coffee. After much investigation, he found out one flavoring was made in the same factory as coffee and therefore we were all sinners.

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I remember when I was at the Olive Garden one night. We were with my wife's side of the family who are all LDS and a little more reserved. I ordered Chicken Marsala or something similar. I was eating it like normal. After a while I started to notice that I was laughing a lot, talking much more than normal and I felt a little hyper. It dawned on me that somehow not all the alcohol had been cooked out. I did tell my wife what happened but not anyone else. We laughed about it.

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I remember when I was at the Olive Garden one night. We were with my wife's side of the family who are all LDS and a little more reserved. I ordered Chicken Marsala or something similar. I was eating it like normal. After a while I started to notice that I was laughing a lot, talking much more than normal and I felt a little hyper. It dawned on me that somehow not all the alcohol had been cooked out. I did tell my wife what happened but not anyone else. We laughed about it.

Umm, you are not going to get drunk on the alcohol in Chicken Marsala. You probably wouldn't even feel the effects of the alcohol unless you drank 2 or more glasses of it.

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Um, sorry, but I don't believe it. Most of the alcohol is cooked off--not all, but a significant portion. Further, the sauce isn't alot, so unless he is literally drinking a huge amount of it, you cannot get drunk off of it.

If someone is allergic to alcohol, then the reaction is going to be different.

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Um, sorry, but I don't believe it. Most of the alcohol is cooked off--not all, but a significant portion. Further, the sauce isn't alot, so unless he is literally drinking a huge amount of it, you cannot get drunk off of it.

If someone is allergic to alcohol, then the reaction is going to be different.

shrugs. maybe that is why. :)

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I had that happen once at a Village Inn pizza and ice cream place. I ordered their big "volcano" dish of ice cream and it had coffee ice cream in it. Yuck! I ended up not eating it. My non-LDS friends why I didn't finish it and I just told them that I had overestimated how much room I had left after killing a few slices of pizza.

Years ago, I used to play guitar with rock and country bands. We often had gigs in bars and clubs. I used to always go to the bartenders in advance and tell them that I was Mormon and that I didn't drink alcohol. If a customer ordered a round of drinks for the band, I'd always have it arranged that mine wouldn't have any booze in it. They were fine with that. The bar still made money, the customer was happy that we accepted his kind gesture, and I stayed within the bounds of the Word of Wisdom. Every now and then, the bartender would forget (or one of my bandmates was playing a gag on me) and I'd get a soda that had a little more "kick" to it. I'd immediately recognize it and the mouthful of liquid went back into the glass with the next "swig." At a convenient moment, the contents would make their way to the bathroom sink or a nearby planter.

Eventually, I gave up playing music in clubs, just because the potential for compromise was always there. Besides, when you're the only sober one in the bar, all the drunks want to come over and hang out with you so they can tell you all their problems. :)

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