What’s the last movie you watched?


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Cinderella Man

Bleck... but this is what I get for getting my husband to sit to Tristan & Isolde.

Isn't that the one about the fighter? With Russell (too hot for his own good) Crowe? I really enjoyed it. You should read about the guy's life. He led a decent life and was a good American.

Just watched the 2009 Star Trek. I was still surprised by Uhura and Spock's relationship. When I saw it in the theater, I almost passed out, it was so shocking. Not that it was bad or anything, just so different from the TV shows. I met Nichelle Nichols at a ST convention. Lovely woman.

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For this being on RedBox it was an excellent movie. The acting from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal is superb, I actually felt the movie itself was too average for their presence, if that makes sense... But like I said, it was well done. A bit predictable but not in the ways you'd think. Language a bit rough and they insinuated pretty horrific torture but nothing really shown. Leaves you cliff-hanging at the end to make your own conclusion, and yet, there is resolve to the main dilemma.

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It stinks - does not follow true to the Bible. Read this review: Noah Movie Review & Film Summary (2014) | Roger Ebert

Hmm. Read the review, which gave it 3 stars. I'm not sure what star universe the site is in, but 3 stars is usually average, not awful.

After reading this and other reviews, I'm put in mind of Oliver Stone's movies. You're in trouble if you think the story Stone is telling about Nixon or JFK is the real one. You better do your own reading and research because Stone is telling a STORY, not presenting a live action history dissertation.

Noah still sounds rough around the edges. Yeah, it would have been better if the director had followed a story almost everyone on the planet knows by heart, but OK. I think I can deal with it being his vision, not the Bible's.

Also, why do so many people get angry about the veggie/meat thing? According to the Bible, they were vegetarian until after the flood. It's not veggie propaganda to make Noah vegetarian. It's not tree hugging environmentalism to be vegetarian. I would love to see some real research on why religious conservatives get bent out of shape about eating vegetables.

I may be wasting my money, but I think I'm going to see it.

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Noah... I went to see it knowing all the reviews but here's what I did... I didn't look at it as a person that knows much about the Bible... I watched it as a person that knew nothing much about the Bible.

If I watched it as knowing the Bible... I would give it a much different review than what I give it as acting like I knew nothing about the Bible.

In my opinion it was a really good movie. My husband, son, and two neighbor kids went to see it with us...and we all really liked it.

I guess it's all in how you are watching it.

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Noah- was ok. I didn't go their expecting a gospel doctrine class so wasn't too dissapointed that the writer didn't follow the bible precisely. In fact when you understand a little about scripts, characters, conflict, archs and beats in screenplays if the writer had followed the bible 100% the movie would have been boring and predictable.

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Noah... I went to see it knowing all the reviews but here's what I did... I didn't look at it as a person that knows much about the Bible... I watched it as a person that knew nothing much about the Bible.

Well, there you go! As a former Catholic, I can guarantee you I know next to nothing about the Bible. :D

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Also, why do so many people get angry about the veggie/meat thing? According to the Bible, they were vegetarian until after the flood.

I'm really curious as to where that is stated, I have never heard anything like that before. I have never come upon that in my studies either.

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I'm really curious as to where that is stated, I have never heard anything like that before. I have never come upon that in my studies either.


It comes from contrasting post-deluvian commandments with post-fall curses.


Noah is the first person explicitly told that the animals are tasty.



And the afear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

Every moving thing that liveth shall be ameat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.


As opposed to Adam's strictly herbivoric toil for food:


18 aThorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

19 In the asweat of thy face shalt thou eat bbread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for cdust thou art, and unto ddust shalt thou return.

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The Nightmare Before Christmas



It's a bit creepy but my toddler adores it. She's a bit weird I guess, haha. It's cute though, I don't ever get tired of watching it really, and Danny Elfman - he's so freakin' talented!

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Captain America The Winter Soldier. Very enjoyable movie with some great action sequences. Though I cannot work out who the characters are in the credit scene are!


If you look at the "full cast" on IMDB, you'll find out who the "twins" are in that scene.  It's setting up for Age of Ultron, which will be released next year.




I saw Captain America: Winter Soldier tonight.  It was really good.  I haven't been this blown away by a superhero/comic book film since Batman Begins.  And yes, there's a mid-credit scene and a post-credit scene.

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Captain America. GSP got some cool moves! And then in the final fight between Capt and Bucky, Capt does a rear choke and clips Bucky's arm with his leg... That's the exact same move my kid just did the day before to win first place in his Brazilian Jiujitsu tournament!

With the Black Widow and Shield agents it could have been an Avengers movie. It was cool.

Other movies:

Internship..., painfully awkward but had some funny moments

Last of the Mohicans - never gets old

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