What’s the last movie you watched?


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Avengers: Age of Ultron. It was boring -- the worst possible criticism of a movie of this type. I mean, not the whole thing, but it totally dragged in the middle and even toward the end, the climax was cookie-cutter, and who wrote Iron Man's lines? Not Joss Whedon, surely. They were utterly predictable. Not saying it was the worst movie ever, not by a long shot. Just sort of mediocre, which was very disappointing. Another like this and I will relegate the Marvel superhero movies to the same bin where I have put the James Bond films: Stuff Not Worth Watching Even Once.

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Gone Girl.

EXCELLENT. The initial going is a bit slow but the plot is really very good. It is graphic, both in the violence and sexuality department, but if you can stomach that - or fast forward or find a censored version - worth it.

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Mad Max: Fury Road. Looked great (stunning actually), but the dialogue was inane, at least Tom Hardy is still gorgeous, but ultimately the feministic and misandric elements overwhelmed whatever positive feelings I had. It was one of three movies I have ever seen that I wanted to get up from my seat to use the bathroom before it ended. I did not end up leaving early, but a movie worth the cost of admission ought to make me forget about the state of my bladder. 

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Not technically true, since I did not watch the whole thing, or even a significant fraction. But I have seen parts of it over the last two days, and it is screamingly, gasping-for-ail-ily, hilariously awful.


A couple of days ago, my kids were roaring while watching Megashark vs. Mechashark, so I might have to give that a try.


Ah, the wonders of Netflix!

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Do You Believe?  This is a Christian movie, by Pureflix--the same producers that brought us God's Not Dead.  This movie was better, in that the many incidents in the movie were believable.  The only exaggeration was all the elements coming together so tightly.  I brought my four daughters (14, 12, 10) and we all cried.  The key line of the movie comes near the beginning.


Man carrying large cross to guy in car:  Do you believe in Christ and his death on the cross?

Guy in car:  I'm a preacher.

Cross carrier:  You didn't answer my question.

Preacher:  Yes, I believe.

Cross carrier:  Then what are you going to do about it?

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Avengers: Age of Ultron

It was okay. Not bad but not good. Just okay. I'd give it a 2/5. It just didn't satisfy me like the previous one. I might be being picky but I felt the movie never met a real high point and was on a constant overload of action packed BOOMS and KA POWS! I felt the movie sorely missed on telling the story and got carried away with special effects and fight sequences. (Though, CGI and fights executed well.) I didn't feel any real connection to any character this go around. Was ultimately disappointed with the "boss fight" and the ending was, meh, subpar.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Gods Not Dead ...... good movie


I need to watch that.  My kids watched it, and my 13 yr old in particular really liked it and keeps talking about it.


The last movie I saw was Little Boy (at the dollar theater).  It was wonderful.  

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