What’s the last movie you watched?


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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief


I had never heard of this movie or the book (the first of a series) that it is based on. It was not terrible; it reminded me strongly of Sky High, though that movie was more of a comedy and this was more of an adventure. That said, it seemed clear to me that it was not a movie meant for adults, but for adolescents. The main objectionable parts were Persephone's undisguised lurid comments and designs on the satyr; vulgar at times, unpleasant, played for laughs to an audience (my family) that considers sexuality sacred and therefore didn't find it funny. Besides that, I don't recall anything objectionable. I did find myself toward the end just waiting for it to get over. But again, I am sure the target audience was not middle-aged men.


The movie was quite different from the book.  So much so that the fans of the series got turned off.  I didn't like the movie.  I do enjoy the book.  None of those crude humor in the book.  But yeah, I love books about the Greek gods.  Even dorky ones like Percy Jackson.  LOL.




Oh, yeah. He was the dorky brother, wasn't he?


Yep!  LOL!  I know, crude humor for him.  But that movie is such a departure from his usual roles.

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I'm actually a movie reviewer for a local newspaper, and so I do one movie a week 51 weeks a year.* It may sound like a fun deal, but then you have to remember that for every "Frozen" I get to see I'm also stuck watching a "Bad Grandpa". 


Last week's film was "No Escape", and this week's film will be "The Transporter: Refueled". 




*The local theater I go to is part of a larger chain. Corporate policy is that no matter how many new movies come out the first weekend in December, they don't screen so that the Thanksgiving releases can get another weekend to themselves. 

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Once I was a Beehive.


We loved this moving. BUT...the very first part of it, I told husband that it makes Mormon girls look like dorks. But, as the movie went on, I realized that they really had to start it that way so they could show the girls progressing.


Anyway... loved it and went to see it a second time so we could take our niece to see it too. She loved it too.

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Last week's film was "No Escape", and this week's film will be "The Transporter: Refueled". 




Hated that movie.  Ugh!  I really hate movies that make good people, especially the women, do stupid things just so they can add more tension to the script.  It's why I refuse to watch a Van Damme movie!

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Hated that movie.  Ugh!  I really hate movies that make good people, especially the women, do stupid things just so they can add more tension to the script.  It's why I refuse to watch a Van Damme movie!


Sadly, I have more than my share of real-life experience dealing with emergency and crisis situations. 


Once the adrenaline starts pumping, rational thought and logical reasoning can potentially go right out the window if the person in question isn't trained in how to handle matters. 


In that sense, what happened in "No Escape" is tragically plausible. 

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Also, I now have a definable fashion style, thanks to this movie. I aspire to dress with the best of every era, but in a youthful and timeless way. Vintage pieces mixed with contemporary, but never costume-y or frumpy or old looking. I aspire to have a wardrobe and overall style like Adeline. 

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Hot Pursuit


Had some laughs, though, the plot was beyond predictable. Surprisingly, mostly family friendly, with the exception of a man scurrying for a towel to cover-up but you don't see anything but waist up. So basically, he's just shirtless but the audience gets the idea. Definitely just a rental watch, though.

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Hot Pursuit


Had some laughs, though, the plot was beyond predictable. Surprisingly, mostly family friendly, with the exception of a man scurrying for a towel to cover-up but you don't see anything but waist up. So basically, he's just shirtless but the audience gets the idea. Definitely just a rental watch, though.


Did you stay for the end credits? 


The credits contain a number of bloopers from the film, including a scene where Sofia Vergara inadvertently moons the camera while changing outfits. 


That kinda kills the family-friendly angle. 

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Did you stay for the end credits? 


The credits contain a number of bloopers from the film, including a scene where Sofia Vergara inadvertently moons the camera while changing outfits. 


That kinda kills the family-friendly angle. 


Forgot the underwear mooning. I agree, a bit risque, but was super brief. 

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This weekend's movie was "The Transporter Refueled". 


All I can say about this one is "Folks, save your money." It's one of the worst films I've seen in a while, and that's saying something. 


Adding insult to injury is the fact that next week's film may well be "The Visit". The trailers to not interest me in the least.

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If anyone's looking for some family-friendly films: 


Hotel Transylvania 2 and The Good Dinosaur are set to open in October, while The Peanuts Movie will hit November 6th. 


Those are, so near as I can tell, going to be the last three major-release "kid" films for the year. 

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Scooby Doo: KISS

I didn't actually watch it but my daughter and husband did, and kind of got into it. It was too all over the place for me but I guess that's what makes an engaging kids' movie. It's got lots of band music, flashy colours, and a pretty outrageous villain. I think it'd probably interest most kids.

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Scooby Doo: KISS

I didn't actually watch it but my daughter and husband did, and kind of got into it. It was too all over the place for me but I guess that's what makes an engaging kids' movie. It's got lots of band music, flashy colours, and a pretty outrageous villain. I think it'd probably interest most kids.

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The Gift. We'd been wanting to see it for a while, it definitely did not disappoint. Joel Edgerton not only gave a fantastic performance, but he also wrote and directed the film. He's a talented gent. 


A fair bit of harsh language, a couple of disturbing sequences, lots of jump scares and suspense. Apart from the language it wouldn't have been rated R. 

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