What’s the last movie you watched?


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Would you change the channel on Chris Kyle or anyone else engaged in a battle against evil?


I would hope not...


If it's Brad Cooper, of course not.  He's one great actor that has more than 3 moving muscles in his face.  He doesn't even have to show his face... he can say, "It's real!"... and I will watch it over and over and over...


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If it's Brad Cooper, of course not.  He's one great actor that has more than 3 moving muscles in his face.  He doesn't even have to show his face... he can say, "It's real!"... and I will watch it over and over and over...



You're great ana!

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Into the Woods. Husband and I walked out of the theater and I asked him how he like it... he said he did. He asked me how I liked it... I said I did.


We got into the car and started talking about all the things we DIDN'T like about it and we both looked at each other and at the same time said... "I guess we really didn't like it". LOL


To much loud singing with no breaks in it for a long time. First part was kinda fun seeing all the characters meeting up...but, the last part... half way through we did not like. Won't say why because I don't want to ruin it for those that haven't seen it. But, we were both disappointed in how it ended.

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The Recruit.


We were talking about the Patriots in another thread and I mentioned Brady's pregnant girlfriend that he left for a super model and remembered that I haven't watched this movie that has her in it so I watched it.  What can I say... Al Pacino is Al Pacino in all his movies... but manoman, he can do a really good Al Pacino.  lol.  Colin Farrell can do tortured boyfriend very well too.  So yeah, the plot is quite predictable but I still enjoyed it.  I was just in the mood to enjoy it I guess.

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Can you believe that?


An entire weekend of no movies.  Not in the theaters.  Not at home.


Yes, this is more unlikely than a zombie apocalypse.  I have no idea how we managed it.

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Despite mediocre reviews, I begged my husband to take me to see the last of the Hobbit trilogy, and I enjoyed it enough. It wasn't anything to write home about but it certainly pulled everything together at the end. You weren't left with any questions, everything was concluded. You knew this was it - the end. Though, I am wondering about Legolas, as you were left with the impression that he was off to seek Strider out... Who is Strider? Is this now to be a Legolas The Lone Elf adventure? lol 

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Despite mediocre reviews, I begged my husband to take me to see the last of the Hobbit trilogy, and I enjoyed it enough. It wasn't anything to write home about but it certainly pulled everything together at the end. You weren't left with any questions, everything was concluded. You knew this was it - the end. Though, I am wondering about Legolas, as you were left with the impression that he was off to seek Strider out... Who is Strider? Is this now to be a Legolas The Lone Elf adventure? lol 


It ties to the Lord of the Rings.  Strider is Aragorn.  That's how they explained Legolas representing the elves at Rivendell.

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It ties to the Lord of the Rings.  Strider is Aragorn.  That's how they explained Legolas representing the elves at Rivendell.


It seems that it has been officially concluded then. Because the story of Aragon has already been told.

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It seems that it has been officially concluded then. Because the story of Aragon has already been told.


Pretty much.  A lot of The Hobbit doesn't make sense in the Hobbit trilogy.  It only makes sense as a prequel to Lord of the Rings.  Like - all the travelling the Wizards were doing.

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Skyfall, and I stopped watching a third of the way into the movie.  Way too violent, and it was PG-13.  I don't get our culture.  Watching people shoot each other with guns and watching men fight is not even slightly entertaining to me.  Even Judi Dench couldn't save this sorry movie, which is saying a lot.

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Project Almanac.


Like AngelMarvel said, this is one of those hand-held camera style of filming that's gaining some foothold in the low-budget non-horror movies.  There's a good way to do hand-held camera and there's a terrible way of doing it.  Chronicles and Project Almanac are examples of the terrible way.  Earth to Echo is an example of a good way.


The trick is - you get the viewer into thinking this is a real footage from a video-cam (lots of GoPro product placement in this movie) that the kid is holding... but have the elements of a professional filmmaker in the video capture.  Yes, a kid will have shaky video captures that spans locations in a zippity manner with tilted camera angles... but guess what - when your crazy cousin with the video camera is replaying his video on your little TV, it gives you a headache.  Magnify that into a movie theater size screen and make it an hour and a half long and it's one of the easiest way to get a migraine.  That's Project Almanac - a migraine waiting to happen.  I got sea-sick 25 minutes into the movie!


Now, Earth to Echo is one of my favorite movies of all time.  Same thing - hand-held camera style.  BUT - the shaky, tilted, grainy captures is minimized to be just enough to keep you thinking the footage is from the video-cam the kid is holding... but the entire film's professional elements are firmly in place.  No migraine necessary.


So yeah, the story is great, the main actor was great (he's awesome in Chasing Mavericks too)... the premise of the time travel, as all time travel movies are, can't be thought of too deeply because you'll come up with tons of holes, but it held up ok in this movie.  Bring a Dramamine with your coke.

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I saw Fury and Earth to Echo.


My 11yr old son loved Earth to Echo and he's not a movie watcher.


Fury...Typical Hollywood movie where they feel it's necessary that whenever they show heroes to show how flawed they are. It get's a little tiresome. So of course the main hero is a potential rapist. Because it's all relative and we are never any better than our enemies. 


I know war does some crazy things to people but I don't remember hearing the Germans ever felt it was necessary to hide their daughters from American GI's. 


So unfortunately this grates on me hard enough that it was just a waste of time to watch this movie. I was cheering when one of the scummier GI's was killed. This might as well of been Full Metal Jacket II...the WWII years. 

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The Interview.  North Korea cyber-attacked Sony of this???  It's a glorified SNL skit, with some silly, some stupid, a lot of innuendo, and btw it's rated R.  Free on Netflix now though, so I had to see what almost started WWIII.  To relate it to another thread, Charlie Hebdo could have produced this.  I believe in Freedom of Speech, but wow, I wish we'd get some stuff worth defending.  :mellow:

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