What is your favourite type of exercise?


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Hey everyone,

I thought it might be fun to learn what type of exercise everyone enjoys the most. (I know I'm a little odd in my ideas of fun)

I used to love running, I especially did well at sprinting and enjoyed middle distance runs up to around 5 miles. I was forced to run distances in school out of the blue with-out proper training that has given me some repetitive strain injuries that have altered my enjoyment of running.

I currently love strength training with relatively heavy weights.

How about you?

Do you love Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, P90x, Insanity, Bodybuilding, Running, Cycling, Powerlifting etc. ?

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TurboFire, which is kickboxing and calisthenics. I enjoy it and get quick results. I also don't mind a good hard workout on my elliptical, but I lost one of the feet when we moved over the summer and it's all wobbly now.

I need to get back to doing something.

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Bench Press, by far. I hate running (but do it to try and stay trim). I hate working my legs (and am not very strong at it, but do it because I should).

Lately I've moved to a pretty straightforward compound only lifting routine. Bench, deadlifts, squats, rows. 4 set of 5 each, as heavy as I can go. I've been enjoying this fairly well and pushed up my weight ability on all of them.

As mentioned in the other thread, I've pushed up 280, but since I've been sick for a month, so will be working back up to it when I'm better.

Something about benching heavy that's pretty awesome though.

I used to do ballroom dancing with my wife too (not as exercise, but it worked as exercise nonetheless). We haven't in danced years though.

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2 people + 1 marriage certificate = playin with the kids, of course!

Runners up are

- Horses

- Water Sports

- Snow Sports

- Circus Sports. errrr... "Arts" (dude. I have never worked so hard. Ever. I blame proto-feminists. How can we have fun and still be allowed to do it? I know. Make it sound fluffy. I have come to learn that anything with "arts" attaches to it means "try not to bleed too much on the satin". And that's glitter, not oceans of sweat, but sparkles!)

- Dance

Every once in awhile I realize I need a better job.

This is one of those times.

Why can't I love sit-ups or something?

Note to self : sit ups rule.


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I've got pretty decent routine going right now that I enjoy.

Using my arms I lift a tiny amount of weight to my face, chew and digest and then repeat. The reps vary but I do this usually about 3 times a day everyday. I've worked on this daily for my entire life so you can imagine I've gotten really good at it.

I'm also working on a six week program to do 100 push-ups and 20 pull-ups. I also do the ab-wheel and am getting back into Phil Campbells Sprint 8 program. I attept to sprint for 30 seconds, rest and repeat 8 times.

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I have a collection of workout DVD's that I rotate through. My favorite instructors are Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper for total body (weights + cardio), Shawn T (Insanity, cardio) and Rodney Yee (for Yoga/stretching).

I do one or two DVD's each morning, first thing. :) (and I say two dvd's, because some workouts are only 30 minutes long, and I see better results when I work out for 45-60 minutes at a go)

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Mye faevourite exaercise is tou inseart extreaneous diphthoungs intou wourds tou maeke thoem look moere Brietish or Canaedian.

Do you disapprove of the use of "u" in favourite as opposed to favorite? I can imagine it looks wrong to you, but the other way around and I wouldn't have passed grade school and it certainly looks wrong to me.

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Do you disapprove of the use of "u" in favourite as opposed to favorite? I can imagine it looks wrong to you, but the other way around and I wouldn't have passed grade school and it certainly looks wrong to me.

I don't disapprove. I just think it looks very British. (I do think that some of the double vowels look silly and are of little use, e.g. foetus, aether.)

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I don't disapprove. I just think it looks very British. (I do think that some of the double vowels look silly and are of little use, e.g. foetus, aether.)

I suppose that is where being Canadian is closer to being US than British. I too find those particular usages odd... and I find programme to simply be a waste of letters. Mostly just "u" in words like saviour, colour, favour etc. for me. Although more and more we get US spell checking and the "or" variety is becoming prevalent. I've also gathered that most Canadian schools will now accept either spelling as correct.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate exercising. Hate it. Loathe might be a better word. I find it boring and unpleasant, at best.

But I love running around, hiking, building things, playing sports, taking walks, and so forth.

Some years back, I fenced in our property. It was hard work, and I spent hours a day doing it. By the time I finished two weeks later, I had lost ten or fifteen pounds and felt just great (other than a badly arthritic shoulder, for which I took Vioxx, a miracle drug that cured all my symptoms -- until they banned it -- but that's another matter).

If I'm ever going to succeed in developing a long-term habit of exercise, I need to do one of two things:

1. Find a useful, enjoyable activity that includes exercise as a necessary component rather than as a goal in itself, and then participate in that activity.

2. Resign myself to the drudgery, discomfort, and pain of daily exercise.

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