What is your word for 2015?


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Eowyn started this 2-3 years ago and I've done it every year since.


Each year you choose a single word to concentrate on.  I've done strength and motivation. I have a 3 ring binder for each word and I add stories, talks, scriptures, quotes, and pictures having to do with this subject.


The word I have chosen for 2015 is endurance.  Again like motivation, this is a word that can encompass many things.  Not only religious but goal wise and other things in my life.


What word will you choose?

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My word will be "focus."


For many years I worked at jobs that required heavy-duty multitasking.  I was okay at it even though it wore me out.  But it's a really hard habit to break, and my attention span for anything now has dropped to just a few minutes because I'm always ready for a massive context swap.  It got so bad in 2014 that I even tried hypnotherapy.  I'm better and improving, but it's still an uphill climb right now... hang on, I'll be right back...

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I love this idea Pam.  I missed it in years past somehow.  Anyway, my word will be remember.


Remember the ways the Lord has touched my life, remember my goals, remember WHY I made those goals, remember those who are hurting . . . Yes, for me this will be the perfect word for the year.

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The word I would chose for 2015 is awareness, in the meaning of being aware or conscious of God, or awake to Him. To find back to that spiritual status of faith, that position of empathy and hope, that stops me drifting away and would enable me again to strengthen my trust  in Him and his presence.

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Finish. I'm a complacent person. I want to finish goals and get the taste for that.


That was my word for 2014, and I learned a great trick for finishing goals.  Each morning I write a list of my day's goals, and then I rank them by unpleasantness.  I start attacking the most unpleasant ones first and pretty soon it feels like I'm coasting downhill.  Few things in life are as satisfying as looking at your list at the end of the day and seeing every item lined out.  I even keep the used lists in a notebook, and I thumb through them whenever I'm feeling unproductive. 

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Healing, I think. I need to heal from setbacks and losses this year, and move forward with joy and purpose. I want to heal some relationships that have been hurt, or heal from those that needed to end, and forgive and not dwell on those things anymore. My body needs healing, too. 

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I don't like being vulnerable. I'm not used to feeling vulnerable. And my protective walls help me to avoid this. But whenever I do feel vulnerable, I somehow convince myself in believing that I've failed in some way, and I guilt myself for allowing someone to have such an affect on me. In the new year, I'd like to start looking at vulnerability in a different way. There's a difference between being a hard cold stone and being a doormat. I want to be able to view vulnerability as a positive - that it's okay to let your guard down even if it hurts sometimes - and that being vulnerable is a human quality.

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I read this the other day when it was first put up and I couldn't think of any word for 2015. But, today in Sacrament we had a return Sister Missionary giving a talk and it blew me away. The word she talked about was, Accountability. I knew before she even finished her talk that that was my word for 2015.


My own accountability will rock in 2015.

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That was my word for 2014, and I learned a great trick for finishing goals.  Each morning I write a list of my day's goals, and then I rank them by unpleasantness.  I start attacking the most unpleasant ones first and pretty soon it feels like I'm coasting downhill.  Few things in life are as satisfying as looking at your list at the end of the day and seeing every item lined out.  I even keep the used lists in a notebook, and I thumb through them whenever I'm feeling unproductive. 


Do you write down things on your list that you have already done just so you have the satisfaction of having crossed something off?  :)

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Do you write down things on your list that you have already done just so you have the satisfaction of having crossed something off?   :)


No, that nifty idea has never even occurred to me, strangely.  Although one time the first item on my list was "Make today's list of things to do," and I was able to scratch it off as soon as I finished my list.  The key is to accomplish your hardest goals first in the day.  Worked for me, might not work for everyone.


But today I read an online article called "How to be the most productive person in your office — and still get home by 5:30 p.m."  (Google it if you want to read it, it'll pop right up.)  The article claimed that to-do lists are "evil" and that a smart person simply schedules everything.  I'm not convinced.  The idea of scheduling 6:15:30pm to 6:17:10pm to take the trash out frightens me. 

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Only a few years ago this was probably one of my strongest strengths, now it's a weakness. I lost a few of the talents I was supposed to multiply. It seems much harder to regain something you have lost than to keep it. Don't do it, seriously, be Diligent. Diligence in my own life will improve nearly every other aspect, so that's why I choose it.

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