An Odd Situation


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Guest MormonGator
38 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

I would not tell anyone or say anything.


 It's always better to praise in public and criticize in private. Even if you had iron clad proof (you don't) that someone was looking at dirty magazines and sipping whiskey at night you take care of it in private. 

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When cleaning out my grandmother''s pantry, I found wine and whiskey. I honestly didn't think anything of it. See, grandma was baptized when she married by rather inactive grandfather. Over the years she attended church for social reasons, but didn't properly convert until about six years ago. She's also a world traveler. We teased her about the bottles, and she said people just gave her the stuff during travels and while she has never drank she figured she would keep them to maybe regift and forgot about them. 

I also think of this spiritual LDS giant of an old widow who confessed she and her husband would always drink shots when visiting Mexico.

Let it go unless you have a very good reason to not.

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20 hours ago, anatess2 said:

Well... I have a bottle of Fireball Whiskey and maybe some other alcoholic thing in my pantry with the instant coffee.  The whiskey was a Christmas gift from my cousin, the coffee is my mother's.

My maternal grandparents didn't smoke, and didn't let anyone smoke in the house, but when they partly enclosed their back porch, they put a couple of comfy chairs, ashtray and lighter in the most sheltered part for guests.  

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While participating as the elders quorum moving company I have found interesting items on multiple occasions.  Not my business...that is between the "owners" and the Lord.  Now if I had been the bishop and they were remaining in the ward, that would fall under my stewardship and be different.


What gold coins?

As for tiny elf creature they attack me?  If so...shots fired...

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1. There's still print porn? Why?

2.  It's almost always best to mind your own business and not judge those who MAY be sinning differently than you. You don't even know for sure that they were.

3. It was in the master closet. That sounds like storage not hiding, at least not from a spouse. Maybe the kids.

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On 10/6/2016 at 7:40 AM, zil said:

I might carry one box at a time to the nearest drain or trash can

I might feel compelled to inform the bishop

Are you kidding?  It's not your property. You don't have a right to destroy it. And going to the bishop when you don't even know why that stuff is there?

I'd never speak to you again. I wouldn't have you in my house. I wouldn't sit near you in church. THAT's if I stayed in the church.  If I had to deal with the bishop over some BS that got your knickers in a twist, I'd rather sit at home.

Maybe it's from being a lawyer and professor and having to keep confidences, legally protected confidences, but I'd be d.....d if I told someone else about this. It's not my business and the person hasn't asked for my help or told me why he has the liquor.

Bomb-making material, maybe.

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I've moved several families that had alcohol in boxes.

Lots of families just happen to be barely active enough to ask for the LDS moving company...what'd you expect? ^_^

Where else are we going to find opportunities to serve?

So you just move the boxes with the rest of their stuff, that's what you do.

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This reminds me of a situation in the Great White North. Medium density mormonville, dense enough to have the coveting of callings.

A man that I grew up with is a bit of a career hotshot makes lots of money. Also has beautiful wife. Also has quite the attitude and likes to tell others how they should do things.

He was very good at organizing youth programs. He was made bishop. The rather staid families in the ward resented this hotshots criticism when they were in charge. These families were not very supportive when he was made bishop. One of the youth was hired by my friend to do some home repairs. The teenager found some risqué photos of the bishops wife taken by bishop. The teenager spread the word. The stake told the bishop not to worry about it. The staid families were even less supportive. The stake asked the bishop to step down. The bishop left the church feeling betrayed and posted a blog about how the church had betrayed him.


Lots of blame to go around.

but morale of story is don't say what is on your mind unless prompted by the spirit.

i am with Miss Manners who believed that civility helps us to live in harmony with those who are different from ourselves.

Don't go there. Only be your authentic self when your authentic self is responding to the promptings of the spirit. Otherwise put your authentic self in a small box and sit on it.

Edited by Sunday21
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Guest MormonGator
10 minutes ago, mirkwood said:

I got enough of my own sins to be worrying about to get too worked up over someone else's.

Darn right you do. Jerk.  

(Just playing everyone. @mirkwood is a good guy whom I like and respect a great deal.) 

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I am in the "none of my business" camp.  I would keep it to myself and never tell anyone.

I actually know a very active family in my old ward that uses beer to cook all the time... I guess they really like their beer battered french fries.  

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On 2016-10-06 at 6:03 PM, Palerider said:

I never had that experience.....what I have had happen is while at Scout Camp all week with young men .....they tell stories about their families and sometimes I would wonder how their Parents would feel if they knew what I was hearing.   

Teach Sunbeams! Hysterical. We once spent a class consoling a little girl whose brother would take her dolls and rip the heads off. We described her descending from the celestial kingdom to visit her brother in her chariot of fire and her lovely white ballgown with a tiara. She cheered up considerably.

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I guess this was an unfair survey.  This was an amalgam of several different moves that I put together in one.

One family was the one who had the hard liquor in the closet.
Another family had the case of beer.
The other one had the box of magazines.

The liquor was actually being kept for an anarchy scenario as Iggy said (is it against forum rules to use the initialism he used?  I did a lot less and got a warning point for it).  So, pretty insightful there.  I myself said nothing.  I just picked up the box and took it to the truck.  I wondered about it for a moment. But I was busy.  Later (and I wasn't there when the subject was broached) I heard one of the others talking to the father about it.  And it became obvious what his motives were. 

The beer was because the father had a word of wisdom problem.  Again, I said nothing.  I'd heard that there were certain stomach ailments that were best served by a beer a day. I considered that. I shrugged my shoulders and kept going.  Again someone else brought up the topic.  I overheard.  He said that he just needed a beer every now and then.  But he had to keep it away from the kids.  So, it wasn't in the fridge.

I closed up the box of magazines and when I put it in the truck I made sure to cover the box with something else.  There were some teachers and priests there helping us move.  I didn't want them to come across them inadvertently.  I kept going and didn't say anything.  I never found out if there was an explanation for that one.  But when I was putting this OP together, I thought I'd include it when asking for people's reactions.

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On 10/6/2016 at 9:28 AM, Iggy said:

He could be storing the case of beer to use as trade goods in a SHTF situation,


8 hours ago, Carborendum said:

The liquor was actually being kept for an anarchy scenario as Iggy said (is it against forum rules to use the initialism he used?  I did a lot less and got a warning point for it).

Those who belong to survivalist/prepper forums use the initialism I used. Sh_t Hit The Fan, 'cause if the first word is used, it causes all sorts of alarms and bells to go off. By the way I am a She not a he.

And the three letter initialism that you used, was in place of a proper noun aka name of a company, not an abbreviation of doomsday saying. And if I am not wrong in this, you were given a warning because of your response to the question of what it meant not that you used initialism. At least that is how I, personally, saw it.


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3 hours ago, Iggy said:


Those who belong to survivalist/prepper forums use the initialism I used. ---- Hit The Fan, 'cause if the first word is used, it causes all sorts of alarms and bells to go off. By the way I am a She not a he.

And the three letter initialism that you used, was in place of a proper noun aka name of a company, not an abbreviation of doomsday saying. And if I am not wrong in this, you were given a warning because of your response to the question of what it meant not that you used initialism. At least that is how I, personally, saw it.


Yes, I'm well aware of what your initialism means.  Now you just got one step deeper into it by spelling it out.

Nope, I was specifically told I got the point for the initialism.  

And what company?  This has nothing to do with this thread or any thread in the past couple months.  What are you talking about?  What response?

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I will present a personal example, not of myself, but of someone I grew up with. The individual wasn't chaste. He was planning on serving a mission. He went through the necessary interviews with bishop and stake president with flying colors. As they were about to send in the mission papers to the Church the stake president received a letter from one who knew of the actual situation and choices of this young man. The stake president then brought the young man back into the office regarding the accusation made against him. The end result, the young man confessed. The young man went through the proper steps of repentance and changed his life. I am personally thankful that this individual who sent the message didn't have the mind frame of "Mind your own business." But, shame on that individual for not minding their own business, shame on them for bringing a soul to actual repentance and oneness with God. If you think the individual who wrote the letter to the stake president was wrong, then you are part of the problem, not the solution.

There isn't anything wrong with addressing something of this nature privately with the individual. There is no need to publicly humiliate as others shared "we don't know the whole story" and there isn't anything wrong, at all, with speaking with the individually privately (especially if they are active members holding callings). Taking an individual aside, especially if they are active and holding callings, and saying, "Hey, everything OK, I found these in your closet"? That is a proper form of love.


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Guest MormonGator
46 minutes ago, Anddenex said:


There isn't anything wrong with addressing something of this nature privately with the individual.

I get what you are saying @Anddenex and there is nothing wrong with what you said, but be careful. Suppose you address it and the dude says "Yeah my great uncle gave those to me when he died. I forget they were there. Just chuck them." Are you going to believe him or not? 

Like I said, I get what you are saying and don't really disagree-you just need to be careful. I know we've disagreed in the past, and I'm not trying to nitpick. Just something to be cautious of. 

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