Mandatory Harasment and Diversity Training


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Effective immediately all forum members will be required to participate in a mandatory harassment and diversity training session every two months before being able to post!  :eek:

Kidding!  :P

So I am currently 5 minutes through a 20 minute mandatory harassment and diversity training video at work.  This is the second time this year our management team has had to participate in one of these training sessions.  The broker who provides my salary is always on edge about the possibility of litigation in pretty much any form.  The funny thing is that the actor playing the person being harassed in this video is like the most 'harassable' person ever:  Lazy, overweight, has a cane for walking, annoying, etc.  Obviously they used that character to make a point and harassment can be very serious, but work training is often just hilarious (and cheesy).  I think they should just play an episode of The Office and call it, 'Harassment Training:  What Not to Do!'  That would definitely be a training session I could handle about once a month! :D

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3 hours ago, person0 said:

Effective immediately all forum members will be required to participate in a mandatory harassment and diversity training session every two months before being able to post!  :eek:

Kidding!  :P

So I am currently 5 minutes through a 20 minute mandatory harassment and diversity training video at work.  This is the second time this year our management team has had to participate in one of these training sessions.  The broker who provides my salary is always on edge about the possibility of litigation in pretty much any form.  The funny thing is that the actor playing the person being harassed in this video is like the most 'harassable' person ever:  Lazy, overweight, has a cane for walking, annoying, etc.  Obviously they used that character to make a point and harassment can be very serious, but work training is often just hilarious (and cheesy).  I think they should just play an episode of The Office and call it, 'Harassment Training:  What Not to Do!'  That would definitely be a training session I could handle about once a month! :D

Pay close attention at what is not included. My office's employee handbook lists all kinds of protected classes (sex, orientation, nationality, race, ethnicity, etc) and I've noticed the exclusion of political party and weight. 

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About ten years ago I was starting work at a company where I was going to be a software developer.  As part of the on-boarding process, we had to watch one of these sexual harassment training videos.

The problem I had with it was that in the video, one of the scenarios showed a guy telling a co-worker that she looked nice today.  It then showed the scene from her point of view where he came across as ultra-creepy and disturbing.  So the guy gets in trouble for harassment.  The problem is that in this scenario (and they even came right out and said it) it's the "victim" who decides whether it's harassment.  The intentions of the "harasser" are irrelevant.  They explicitly said this right in the video. 

That's pretty frightening, because it makes everybody vulnerable to potentially losing their job all based on a system that has no set standards, no rules, no definitions.  So if the alleged victim decides what's harassment and what isn't, what's to prevent someone from abusing that to get rid of a co-worker they just don't like?

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I was once working for the City of Orem, Utah where we had a sexual harassment meeting.  The City Attorney went over the policy for all city employees especially regarding romantic relationships between men and women who work together.  Additional comments were made about a supervisor/subordinate relationship.

"No employees who work together in the same office on a regular basis shall engage in any romantic type relationship unless they are married."

A person in the audience thought it wise to add,"To each other, right?"

We had a good laugh.  But I believe the City Attorney went to work to place that phrase into the official policy soon thereafter.

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If I'm gonna have to get trained on how to do this "mandatory harassment", I'm just not sure it's worth it.  I mean who ever heard of "mandatory harassment"!?  It's one thing to give a good jab now and then when you're in a really bad mood, or the other party is being a jerk, but to make it mandatory?  And make it diverse, too?  I guess that's why we need the training - so we can learn various different ways to harass people.  Are the mods going to become harassment enforcers?  Keeping a count of how often each user harasses someone?  Change the meaning of those numbers under our avatars?  Sigh.  This just seems like a lot of work.

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12 minutes ago, zil said:

If I'm gonna have to get trained on how to do this "mandatory harassment", I'm just not sure it's worth it.  I mean who ever heard of "mandatory harassment"!?  It's one thing to give a good jab now and then when you're in a really bad mood, or the other party is being a jerk, but to make it mandatory?  And make it diverse, too?  I guess that's why we need the training - so we can learn various different ways to harass people.  Are the mods going to become harassment enforcers?  Keeping a count of how often each user harasses someone?  Change the meaning of those numbers under our avatars?  Sigh.  This just seems like a lot of work.

I think of this every time I'm required to take harassment training.

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@Carborendum No employees who work together in the same office on a regular basis shall engage in any romantic type relationship unless they are married." Such a policy is illegal in my province! We have conflict of interest guidelines instead. You can't evaluate someone with whom you might have a conflict of interest.

Edited by Sunday21
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1 minute ago, zil said:

Oh, I get it now.  I'm being harassed.  How clever.  It's already begun.  I may need chocolate now.

I recommend orange chocolate.  Do they still make those?  I haven't seen them in a while.

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Just now, Carborendum said:

I recommend orange chocolate.  Do they still make those?  I haven't seen them in a while.

You mean this thing:


...if so, yes, they still make them.  Good idea.  They used to make one of these that had a slight raspberry flavor added.  That would be good too.

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I have also had harassment training. I find it interesting because the purpose is to change the culture, the assumptions, the routine behaviour. We are establishing new norms.

Something has worked somehow. In my workplace gay people are no longer harassed but they used to be! Something has worked. 

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3 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

Something has worked somehow. In my workplace gay people are no longer harassed but they used to be! Something has worked. 

In all my life, I don't think I've known anyone who "harassed" a gay man.  We all had our opinions and we had our religious beliefs.  But we just rolled our eyes at most and simply went about our day.  My growing up years, we always recognized them as oddities.  But we also recognized them as realities.  They were still human beings.  

Did we make jokes about them?  Yes.  But no more than we made jokes about everyone else.  You don't think I got my share of Asian jokes?  This wasn't harassment.  It was just life.  It was a way of relieving the discomfort with dealing with something out-of-norm.  It was simple and rather innocent human nature.

I don't think it is a good sign that we're trying to change human nature through government or office policies.

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41 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

Do you listen to or read General Conference? @Carborendum President Monson gave a short talk on kindness.

General who?  I'm afraid I've never heard of him.  And...what?  I thought Trump was our President.

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9 hours ago, person0 said:

 I think they should just play an episode of The Office and call it, 'Harassment Training:  What Not to Do!'  That would definitely be a training session I could handle about once a month! :D

Isn't there at least one episode specifically about harassment training?

Which reminds me of this harassment training:


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1 hour ago, SilentOne said:

Isn't there at least one episode specifically about harassment training?

There are quite a few.  Here are some links, but just in case, I wont include the video on the forum! ;)

The Office - Sensitivity Training

The Office - What Not to Do HR Compilation

The Office - Sexual Harassment Training Highlight

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1 hour ago, Sunday21 said:

Will he have to recant his belief in Kiss? What form of reprogramming do you recommend?

Well, we can always take the Donald Duck/Clockwork Orange approach and pry his eyelids open, bind him to a chair, and force him to watch KISS performances non-stop until he begs for mercy.  If that doesn't work, we can take the nuclear option and make him watch Gene Simmons' Family Jewels for a few hours, but I hate to destroy a man like that...

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, unixknight said:

\ If that doesn't work, we can take the nuclear option and make him watch Gene Simmons' Family Jewels for a few hours, but I hate to destroy a man like that...

Cruel and unusual punishment bro. Ouch. 

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Guest MormonGator

What's funny-and I'm speaking as a Kiss fan-Kiss Army member from the early 90's, no apologies- is that most of us think Gene Simmons is obnoxious. Many Kiss fans will admit it, after a few drinks. 

My favorite has always been Paul Stanley, though Eric Carr is also up there. 

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3 hours ago, MormonGator said:

What's funny-and I'm speaking as a Kiss fan-Kiss Army member from the early 90's, no apologies- is that most of us think Gene Simmons 

is obnoxious. Many Kiss fans will admit it, after a few drinks. 

There, fixed it for you.

Edited by mirkwood
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