unequal relationships


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Why are so many men in and out of the Church spending so much focus on women in a way that is demeaning (pornography), hurts there feelings (pornography, wanting polygamy), hurting women & children (divorce-especially for reasons regarding affairs and pornography and other addictions and abuse) and why did/does God sometimes support polygamy?  Why aren't men more sensitive, are they just wanting something physical?  Does God just understand He wants something physical out of it too?  Why aren't women's feelings considered enough and the well being of children considered enough?  Why don't men and women just stand up and say that they are not going to have anything to do with pornography, affairs, etc.  Why don't they just stay away from filth?  Why do some  active, serving, LDS women prance around in immodest clothing?  Why don't there husbands do something about it as partriarchs , instead of condoning it?   Why do  some LDS women and men not see these things as problems that children should not be exposed to?  Why do some active LDS people engage in inappropriate movies, listening to inappropriate music, etc?  Why infect others with that influence?  Why not prepare for a better world?  Why was Emma told she would be destroyed if she didn't support Joseph's polygamist lifestyle?  Why is the Law of Sarah a joke, in the fact thatA a man doesn't have to follow it?  Why do LDS men joke about how they want more wives and physical things?  Why can't they treat things more sacred?  Why do they have to hurt women and children and focus on things that are so superficial and are not taught how to communicate, how to be patient , how to desire not to do evil and how to be committed?  I'm not saying all men are like this, and women, everyone has things to work on too, but women and children often are hurt the most when these things occur.  And sometimes women and kids are blamed for what the men do, when it is not there fault.  Everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions.  We all must answer to the same God eventually. People should not be seeking things that bring destruction to their soul and the souls of others.  It just saddens me that the world has so many who don't seem to want to follow the Lord and that even God may not have a problem with polygamy.  I think men should be more sensitive to what women and children feel.  there was an older General Authority who's wife died.  It happens.  But then he remarried again for all eternity to someone else.  Was it really fair to do that to his first wife?  I don't know all the reasons, and everyone may like a companion, but it seems insulting, in a  way.  He could have lived the few years left and not made his first wife have to deal with it.  Ofcourse that's not the intent, but really, there's no need for another wife.Especially for eternity.  Maybe if men had to be sealed to one women, they would not like it, so why should they seek to joke about having more than one or why does God condone it in eternity?  Seems to me, priesthood or not, men just want women and it makes no good moral sense to me.  If we are taught to be patient and all that, then why in the world woukld they need 20 wives in heaven to populate all their worlds faster?  I don't always feel this way, but seems that men and God's just  just ify what they want and the women have to go along with that or they are taught they are being "disobedient", won't be as blessed, possibly lose their standing   I thought men were suppossed to control themselves, but it seems they are promised and given much more than they deserve and the meek women are being taken away the little they have (in having to share one imperfect husband with a bunch of other women in the next life)  And can you really blame the woman for feeling coerced in to having to live this way, a way, lets face it, she wouldn't have chosen, if it wasn't the only means she had to have her precious children be hers forever?  And to have a husband?  And he doesn't have to share her with anyone.  Does this seem fair?  I know I don't understand everything.  But one thing I do understand, he will be sharing intimate relationships with others and she can only share a limited relationship with him.  

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35 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

there was an older General Authority who's wife died.  It happens.  But then he remarried again for all eternity to someone else.  Was it really fair to do that to his first wife?  I don't know all the reasons, and everyone may like a companion, but it seems insulting, in a  way.  He could have lived the few years left and not made his first wife have to deal with it.  Ofcourse that's not the intent, but really, there's no need for another wife.Especially for eternity.

For all you know, they had talked about this and came to an agreement. 

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1 hour ago, jewels8 said:

Why would a woman want to agree to that?

Because she understands that jealousy, possessiveness, selfishness are traits you can't bring with you to the Celestial Kingdom.

I myself do not have a problem with it.  My husband is such an amazing guy that it would be good with me if he follows the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to bless another with his spirit like he has blessed me.

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34 Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?
35 Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson—
36 That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.
37 That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.
38 Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself, to kick against the pricks, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God.
39 We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.
40 Hence many are called, but few are chosen.
(Doctrine and Covenants 121:34–40)


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It appears you have some deep emotions that need to be worked through through much fasting, prayer, and counsel with your Father in heaven (Helaman 3:35), and pray that you may have the heart and mind of the Father (which means a heart and mind of heavenly Mother as they are one).

We all agree with regards to pornography, but the world and its philosophy says it is a good thing and nothing wrong with it.

When God commands polygamy, there is nothing wrong with polygamy. There is nothing wrong with a man taking another wife after his first wife dies (even for eternity). We already know from scripture from the words of Jacob that the "desire" for polygamy is a sin.

Women have affairs. Men have affairs, no one is justifying this thing as "good" except the world. Women are insensitive to how much money their partner makes. I know of women who have been told by their mothers to divorce their husband because he isn't making enough. LDS women are taught the following principle, "You can be happy with a poor man, or you can be happy with a rich man -- marry the rich man." Pretty shallow, but it is among us.

People engage in movies they enjoy, and often think are fine -- not inappropriate (just go to the thread on "nude" art and see the different thoughts there). What you think is inappropriate another person might think is fine. The Lord has given us principles and we have our moral agency (not without consequence).

These questions and many other heavenly Father addresses to Enoch, and our Father in heaven cries knowing that his children choose evil over good. Be careful though that you do not call good evil and evil good as you have done with a General Authorities choice to remarry. I am sure you have heard/read the Lord's counsel, "It is not good that man should be alone." This counsel remains even after the death of spouse. I served with a young man whose first wife died of cancer 6 months after their first child was born. She wouldn't go through chemo while she was pregnant. He married a year or so or later, eternally, to another woman. Who are you to judge her and her decision? He was a good man. She was a wonderful woman who willingly took on marriage and a child right away. She agreed to it. She loved him, and he loved her, and you want to somehow make this relationship bad? Stop casting stones, and look inward, and you will find have of your questions resolved.

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I did say that I did not know all the reasons for a General Authority to do that, so I really don't feel that I am trying to cast stones or judge him.   However, I feel that there can definitely be more sensitivity shown on this topic.  I don't feel that it is wrong for a woman to have just one husband and for a man to have just one wife.  Anyone, man or woman who does not have at least some concerns about polygamy is not normal.  If no one wants to admit it would not be an easy thing, they are wrong.  It is definitely in God's hands, not ours.  I know that Carloyn Lynn Pearson has concerns on it and I'm not saying I know everything she has written about it and I'm not saying I am agreeing with everything, but I do appreciate her treating the subject with the sensitivity others seem to lack.  And she has not been disciplined in the Church for doing so.  She has been able to talk to her Church leaders about different topics and they are able to have the right Spirit with one another.  And I think that that is beautiful.  If a woman doesn't want to share her husband with another woman, I believe she should have that right without losing any salvation. If a man cannot treat his wife right, then he shouldn't be given another.  I really don't know, like I mentioned before how things will work out in eternity, but I do think that women should be treated more fairly, as a  whole.  Really, there doesn't seem to be a good enough reason for polygamy on earth or in heaven.  I think its understandable that it can be viewed as selfish.  If less men were to make it to heaven then maybe only women who feel comfortable with it will have to put up with it.  Maybe more men should be converted.  Lol.

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16 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

I did say that I did not know all the reasons for a General Authority to do that, so I really don't feel that I am trying to cast stones or judge him.   However, I feel that there can definitely be more sensitivity shown on this topic.  I don't feel that it is wrong for a woman to have just one husband and for a man to have just one wife.  Anyone, man or woman who does not have at least some concerns about polygamy is not normal.  If no one wants to admit it would not be an easy thing, they are wrong.  It is definitely in God's hands, not ours.  I know that Carloyn Lynn Pearson has concerns on it and I'm not saying I know everything she has written about it and I'm not saying I am agreeing with everything, but I do appreciate her treating the subject with the sensitivity others seem to lack.  And she has not been disciplined in the Church for doing so.  She has been able to talk to her Church leaders about different topics and they are able to have the right Spirit with one another.  And I think that that is beautiful.  If a woman doesn't want to share her husband with another woman, I believe she should have that right without losing any salvation. If a man cannot treat his wife right, then he shouldn't be given another.  I really don't know, like I mentioned before how things will work out in eternity, but I do think that women should be treated more fairly, as a  whole.  Really, there doesn't seem to be a good enough reason for polygamy on earth or in heaven.  I think its understandable that it can be viewed as selfish.  If less men were to make it to heaven then maybe only women who feel comfortable with it will have to put up with it.  Maybe more men should be converted.  Lol.

I don't suppose you're the authority on how someone should or shouldn't feel, or what is or isn't normal.  God deems polygamy to be wrong, so therefore I accept that it is wrong.  I know people who have a variety of differently labeled relationships who seem quite happy in them and find them very easy, apparently.  

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I am not trying to say the wrong thing or that someone who can share her husband with others is wrong.  Its great to be selfless.  I don't need long moments of prayer, etc, like I said, I don't always feel this way.  Men in polygamous relationships need to be extra sensitive.  It is the men who I think need to be focusing on not being selfish more than the woman.  A woman is told in a marriage to only be with her husband, while he can be with others.  That technically is a violation of the covenant, but in polygamy it is allowed.  There appears to be polygamy in heaven.  Joseph Smitth, Brigham Young and others were sealed to many woman.  i am not saying this is doctrine, but it just seems likely that God is sealed to many women and maybe that is part of the reason we need to keep Heavenly Mother so sacred.  How can a woman spend an adequate amount of time with her spouse if he is being spread so thin?  How are men able to communicate better with their wives if they don't work on it, then get more wives and our too busy going about their callings and trying to keep all their wives happy?   What about the children?  Brigham Young, at one point, didn't even recognize his own kid.  Why give a man more than he can handle and more than he can provide for?  It is selfish for a man to have more than one wife.  And if anyone needed to live that law, I hope the wife wouldn't be told she was being selfish if she didn't agree, because that is not Christ-like.  I'm sure there are blessings for obedience, but really, maybe God just designed his plan so that He could have as much sex with as many women in a legitimate way without having to have   an emotionally close relationship with any of them.  I mean look at how many "LDS" men love pornography.  I'm not saying that s what Gods plan is all about, but it does seem a pretty elaborate way to get it. I know He has close relationships but being physical is not the same as having an emotional relationship and it seems that if marriages are crumbling on earth due to lack of sensitivity, lack of communication and addictions, etc, how is giving them more to deal with in the next life going to fix anything?  Sure, have lots of wives, have lots of  babies, populate lots of worlds.  Men just have  a hay day, I guess.(Ok, I don't always feel this way, but c'mon, I'm not the only one who has a brain)

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I think the whole premise of this is your reasoning that Marriage will be exactly the same as it now in the Celestial Kingdom, we don't know what we will be like when we are perfect and have perfect knowledge.   What we are promised in the scriptures is that everyone will be happy with where they are placed so I am happy for Heavenly Father to sort it out.

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The polygamist marriages that I've seen seem to be large families.  The women get as much from each other as they do from the men.  You're judging others because you don't understand things.  It's unfair for you to decide what a man can or can't handle, or even what he's supposed to be handling.  

I strive to learn what God wants of me.  One of the things I find odd about Mormons, and to be honest it's just what I read on this forum, is some of you spend a lot of time worrying about what other people should or shouldn't be doing.  In my humble opinion, I often feel the need to question what others are doing so I can judge myself and my life.  There are some I meet or see on this board that I feel are truly righteous and they are inspirational to me.  Others I view what they say and do and don't think it fits my belief or lifestyle.  If I ever find myself sitting in judgment of another, with the exception of a comparison to what I may or may not be doing wrong, I really hope someone here will step in and point that out to me.

That said, I don't know what marriage would look like beyond this life.  Things must be much easier without jealousy and unpure thoughts.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

jewels8, forgive me if this seems nit-picky, but could you break up your posts into paragraphs.  It is hard for me to keep my place and focus when it is just a huge block of text.  

Speaking or elderly widows and widowers, my friend, who is a therapist said, "Women grieve, men replace."  I have noticed that men often remarry soon after their wife dies...sometimes shockingly soon after.  Apparently, that is how they deal with grieving.  


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Guest LiterateParakeet
Just now, Grunt said:

I strive to learn what God wants of me.  One of the things I find odd about Mormons, and to be honest it's just what I read on this forum, is some of you spend a lot of time worrying about what other people should or shouldn't be doing.  In my humble opinion, I often feel the need to question what others are doing so I can judge myself and my life.  There are some I meet or see on this board that I feel are truly righteous and they are inspirational to me.  Others I view what they say and do and don't think it fits my belief or lifestyle.  If I ever find myself sitting in judgment of another, with the exception of a comparison to what I may or may not be doing wrong, I really hope someone here will step in and point that out to me.

You are right.  Elder Uchtdorf recently mentioned a bumper sticker he had seen (at least that's how I remember the talk) that said, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you do."  I felt he was gently reminding us to tend to the mote in our own eye first and not worry what others are doing. 

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1 minute ago, LiterateParakeet said:

  Speaking or elderly widows and widowers, my friend, who is a therapist said, "Women grieve, men replace."  I have noticed that men often remarry soon after their wife dies...sometimes shockingly soon after.  Apparently, that is how they deal with grieving.  



The natural man is also an animal and behaves as such.  I truly believe women are more evolved than men in some areas.  Maybe it just appears that way because I think like a man.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
Just now, Grunt said:

The natural man is also an animal and behaves as such.  I truly believe women are more evolved than men in some areas.  Maybe it just appears that way because I think like a man.

As a woman, all I can say about that is, "no comment."  LOL.  

Oh yeah, that and "Thanks."   :)

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I apologize if I seem to be coming across the wrong way.  I have read about Heber C. and Vilate Kimball's experience in The Work and The Glory series by Gerald Lund.  And I like the Church history and inspiration from those books, the scriptures, and other things like them.  As well as from inspired songs, like hymns and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  I know I don't know everything.  I know our Heavenly Father's Plan is inspired and I know men can be sensitive and caring.  And yes, in the next life it may be easier in some ways,  but I do feel that this topic is a sensitive one for some people.  I am sorry if I put down things that shouldn't have been put.  I have felt peace in the past about this when I have prayed, but its not always something your will feel every second of your life.  And some woman may not be as sensitive about it too.  I'm not saying its just men.  I have a very good husband, and I am grateful for that.  We have beautiful children.  I think people get so busy with everything that has to be done that they really don't have time to spend together, going on walks, talking, etc.  And sacred things should be kept sacred.  

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I don't disagree with you at all.  I don't see that you've done anything to be sorry for.  I can only speak for myself, but it seems like there is a discussion you want to have, but maybe you just aren't wording it in a way that I can understand it and add to it.  More likely, I'm just a dolt and can't figure out what you're trying to say.

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2 hours ago, jewels8 said:

I did say that I did not know all the reasons for a General Authority to do that, so I really don't feel that I am trying to cast stones or judge him.   However, I feel that there can definitely be more sensitivity shown on this topic.  I don't feel that it is wrong for a woman to have just one husband and for a man to have just one wife.  Anyone, man or woman who does not have at least some concerns about polygamy is not normal.  If no one wants to admit it would not be an easy thing, they are wrong.  It is definitely in God's hands, not ours.  I know that Carloyn Lynn Pearson has concerns on it and I'm not saying I know everything she has written about it and I'm not saying I am agreeing with everything, but I do appreciate her treating the subject with the sensitivity others seem to lack.  And she has not been disciplined in the Church for doing so.  She has been able to talk to her Church leaders about different topics and they are able to have the right Spirit with one another.  And I think that that is beautiful.  If a woman doesn't want to share her husband with another woman, I believe she should have that right without losing any salvation. If a man cannot treat his wife right, then he shouldn't be given another.  I really don't know, like I mentioned before how things will work out in eternity, but I do think that women should be treated more fairly, as a  whole.  Really, there doesn't seem to be a good enough reason for polygamy on earth or in heaven.  I think its understandable that it can be viewed as selfish.  If less men were to make it to heaven then maybe only women who feel comfortable with it will have to put up with it.  Maybe more men should be converted.  Lol.

Joseph Smith had a big problem with polygamy.  It was so big that he tried to beg God not to command it of him.  His concern was not even for himself but for Emma.  This problem was so big that God had to send a heavenly messenger to bring the fear of the sword to Joseph Smith.  In the early days of the restoration, polygamy WAS a part of the restoration of the doctrine of Eternal Marriage and Eternal Families.

In those days, Christianity believed in 'Til Death Do Us Part.  So much so that when their spouse dies, they can marry another and not be held on moral account by their pastors even as they believed that polygamy is against God's will.  This teaching was not complete.  The issue was that Marriages and Families do not end at death when sealed under proper authority.  So, 'Til Death Do Us Part, becomes inapplicable after the sealing ordinance is restored.  BUT the practice of marrying another after the death of one spouse is a correct principle (the Catholic Church did get a lot of things right that they successfully preserved).  As part of the restoration of eternal marriage and families, God saw fit to command Joseph Smith to marry another while Emma was still alive.  This taught Joseph Smith that there is no difference between marrying a 2nd spouse after the first spouse dies and marrying a 2nd spouse while the first spouse is still alive.  There is no difference because the first marriage did not end at death.

But, Joseph Smith still had a big problem with it and begged God that he be spared from it on account of Emma.  God, of course, required of him the restoration of eternal marriages.  Joseph Smith tried to hide it from Emma.  That did not work out too well.  Emma gave Joseph a hard time over it.  God revealed to her that if she does not allow Joseph to follow God's commands on the matter that she will be held accountable for this rebellion.

Is it wrong for a woman to desire that her husband only marry one spouse?  No.  God commanded polygamy only to a few select elders of the Church.  But if one of those elders is your husband, then yes, the woman will be held accountable for preventing her spouse to follow God's commands.

Make sense?

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2 hours ago, jewels8 said:

I did say that I did not know all the reasons for a General Authority to do that, so I really don't feel that I am trying to cast stones or judge him.   However, I feel that there can definitely be more sensitivity shown on this topic.  I don't feel that it is wrong for a woman to have just one husband and for a man to have just one wife.  Anyone, man or woman who does not have at least some concerns about polygamy is not normal.  If no one wants to admit it would not be an easy thing, they are wrong.  It is definitely in God's hands, not ours.  I know that Carloyn Lynn Pearson has concerns on it and I'm not saying I know everything she has written about it and I'm not saying I am agreeing with everything, but I do appreciate her treating the subject with the sensitivity others seem to lack.  And she has not been disciplined in the Church for doing so.  She has been able to talk to her Church leaders about different topics and they are able to have the right Spirit with one another.  And I think that that is beautiful.  If a woman doesn't want to share her husband with another woman, I believe she should have that right without losing any salvation. If a man cannot treat his wife right, then he shouldn't be given another.  I really don't know, like I mentioned before how things will work out in eternity, but I do think that women should be treated more fairly, as a  whole.  Really, there doesn't seem to be a good enough reason for polygamy on earth or in heaven.  I think its understandable that it can be viewed as selfish.  If less men were to make it to heaven then maybe only women who feel comfortable with it will have to put up with it.  Maybe more men should be converted.  Lol.

I did say that I did not know all the reasons for a General Authority to do that, so I really don't feel that I am trying to cast stones or judge him.   However, I feel that there can definitely be more sensitivity shown on this topic.

We do not need to know "all the reasons" why a General Authority (or anyone else for that matter) does something to cast stones or judge. Casting stones or judging wrongly is often based on a lack of information or lack of knowledge. The initial OP seems to say, "The General Authority (possibly Elder Oaks or Elder Nelson you are referring to) hurt their spouse by remarrying." What sensitivity are you referring to?

Let's review a different thought that was provided and your response, @my two cents, "For all you know, they had talked about this and came to an agreement." By which you responded with, "Why would a woman want to agree to that? He probably wanted [it] and she felt she had to give in." This appears to be a pretty big rock thrown toward one of two GA's. He wanted it, so she just gave in, without any choice on her part.

I don't feel that it is wrong for a woman to have just one husband and for a man to have just one wife.  Anyone, man or woman who does not have at least some concerns about polygamy is not normal. If no one wants to admit it would not be an easy thing, they are wrong. It is definitely in God's hands, not ours.

I could be wrong; however, I don't think anyone on this thread would disagree with the first sentence, as there is nothing wrong with having one husband and one wife. The second is a personal opinion and is false. What is normal? And how is your definition of "normal" the correct one? Why does someone need to have concerns about polygamy to be normal? They don't. They have a different thought than you do. They aren't afraid or concerned of things you are, so this makes them not normal?

A person who has the mind of God would not have any concerns with polygamy. They may have questions, but they don't need any concerns. As far as I can tell from scripture, Christ did not have any issues, concerns, with polygamy -- and I would say he was normal. If we have concerns that is OK also, as we are all in different spheres of life progressing toward truth.

The third sentence applies to anything that is worth while in life. The same can be said for marriage itself. Marriage isn't easy. OK, let's move on.  The last sentence is true. Polygamy is in God's hands, not ours, and that is a good thing. All things that come from God are good, and polygamy indeed has come from God, meaning that when commanded it is a good thing, no matter what man, woman, the world in general has to say. When God commands it, it is still in his hands, and it is good. Our responsibility is to learn the mind of God and live what he has commanded.

I know that Carloyn Lynn Pearson has concerns on it and I'm not saying I know everything she has written about it and I'm not saying I am agreeing with everything, but I do appreciate her treating the subject with the sensitivity others seem to lack.  And she has not been disciplined in the Church for doing so.  She has been able to talk to her Church leaders about different topics and they are able to have the right Spirit with one another.  And I think that that is beautiful.

Truly it is wonderful when topics are treated in the right spirit. When you openly make a comment regarding a possible conversation between a General Authority and his first wife (or anyone for that matter), "Why would a woman want to agree to that? He probably wanted [it] and she felt she had to give in." Yes, this isn't the sensitivity you are referring to, nor is this the right spirit. So don't be surprised when a person points it out directly and firmly.

If a woman doesn't want to share her husband with another woman, I believe she should have that right without losing any salvation.

We loose our salvation by not following God or keeping his commandments. Nephi gives evidence to this when commanded to kill Laban. Nephi recognized this was a commandment from God and that if he disobeyed he would not be blessed, and possibly not receive exaltation. No woman, at this moment is commanded to live in a polygamous relationship, so this statement becomes moot. Woman and men have the right to say no to marriage or polygamous marriage. If God commands you (general) to live in a polygamous relationship, then we better move forward and live it. It truly is a simple principle. If people want to do their own thing, after God commands it, then they have to be prepared to reap the rewards of the disobedient. We reap what we sow.

If a man cannot treat his wife right, then he shouldn't be given another.  I really don't know, like I mentioned before how things will work out in eternity, but I do think that women should be treated more fairly, as a  whole.

No one is stating otherwise, not even the Church (nor the Gospel of Jesus Christ). As to my understanding, if a man is not treating his wife well in this life, he may not have her or any other in the next. I believe it was Joseph Smith who made this point clear. This is a humbling truth, as I currently understand it, that man or woman will have a choice in the next life.

Polygamy isn't treating women unfairly, unless of course you think our heavenly parents (yes both of them) are unfair as God commanded polygamy in more than one dispensation. But, any man, who is honest with himself would probably say the same that women have not been treated fairly, and fortunately we are in a day and age where these wrongs are being righted. Polygamy isn't one of them though (when commanded by God), unless of course you think our heavenly parents are wrong when God commanded polygamy, and if so, then you will need to take up these questions when you see them. Remember, God is "one" with heavenly Mother, otherwise God would himself become a liar as he has commanded us to be "one" and that husband and wife should be "one."

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46 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

No woman, at this moment is commanded to live in a polygamous relationship, so this statement becomes moot.

Not really sure you can say that it's a moot point for any woman when her husband can be sealed to a second wife (if the woman dies first), and when none of us should be surprised if, after this life, people who didn't live plural marriage in mortality are commanded to in eternity (we have nothing to tell us one way or the other that only those who lived it in mortality will live it in eternity, so I'd say the possibility is wide open).  So, it's all well and good to say, "don't worry about it."  But you can't really say current mortals don't need to consider it / won't be / aren't impacted by it, since they may well be any next second.

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