Overly Sensitive.

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Is it just me or have members become like easily bruised fruit. You say one thing incorrectly and suddenly you are receiving a public excoriation on social media, email and text? Honestly, please calm down and don't assume that people are trying to offend you.

Ecclesiastes 7:

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angryfor anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

Is it just me or have members become like easily bruised fruit. You say one thing incorrectly and suddenly you are receiving a public excoriation on social media, email and text? Honestly, please calm down and don't assume that people are trying to offend you.

Ecclesiastes 7:

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angryfor anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

in fairness, I know of very, very few LDS who are easily offended or always looking to play the victim. In fact, I don't think anyone here falls into that category. 

Everyone loves to talk about how easily offended the other guy is, but when someone says something about our own favorite band/sports team/religion, we turn into sniveling babies. 

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15 minutes ago, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

Is it just me or have members people become like easily bruised fruit.

Fixed it for you... ;)

This is a by-product of the creation of the information superhighway where communication now easily goes around the globe in microseconds.  Those who have the tendency to be offended can now be offended by something someone said half-way around the planet and treat it like their world has just been shook by a 9 magnitude earthquake.  And they respond accordingly.

The best way to deal with it is to let them be and not exacerbate the situation by responding in kind.  Especially since there's also a high possibility that we have overly perceived what we got from the superhighway.

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23 minutes ago, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

Is it just me or have members become like easily bruised fruit. You say one thing incorrectly and suddenly you are receiving a public excoriation on social media, email and text? Honestly, please calm down and don't assume that people are trying to offend you.

Ecclesiastes 7:

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angryfor anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

I’m with @MormonGator on this, I hear a lot of complaining but haven’t seen much of it. I did have one ward full of first generation Mormons that seemed to rotate who was taking offense that particular month.

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7 minutes ago, zil said:

Did they have a sign-up sheet?  Cuz someone should teach them that real Mormons make this sort of thing more efficient by passing around a sign-up sheet.

Except they always forget to pass the sheet to the Primary teachers, especially the nursery workers who are usually the ones most worthy of being offended.  :)


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12 minutes ago, zil said:

Did they have a sign-up sheet?  Cuz someone should teach them that real Mormons make this sort of thing more efficient by passing around a sign-up sheet.

You know how around Halloween Mormon families will “boo” each other? It worked a little like that.

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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

Fixed it for you... ;)

This is a by-product of the creation of the information superhighway where communication now easily goes around the globe in microseconds.  Those who have the tendency to be offended can now be offended by something someone said half-way around the planet and treat it like their world has just been shook by a 9 magnitude earthquake.  And they respond accordingly.

The best way to deal with it is to let them be and not exacerbate the situation by responding in kind.  Especially since there's also a high possibility that we have overly perceived what we got from the superhighway.

Thank you. I think you make a good point. It is not just Mormons, but we members seem to get really sensitive about trivial things.


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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, Fether said:

I’m with @MormonGator on this, I hear a lot of complaining but haven’t seen much of it. I did have one ward full of first generation Mormons that seemed to rotate who was taking offense that particular month.

Yup. The only people I hear complaining about it are those saying everyone else is over sensitive. 

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10 hours ago, MormonGator said:

Everyone loves to talk about how easily offended the other guy is, but when someone says something about our own favorite band/sports team/religion, we turn into sniveling babies. 

Cue the anti-KISS comments in 3..2..1...

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I'm curious about another thread where the lady got offended when she was wearing pants and the bishopric member told her that the sisters usually wear dresses -- I didn't see where she ever quoted him verbatim, or told much about what tone he used, or whatever... but I guess she took it badly.

It seems that women are all pretty unified in thinking that nobody should ever say anything like that, for any reason- and that the lady had good reason to be offended.  It's still kind of hard for me to understand why that's such a sensitive subject...

What would go through a woman's mind if someone were to say that to her?  Does she think, oh this person is most definitely judging me?  Judging her in what way?  I just want to gain more understanding about this...

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