As a Political Science Major I have always been interested in general Church Views to Political Figures


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I truly do not know if posting about politics is prohibited on this site. I skimmed through the rules but did not see anything prohibiting such discussions. I personally feel that politics and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can go hand in hand. I understand that separation of Church and State is constitutionally relevant  but I also understand that no matter who is represented in congress, their religious views or lack there of will always play a significant factor in their role within the Government of the United States. In respect to the 2018 midterm elections, I'm really curious to which way people in the Church lean politically. Republican or Democrat, Conservative or liberal, right leaning or left leaning.....

I am aware that politics can become extremely divisive. I get it. However I would hope that all members of the Church, RM or not can remain respectful if we disagree with someone else's political stance. 

I'll begin- I have no desire to see any republicans in the senate after November. President Trump making America Great is not my idea of "great" and whilst the only perfect "president" would be Jesus Christ, I believe America can certainly do better than a child like Donald Trump and his "republican" nominees....

Edited by LatterDSaint
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Politics is allowed in Mormonhub but Mormonhub makes it clear they <insert fast-speaking disclaimer after every political or medicine ad on TV here>.

I'm Filipino.  I support Duterte.

In the US, I support Trump.  I supported Romney when he ran for office after he beat my first choice, Gingrich.  But I do not support him now in his bid for Congress even as Trump endorsed him.

I do not go by political party.  I go by individual candidate.

In the Philippines, I fall under the umbrella of liberal.  In the US, I fall under conservative.

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5 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Politics is allowed in Mormonhub but Mormonhub makes it clear they <insert fast-speaking disclaimer after every political or medicine ad on TV here>.

I'm Filipino.  I support Duterte.

In the US, I support Trump.  I supported Romney when he ran for office after he beat my first choice, Gingrich.  But I do not support him now in his bid for Congress even as Trump endorsed him.

I do not go by political party.  I go by individual candidate.

In the Philippines, I fall under the umbrella of liberal.  In the US, I fall under conservative.

I appreciate your response. Is your reason for supporting conservative figures because of your husband's influence or because you personally like these people and believe they would have been or are the best people to get the job done and provide for the American people?

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I'm in a very enviable position.  I'm a conservative who vocally jumped ship and pointedly did not vote for Trump because of my issues with his character.  So now I get to cheer every good thing he's done (Gorsuch, tax reform, international wrangling), and say 'hey, I didn't vote for him' whenever he does something I don't like.

I am very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very glad we don't have pres. Hilary. Things are innumerably better in innumerable ways to the other option we were given. 


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@anatess2 and I have had a lot of vivid disagreements over Trump in these threads.  Suffice it to say, I think the GOP is undergoing a civil war between at least two factions—an ideological, classically-conservative faction; versus a populist/Trumpist faction.  Each faction suspects the other of being RINO squishes on the Issues That Matter, whilst hailing themselves as the more “practical” version of Reublicanism.  (I’m probably being overly simplistic, but I think the paradigm at least gives us the beginnings of a picture that is somewhat useful.). 

I consider myself in the ideologically-conservative faction of the party and don’t have a lot of love for Trump; but at this point the factions of the GOP that haven’t embraced Trump outright, seem mostly to be at least resigned to working with him for the greater good and (with some few notable exceptions) muting their publicly-attributable criticisms of him for the supposed good of the party.

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16 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

I appreciate your response. Is your reason for supporting conservative figures because of your husband's influence or because you personally like these people and believe they would have been or are the best people to get the job done and provide for the American people?

My husband doesn't get into politics much.  We usually sit down and I tell him how I would vote if I was a citizen.  He'd argue with me (oh, we could argue over capital punishment for 16 hours non-stop!) then he goes and votes his own mind.  He doesn't tell me how he voted and I don't want to know.  But basically, he just trusts me to be on top of things so he doesn't have to be and he can spend more time keeping on top of football things.

I support who I believe would be good for Americans without doing much damage to the Philippines.  I come from a political family.  My family has been in the Philippine administration since the 60's.  I was about 3 years old or so when I went on stage to rally for my uncles.  My dad was their campaign manager.

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17 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

I appreciate your response. Is your reason for supporting conservative figures because of your husband's influence or because you personally like these people and believe they would have been or are the best people to get the job done and provide for the American people?

Are you suggesting all women only believe what their husbands tell them to believe?  Or only conservative women?  :P 

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5 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

@anatess2 and I have had a lot of vivid disagreements over Trump in these threads.  Suffice it to say, I think the GOP is undergoing a civil war between at least two factions—an ideological, classically-conservative faction; versus a populist/Trumpist faction.  Each faction suspects the other of being RINO squishes on the Issues That Matter, whilst hailing themselves as the more “practical” version of Reublicanism.  (I’m probably being overly simplistic, but I think the paradigm at least gives us the beginnings of a picture that is somewhat useful.). 

I consider myself in the ideologically-conservative faction of the party and don’t have a lot of love for Trump; but at this point the factions of the GOP that haven’t embraced Trump outright, seem mostly to be at least resigned to working with him for the greater good and (with some few notable exceptions) muting their publicly-attributable criticisms of him for the supposed good of the party.

Yeah, our arguments on this is legend!  I could argue with JAG just on this one.  

But I love JAG.  Very much.  Even as I'm pounding on my keyboard type-screaming at him.  :)


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Just now, Just_A_Guy said:

With all due respect, bro; and I trust you didn’t mean anything by it—but this could be taken as an incredibly insulting question.  

Hmmm. Whilst I do understand that It could be taken that way, its a little absurd to deny the political influence that spouses may have on each other. If her husband leans more Democrat than Republican then it would clearly not be the case. Even if he is on the same political isle as Anatess2 it still may not be the case. Im just curious that's all. Am I influenced slightly by LDS conservatives here in Utah? To a degree yes. I never thought I would like a guy like Mitt Romney. When he ran against Obama I thought he was the greatest enemy to mankind though I was about 14 then living in a different country so I really didnt know anything except from what my mother told me about that particular election race....

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I also want to discuss the supreme court nominee Brett Kavanugh. Recently, a woman has alleged that he and one of his buddies attempted to gang rape her when they were drunk at a party back in high school, and that they turned the music up to quell her protests. Does anyone believe this allegation may have some plausibility or is it a smear job by the democrats to make Republicans look like rape apologists? I am still awaiting details on this case, but as far as I am aware, Donald Trump is not an honest man, and the people around him are evidently not honest people either with all the guilty pleas in recent months. Then there was the endorsement of Roy Moore. I still can't quite purge that from my mind, the way republicans desperately defended Roy even though any sensible and honest human being knew he was a pedophile... I hope that if these allegations against Kavanaugh are true, republicans will not make the same mistake that they did with Roy Moore otherwise they will get slaughtered in the midterms. We need to be able to trust these people who are occupying these Government positions....

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6 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

I never thought I would like a guy like Mitt Romney. When he ran against Obama I thought he was the greatest enemy to mankind . . .

Tangent:  I actually voted for Mike Kennedy in the Utah Senate primary this year.  I don’t viscerally *dislike* Romney, except for feeling he’s made too many compromises over his career and that it’s time for some fresh blood.  But I am hopeful and inclined to think that Utah will be overall well-served with him. 

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11 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Tangent:  I actually voted for Mike Kennedy in the Utah Senate primary this year.  I don’t viscerally *dislike* Romney, except for feeling he’s made too many compromises over his career and that it’s time for some fresh blood.  But I am hopeful and inclined to think that Utah will be overall well-served with him. 

Now, JAG... You and I are in COMPLETE agreement.  Well, maybe not 100% but 98% as I have developed a dislike and distrust of Romney and I have this fear that he'll replace McCain.  Now, McCain... I have an intense dislike for (may his soul rest in peace).

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6 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

Then there was the endorsement of Roy Moore. 

Yeah, that left a sour taste in my mouth too.  Here's what I posted on Facebook back then:



At the end of the day, if you don't believe Dems do similar things, you are deluding yourself.  Robert Byrd anyone?  The longest-serving US senator in history?  The fact that he was active in organizing a new chapter of the KKK and once said some of the more horribly racist things I've ever heard - didn't seem to bug any Democrats as they kept re-electing him for decades.  

Get drunk and drive your girlfriend into a river, leaving her to drown in the car?  Meh - we like re-electing Kennedy.

Lots of Dems were happy to vote for Bill Clinton despite the large number of women who had come forward with stories of rape and assault.  And they stood by Bill Clinton as he got sexually serviced in the Oval Office, lied under oath and got impeached and disbarred over it. 

Yeah, if we're going to not-like a certain person or political tactic, we need to take a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror to make sure we're not being a giant honkin' hypocrite.

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16 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

I also want to discuss the supreme court nominee Brett Kavanugh. Recently, a woman has alleged that he and one of his buddies attempted to gang rape her when they were drunk at a party back in high school, and that they turned the music up to quell her protests. Does anyone believe this allegation may have some plausibility or is it a smear job by the democrats to make Republicans look like rape apologists? I am still awaiting details on this case, but as far as I am aware, Donald Trump is not an honest man, and the people around him are evidently not honest people either with all the guilty pleas in recent months. Then there was the endorsement of Roy Moore. I still can't quite purge that from my mind, the way republicans desperately defended Roy even though any sensible and honest human being knew he was a pedophile... I hope that if these allegations against Kavanaugh are true, republicans will not make the same mistake that they did with Roy Moore otherwise they will get slaughtered in the midterms. We need to be able to trust these people who are occupying these Government positions....

Old Democrat Playbook.  You should go find youtube videos of Clarence Thomas' confirmation hearings.

"All the guilty please in recent months"... put that in perspective.  When you got an FBI who can dismiss blatant evidence of corruption and then skewer a decorated guy like Flynn for "lying to the FBI"... I doubt even Mother Teresa can get out of that investigation team with hands clean.

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1 hour ago, LatterDSaint said:

I'll begin- I have no desire to see any republicans in the senate after November. President Trump making America Great is not my idea of "great" and whilst the only perfect "president" would be Jesus Christ, I believe America can certainly do better than a child like Donald Trump and his "republican" nominees....

I find it disrespectful to call our President a child. 

You specifically said you were not a US citizen in another thread.  Do you want to be an American citizen?  If the the answer is yes you should respect the office of the President.  If not mind your own business.

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20 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

I also want to discuss the supreme court nominee Brett Kavanugh. Recently, a woman has alleged that he and one of his buddies attempted to gang rape her when they were drunk at a party back in high school, and that they turned the music up to quell her protests. Does anyone believe this allegation may have some plausibility or is it a smear job by the democrats to make Republicans look like rape apologists? I am still awaiting details on this case, but as far as I am aware, Donald Trump is not an honest man, and the people around him are evidently not honest people either with all the guilty pleas in recent months. Then there was the endorsement of Roy Moore. I still can't quite purge that from my mind, the way republicans desperately defended Roy even though any sensible and honest human being knew he was a pedophile... I hope that if these allegations against Kavanaugh are true, republicans will not make the same mistake that they did with Roy Moore otherwise they will get slaughtered in the midterms. We need to be able to trust these people who are occupying these Government positions....

Kavanaugh is a Boy scout and these are smears by the left to try to influence the nominee. It frankly is disgusting. 

22 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

We need to be able to trust these people who are occupying these Government positions....

When you say "we" are you  including yourself? What country are you from?

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3 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Yeah, that left a sour taste in my mouth too.  Here's what I posted on Facebook back then:



At the end of the day, if you don't believe Dems do similar things, you are deluding yourself.  Robert Byrd anyone?  The longest-serving US senator in history?  The fact that he was active in organizing a new chapter of the KKK and once said some of the more horribly racist things I've ever heard - didn't seem to bug any Democrats as they kept re-electing him for decades.  

Get drunk and drive your girlfriend into a river, leaving her to drown in the car?  Meh - we like re-electing Kennedy.

Lots of Dems were happy to vote for Bill Clinton despite the large number of women who had come forward with stories of rape and assault.  And they stood by Bill Clinton as he got sexually serviced in the Oval Office, lied under oath and got impeached and disbarred over it. 

Yeah, if we're going to not-like a certain person or political tactic, we need to take a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror to make sure we're not being a giant honkin' hypocrite.

@LatterDSaint, Trump did not endorse Roy Moore.  He endorsed Strange.

Moore was a hit job by Gloria Allred - the ambulance chaser of feminism.  Allred is that same lawyer who sunk Herman Cain's presidential bid with a hit job.  Cain was innocent.

We will never know if the allegations against Moore is truth as Allred conveniently lost interest in pursuing the cases after Moore was sunk.

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34 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

 To a degree yes. I never thought I would like a guy like Mitt Romney. When he ran against Obama I thought he was the greatest enemy to mankind

Ding ding ding...

When they claim every opposition candidate is "Worse then Hitler"  (Which the Dems have done to every Rep candidate in recent memory) they become the Boy who Cried Wolf (and we know how that story ends)

As for Kavanugh...  I believe in the statement "Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty in a Court of Law"  Someone want to make an accusation... it is their right.  But until the investigation is complete (and maybe even after) he has the presumption of innocence

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Guest MormonGator
37 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

its a little absurd to deny the political influence that spouses may have on each other. 

You are correct. 

Generally speaking, a married woman is more likely to be a republican than a single women. Yes, there are exceptions, but it's generally true.  When a woman has over two children, she's even more likely to be right leaning. Again, there are exceptions. 

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9 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Yeah, that left a sour taste in my mouth too.  Here's what I posted on Facebook back then:



At the end of the day, if you don't believe Dems do similar things, you are deluding yourself.  Robert Byrd anyone?  The longest-serving US senator in history?  The fact that he was active in organizing a new chapter of the KKK and once said some of the more horribly racist things I've ever heard - didn't seem to bug any Democrats as they kept re-electing him for decades.  

Get drunk and drive your girlfriend into a river, leaving her to drown in the car?  Meh - we like re-electing Kennedy.

Lots of Dems were happy to vote for Bill Clinton despite the large number of women who had come forward with stories of rape and assault.  And they stood by Bill Clinton as he got sexually serviced in the Oval Office, lied under oath and got impeached and disbarred over it. 

Yeah, if we're going to not-like a certain person or political tactic, we need to take a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror to make sure we're not being a giant honkin' hypocrite.

I definitely am not claiming that the democrats have the moral high ground in respect to its party's history but 2018 Dems> 2018 Republicans in every which way. The past is a useful tool to learn from mistakes. I believe that the democrats are learning from their past egregiousness. Republicans on the other hand appear to embrace it solely for Trump's sake....

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Just now, estradling75 said:

Ding ding ding...

When claim every opposition candidate is "Worse then Hitler"  (Which the Dems have done to every Rep candidate in recent memory) you become the Boy who Cried Wolf (and we know how that story ends)

As for Kavanugh...  I believe in the statement "Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty in a Court of Law"  Someone want to make an accusation... it is their right.  But until the investigation is complete (and maybe even after) he has the presumption of innocence

There's not gonna be an investigation.  The FBI already stated they don't investigate a case of sexual assault allegations from a minor by a minor 30 years ago at a high school party.


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9 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

I find it disrespectful to call our President a child. 

Sorry man, didnt mean to hurt your feelings but I am going to tell it like it is rather than remain politically correct. 

If I said 1/4 of the stuff Trump has said WHILE he has been president alone, I would not be studying at BYU and I would definitely not be able to keep an office Job. He acts like a petulant child on Twitter mostly so if you havent seen his tweets, perhaps this is why you believe what I said is "disrespectful" rather than the truth...

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1 minute ago, LatterDSaint said:

I definitely am not claiming that the democrats have the moral high ground in respect to its party's history but 2018 Dems> 2018 Republicans in every which way. The past is a useful tool to learn from mistakes. I believe that the democrats are learning from their past egregiousness. Republicans on the other hand appear to embrace it solely for Trump's sake....

This is a false statement.

Republicans simply got tired of their qualified candidates getting borked.

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1 minute ago, anatess2 said:

There's not gonna be an investigation.  The FBI already stated they don't investigate a case of sexual assault allegations from a minor by a minor 30 years ago at a high school party.


Yes I know..  But I was discussing principle that his question invoked.

Without a conviction Kavanugh is (and should be by all) Presumed Innocent



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