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1 minute ago, Fether said:

All the temples I’ve seen point east toward Nauvoo 

They point east.  All the temples east of Nauvoo also point east.  Nauvoo was the only exception because of a special order by Pres. Hinckley.

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3 hours ago, Carborendum said:

I've never attended the Manti and Hill Cumorah Pageants.  So, I have no idea what they are like.  People have told me they were amazing.  But no details.

I would back Vort’s claim, there isn’t a lot of meat to the pageants. You are better off going in your back yard and Watching Ehraims Rescue or 17 miracles

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1 minute ago, Carborendum said:

They point east.  All the temples east of Nauvoo also point east.  Nauvoo was the only exception because of a special order by Pres. Hinckley.

I know, I was being cheeky ;)

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14 hours ago, Vort said:

I doubt it. Behind only Salt Lake City and maybe Provo, Nauvoo is the Mormon Mecca.

Kidding aside, if we're going off of symbolic comparisons, I'd say it is definitely Nauvoo.  Salt Lake is a tourist attraction.  Nauvoo may also be considered a tourist attraction, but it really is considered a spiritual experience for many. 

My son came back from a youth trip from Nauvoo essentially telling me that he finally knew what the Spirit felt like because of that visit.

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3 minutes ago, Carborendum said:
6 minutes ago, Fether said:

All the temples I’ve seen point east toward Nauvoo 

They point east.  All the temples east of Nauvoo also point east.  Nauvoo was the only exception because of a special order by Pres. Hinckley.

The Seattle Temple faces west. Which I guess is east the long way.

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2 minutes ago, Vort said:

The Seattle Temple faces west. Which I guess is east the long way.

First, I apologize, I was thinking of the Moroni on the top of the temple.

Second, as far as the "front door" of the temple, they are supposed to always face east.  Are you sure? You probably realize that some temples have the "mortal entrance" on the west, while the "true front door" is on the east.

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6 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

Sorry, let me rephrase it a little bit. The City of Nauvoo might become a ghost town without the pageant. Since it is not too far away from us we have been fortunate to visit at variety of times throughout the year. If its not summer, pageant time, Nauvoo is basically crickets. A variety of restaurants and even motels are closed in the off season. Last time we went was November, the only thing open to eat was gas station pizza. We took the pizza and ate it across the street in front of the Temple. No lie... the Temple president came out after his shift and asked us if we were okay or needed assistance. G-h-o-s-t town.

So, I used to live near Kirtland Temple.  This is what I found out about snowy places... they're Ghost Towns in winter.  Everything starts back up during the Maple Festival which is around... I think it was April.

Anyway, my son went with 3 busloads of people and took a trip to Nauvoo last June.  Not sure if that's pageant time - they weren't there for the pageant but for the temple.  They toured the place - 2 of my son's favorite places were Liberty Jail and Browning shop.

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33 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Second, as far as the "front door" of the temple, they are supposed to always face east.  Are you sure? You probably realize that some temples have the "mortal entrance" on the west, while the "true front door" is on the east.

Yep. As far as I know, there is no door on the east face of the Bellevue Temple. The top center picture here is a not-very-good photograph of the east face ("back") of the temple.


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6 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

I've been to the Seattle Temple.

Don't ask me which way was North, South, East, or West there though.  It was cloudy, I couldn't tell which direction was which.

I-90 is just south of the temple, which is east of Seattle. The temple faces Seattle, ergo west.

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30 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

By golly you're right!  And I fell for it.  Another thing my parents taught me that was incorrect.  Hmpfh.

They will surely burn For their misdeed!

haha short of an hour ago I had a similar thought

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Apparently you both missed the footnote - temples only need a door on the east side if the Lord himself will show up, in the body, and enter said temple through the door.  The Seattle temple will probably get destroyed at the Second Coming, so, no east door needed.

(See how easy it is to keep a myth alive?  And expand on it?  Maybe work a little harder next time. ;) )

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19 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

The President of the Navuoo Pageant (passing through) attended our ward today, he was very adamant that despite this latest news the Nauvoo Pageant would remain in place.
Without the Nauvoo pageant, Nauvoo might unfortunately turn into a ghost town.

I don't know how many people just going to the temple stay over night in Nauvoo (spending money), but Nauvoo is my temple and we go to the fudge shop, sometimes the souvenir places, and have a meal. I imagine many visitors do the same, tho not sure if that's enough to keep it from becoming a ghost town.

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35 minutes ago, dahlia said:

I don't know how many people just going to the temple stay over night in Nauvoo (spending money), but Nauvoo is my temple and we go to the fudge shop, sometimes the souvenir places, and have a meal. I imagine many visitors do the same, tho not sure if that's enough to keep it from becoming a ghost town.

I would love to go!

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1 hour ago, dahlia said:

I don't know how many people just going to the temple stay over night in Nauvoo (spending money), but Nauvoo is my temple and we go to the fudge shop, sometimes the souvenir places, and have a meal. I imagine many visitors do the same, tho not sure if that's enough to keep it from becoming a ghost town.

Always nice to help out the economy where possible. Good ol' Wikipedia shares:


Presently, tourism is the major industry in Nauvoo, with Nauvoo Restoration Inc., employing the approximately 30(?), while an estimated 200 LDS missionaries (unpaid) also provide a boost to local businesses during the tourist season.

Due to lack of sustainable industries, the city has suffered the loss of several key businesses and services including the High School, grocery store, gas station, and multiple small businesses.

If tourism is numero uno, and if the pageant ever got pulled, it might be hard times trying to make a living based on a tourist season economy.

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1 minute ago, NeedleinA said:

Always nice to help out the economy where possible. Good ol' Wikipedia shares:

If tourism is numero uno, and if the pageant ever got pulled, it might be hard times trying to make a living based on a tourist season economy.

And then there goes the usefulness of having a Nauvoo temple...

which then begs the question, is Nauvoo a sunk cost?

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2 hours ago, Fether said:

And then there goes the usefulness of having a Nauvoo temple...

which then begs the question, is Nauvoo a sunk cost?

Be careful how you use that. Some people don't take too kindly to redefining that phrase. 



I've found the simplest way to not abuse "beg the question" is to remember that someone has control over this machine:


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32 minutes ago, mordorbund said:


Vort approves of this message.

33 minutes ago, mordorbund said:

I've found the simplest way to not abuse "beg the question" is to remember that someone has control over this machine:


This one, too.

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9 hours ago, The Folk Prophet said:

It begs the question, are some people snobs because they're holier-than-thou know-it-alls, or because they're self-righteous smarty pantses?

So, now you're conflating moral pretense with intellectual arrogance.

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I'm wondering if this pageants thing is one of the ways that help weed out those who murmur against changes in the Church. Look how many left the church over the LGBT issues and same sex marriage, people didn't like what Church leaders had to say and walked away from the Church. 

The wheat and chaff/tares analogy that will separate the good seeds from the bad weeds come to mind. We all want to be a good seed and be counted on the Lord's side.


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