What do you think is this thing that i experienced when i was a kid ?

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7 minutes ago, Serviteur du seigneur said:

Someone from the church told me that it was actually a demon.

There are a million other things it could be. I get the feeling you want it to be a demon... cause you know... that’s cool. But it could be recurring nightmare, sleep hallucinations, night terrors, etc. perhaps even a green glow from a bathroom clock casting a shadow off of a towel.

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13 minutes ago, Serviteur du seigneur said:

Someone from the church told me that it was actually a demon.

Oh, and doctrinally speaking... “demons” are disembodied wicked spirits. They don’t have horns, witches hats, or physical bodies.

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4 minutes ago, Fether said:

There are a million other things it could be. I get the feeling you want it to be a demon... cause you know... that’s cool. But it could be recurring nightmare, sleep hallucinations, night terrors, etc. perhaps even a green glow from a bathroom clock casting a shadow off of a towel.

I think that defining it as a demon explains the situation very well. 

Sure, if it was a demon indeed, that would be a experience.

I just asked because that was very supernatural and no one ever explained satisfactorily what it was, apart of demons.

Also, i dont speak about that out of anonimity, because people would certainly think i'm crazy. So there's not any diference in it, i am just really curious because of that.

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16 minutes ago, Fether said:

Oh, and doctrinally speaking... “demons” are disembodied wicked spirits. They don’t have horns, witches hats, or physical bodies.

Thats interesting, the bible says that the devil could appear in any form, including that of an angel. I dont know, i'm sure it was there. It was not alucination or shadows, it was clear, idk about demons, but i believe that it could be an entity, or somehow the human brain is so powerful that can create a vivid thing in front of you

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My ex-wife, born and raised in the church till age 37 when she left religion said she experienced hearing "voices" and feeling spirits her whole life. She averaged 2-5 hours of sleep a night our entire marriage because of anxiety and the spirits bothering her at all times of the day but mostly at night, most spirits were neutral entitys but some had bad intentions. 

I believe that some people, like my ex, are closer to the veil then others.

During our marriage we tried many things including talking to several Bishops but they are not trained professionals, met with a psychiatrist and he wanted to put her on meds (glad we kicked him to the curb quickly).

Interesting thing happened when she left religion at age 37, her encounters with these spirits dropped drastically. She is now 43 and says the spirits rarely bother her and she feels like she has control of her life. She says that her upbringing in mormonism contributed to the submissive nature in her personality and the spirits sensed that and took advantage of her ability of being close to the veil.

My personal opinion and beliefs as being the only person to understand her situation is this..Good spirits have better things to do then hang around this earth, its the lost ones or evil ones that are roaming around. Since I believe that Satan wants us to be miserable like him he will do anything to steer us off that path to eternal life, me and the ex were married in the temple and well on our way to eternal happiness, many factors were involved in our divorce but it was interesting to learn that as soon as she left the church and our marriage the spirits stopped bothering her...they succeeded in steering her away from Christ and an eternal family.

To the OP, my point is that we all have trials in this lifetime and some of the trials are not meant to be overcome but for us to endure.

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On 8/2/2019 at 10:03 PM, Serviteur du seigneur said:

i mean, she looked like one

Image result for she looks like one gif monty python37ablz.jpg

I couldn't resist!  🤣

On 8/3/2019 at 12:35 PM, Serviteur du seigneur said:

I think that defining it as a demon explains the situation very well.

Have you ever asked yourself why a demon would have been in your room?  Why would it just come there and chill?  Did it ever try to attack you, or talk to you, or communicate in some other way?  What purpose would it serve in being there?

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@Serviteur du seigneur   Perhaps, because of my science background, I am of a different mind.  It is not difficult for our brain to play tricks on us.  In fact - the truth is that we really do not see reality.  Our eyes send information to our brain which attempts to make sense of the data and then creates the images of what we think we are seeing.   A classic problem with astronauts in zero gravity is that tools do not fall to the floor when put down.  But our brain is not use to floating things so they will disappear until they are bumped into and the brain has more information.  This is why a lot of people will run into cupboard doors left open.   We are all familiar with what is called optical illusions and also the 3-D images that will appear in patterns after we stare at them for a while. 

Sometimes, I believe it possible that we try to use religious notions to solve too many physical things we do not understand in the moment.  I believe that it is wise to use science when dealing with the physical world and religion to help us understand the things of G-d.  It is possible that some unclean spirit is manipulating your thoughts to confuse your reality. - In short to tempt you into thinking you are seeing a witch that has no reality and thus use fear to attempt to hide some truth from you.  But it is my personal belief that unclean spirits have difficulty with such things beyond what we are willing to allow with our imagination - especially in the presents of someone with the priesthood that is obedient and faithful to their covenants. 

If I were to offer advice - it would be to have a ritual before going to sleep that includes reading some scripture, meditating on the blessings you have experienced throughout your day and then offering a bedtime prayer of thanks for all your blessings.


The Traveler


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On 8/2/2019 at 8:03 PM, Serviteur du seigneur said:

Well, when i was a boy i used to sleep in my parents bedroom, just in front of the bathroom door, and i remember very well that i would see every night standing in there a kind of a witch, i mean, she looked like one.

She had a strong green light surrounding herself, a dark dress, her eyes were completely green, and her skin was gray and old, just like a old woman, not to mention the black hat on top of the head.

The bathroom's door was very close to my bed, so she was like inches away from me, really very close.

That experience was so scaring that even know 13 years later i cant sleep very well at night when the lights are off.

Besides this striking part, i would also often hear voices calling me and noises of things breaking in the house, but when i went to take a look to see if anything was actually broken, everything was ok.

Let me see if I am understanding the story details correctly:

1) You were a boy. What age were you?

2) You would experience this every night -- same place -- by the bathroom door of your parents room.

3) It felt like this "witch" (unidentified entity) was only inches away, but you could see the reflection of the entities eyes in your father's eyes (although, I am not sure how this would be possible if your father is looking at you and the entity is looking at you and you were only inches away).

4) The "witch" (UO) with green aurora, dark dress, all green eyes, skin gray and old, with a black hat.

5) You would hear voices calling you and noises of things broken in the house, but nothing broken.

What this sounds like to a random guy on the internet:

1) The vivid imagination of a child who is already scared (and as some others have mentioned a possible alarm clock or something else in the bathroom with green lights reflecting on something else. Reason: because you saw this in the same place every night.

2) Dreams within dreams as others have already mentioned. Dreams where you feel you are fully awake, but are not awake, but that would be odd to have the same dream in the same place, same way, every night. So I revert back to #1.

3) Night terrors. I am sorry for anyone who experiences night terrors. They are extremely heart wrenching to young children, even adults. I have, to my knowledge, two sons who have experienced night terrors. But having the same night terror, same place, which from details you are sharing the details don't seem to change for you. So, I would once again revert back to #1.

4) As others mentioned, there are no such thing as "demons" or "witches" that can come and appear in your room. There are spirits of the unjust, spirits of the just, and resurrected beings. And we have modern revelation on how to distinguish between a spirit of the unjust (one who can appear as an angel of light) and a spirit of the just (one who is an angel of light and a messenger from God). So, I would once again revert back to #1.

5) Hearing voices calling our name shouldn't be out of the ordinary so to speak. I, personally, feel that the Lord at some point has called every one of his sons and daughters by name. For those of us born in the covenant I believe this happens more than we think. I am reminded of the the story and young Samuel and Eli. I remember in my youth hearing my name called -- very clearly -- and went to my mom and asked her what she wanted. She told me she didn't call me. I went back to my room, and as I begin to play I heard my name once again -- very clearly -- and went back to mom and asked her again what she wanted. She told me she didn't call me. I went back to my room begin playing and didn't hear my name called until dinner time, and it was my mom this time.

Even as adults we experience hearing noises of something breaking, and something may have but we can't find it because it is something small, or where we think we hear the sound it was actually in another room, and we don't check the room where something actually broke or fell.

So with this, it could be many things.

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On 8/2/2019 at 10:03 PM, Serviteur du seigneur said:

Well, when i was a boy i used to sleep in my parents bedroom, just in front of the bathroom door, and i remember very well that i would see every night standing in there a kind of a witch, i mean, she looked like one.

She had a strong green light surrounding herself, a dark dress, her eyes were completely green, and her skin was gray and old, just like a old woman, not to mention the black hat on top of the head.

The bathroom's door was very close to my bed, so she was like inches away from me, really very close.

That experience was so scaring that even know 13 years later i cant sleep very well at night when the lights are off.

Besides this striking part, i would also often hear voices calling me and noises of things breaking in the house, but when i went to take a look to see if anything was actually broken, everything was ok.

The very real sounding voices, the seemingly real sounds of things breaking, and the very real appearing figure of a greenish witch (none of which actually are real) are all manifestations consistent with a temporary bout of childhood schizophrenia, a psychological malady that some children simply outgrow.

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12 hours ago, priesthoodpower said:

My ex-wife, born and raised in the church till age 37 when she left religion said she experienced hearing "voices" and feeling spirits her whole life. She averaged 2-5 hours of sleep a night our entire marriage because of anxiety and the spirits bothering her at all times of the day but mostly at night, most spirits were neutral entitys but some had bad intentions. 

I believe that some people, like my ex, are closer to the veil then others.

During our marriage we tried many things including talking to several Bishops but they are not trained professionals, met with a psychiatrist and he wanted to put her on meds (glad we kicked him to the curb quickly).

Interesting thing happened when she left religion at age 37, her encounters with these spirits dropped drastically. She is now 43 and says the spirits rarely bother her and she feels like she has control of her life. She says that her upbringing in mormonism contributed to the submissive nature in her personality and the spirits sensed that and took advantage of her ability of being close to the veil.

My personal opinion and beliefs as being the only person to understand her situation is this..Good spirits have better things to do then hang around this earth, its the lost ones or evil ones that are roaming around. Since I believe that Satan wants us to be miserable like him he will do anything to steer us off that path to eternal life, me and the ex were married in the temple and well on our way to eternal happiness, many factors were involved in our divorce but it was interesting to learn that as soon as she left the church and our marriage the spirits stopped bothering her...they succeeded in steering her away from Christ and an eternal family.

To the OP, my point is that we all have trials in this lifetime and some of the trials are not meant to be overcome but for us to endure.

I was not a member at that time, and i can say that seeing those things kind of helped me to believe that there is a god. So it actually helped me a lot, i would like to have seen the good ones, but the bad ones proved that the good spirits and angels are around.

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9 hours ago, person0 said:

Image result for she looks like one gif monty python37ablz.jpg

I couldn't resist!  🤣

Have you ever asked yourself why a demon would have been in your room?  Why would it just come there and chill?  Did it ever try to attack you, or talk to you, or communicate in some other way?  What purpose would it serve in being there?

I dont know, it made me think that they really enjoy someone else's suffering. I was a kid back then, i was not sleeping well, i had those dark circles around the eyes, and i was getting hopeless, no one around could help me, they didn't understand the seriousness of the thing.

And neither did i, i still carry my theories. But one thing is for shure, it was very real, i could see all the details, and it happened daily, it was not an ilusion, it was deeply frightening.

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8 hours ago, Traveler said:

@Serviteur du seigneur   Perhaps, because of my science background, I am of a different mind.  It is not difficult for our brain to play tricks on us.  In fact - the truth is that we really do not see reality.  Our eyes send information to our brain which attempts to make sense of the data and then creates the images of what we think we are seeing.   A classic problem with astronauts in zero gravity is that tools do not fall to the floor when put down.  But our brain is not use to floating things so they will disappear until they are bumped into and the brain has more information.  This is why a lot of people will run into cupboard doors left open.   We are all familiar with what is called optical illusions and also the 3-D images that will appear in patterns after we stare at them for a while. 

Sometimes, I believe it possible that we try to use religious notions to solve too many physical things we do not understand in the moment.  I believe that it is wise to use science when dealing with the physical world and religion to help us understand the things of G-d.  It is possible that some unclean spirit is manipulating your thoughts to confuse your reality. - In short to tempt you into thinking you are seeing a witch that has no reality and thus use fear to attempt to hide some truth from you.  But it is my personal belief that unclean spirits have difficulty with such things beyond what we are willing to allow with our imagination - especially in the presents of someone with the priesthood that is obedient and faithful to their covenants. 

If I were to offer advice - it would be to have a ritual before going to sleep that includes reading some scripture, meditating on the blessings you have experienced throughout your day and then offering a bedtime prayer of thanks for all your blessings.


The Traveler


I used to pray before sleeping. Actually, you reminded me that i used to pray while staring at the "witch", because i was very scared. It didn't make any diference, the thing just kept going

5 hours ago, Anddenex said:

Let me see if I am understanding the story details correctly:

1) You were a boy. What age were you?

2) You would experience this every night -- same place -- by the bathroom door of your parents room.

3) It felt like this "witch" (unidentified entity) was only inches away, but you could see the reflection of the entities eyes in your father's eyes (although, I am not sure how this would be possible if your father is looking at you and the entity is looking at you and you were only inches away).

4) The "witch" (UO) with green aurora, dark dress, all green eyes, skin gray and old, with a black hat.

5) You would hear voices calling you and noises of things broken in the house, but nothing broken.

What this sounds like to a random guy on the internet:

1) The vivid imagination of a child who is already scared (and as some others have mentioned a possible alarm clock or something else in the bathroom with green lights reflecting on something else. Reason: because you saw this in the same place every night.

2) Dreams within dreams as others have already mentioned. Dreams where you feel you are fully awake, but are not awake, but that would be odd to have the same dream in the same place, same way, every night. So I revert back to #1.

3) Night terrors. I am sorry for anyone who experiences night terrors. They are extremely heart wrenching to young children, even adults. I have, to my knowledge, two sons who have experienced night terrors. But having the same night terror, same place, which from details you are sharing the details don't seem to change for you. So, I would once again revert back to #1.

4) As others mentioned, there are no such thing as "demons" or "witches" that can come and appear in your room. There are spirits of the unjust, spirits of the just, and resurrected beings. And we have modern revelation on how to distinguish between a spirit of the unjust (one who can appear as an angel of light) and a spirit of the just (one who is an angel of light and a messenger from God). So, I would once again revert back to #1.

5) Hearing voices calling our name shouldn't be out of the ordinary so to speak. I, personally, feel that the Lord at some point has called every one of his sons and daughters by name. For those of us born in the covenant I believe this happens more than we think. I am reminded of the the story and young Samuel and Eli. I remember in my youth hearing my name called -- very clearly -- and went to my mom and asked her what she wanted. She told me she didn't call me. I went back to my room, and as I begin to play I heard my name once again -- very clearly -- and went back to mom and asked her again what she wanted. She told me she didn't call me. I went back to my room begin playing and didn't hear my name called until dinner time, and it was my mom this time.

Even as adults we experience hearing noises of something breaking, and something may have but we can't find it because it is something small, or where we think we hear the sound it was actually in another room, and we don't check the room where something actually broke or fell.

So with this, it could be many things.

I was around 7, i think. Sometimes i had the courage of calling my father to investigate the bathroom and he would get up and walk by the side of my bed to turn on the lights, and when i was looking at him, i could see her lights reflecting at him, including his eyes. But he did not see anything, and often would get angry at me for waking him up.

3 hours ago, Jersey Boy said:

The very real sounding voices, the seemingly real sounds of things breaking, and the very real appearing figure of a greenish witch (none of which actually are real) are all manifestations consistent with a temporary bout of childhood schizophrenia, a psychological malady that some children simply outgrow.

It could be this, makes sense. But also, in one of those experiences, this time years later, we were all sleeping, it was very dark, and i began hearing someone knocking at all the windows of the house, very fast. So, i began to fear again that the thing had returned, but my brother wake up and told my father that he had just heard the knocks, it was frightning, but still a lot better than the experiences from my childhood.

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