The COVID thread

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Guest LiterateParakeet
19 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

So I was reading this conversation of this missionary mother whose son still has 13 months to go on his mission.  He was sent home.  And she mentioned something about her son needing to go into quarantine before he can apply to finish his mission.  In any case, his 11 month mission is marked Return With Honor (not quite sure what that means).

Missionaries from Liberia are also getting sent home due to a fuel crisis.  They were also Return With Honor but the mother that was talking about it said his son can still apply to finish his mission because he has over 3 months to go.

That's odd, the church website says they are being reassigned. I don't know, maybe it's a case by case basis?

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2 minutes ago, LiterateParakeet said:

That's odd, the church website says they are being reassigned. I don't know, maybe it's a case by case basis?

Or a miscommunication on the part of the moms having the conversation or a misunderstanding on my part reading the conversation.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
23 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Or a miscommunication on the part of the moms having the conversation or a misunderstanding on my part reading the conversation.

Oh well, either way...going home or being transferred there is likely some disappointment. They had expectations of what their mission would be and now its changing.

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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

So I was reading this conversation of this missionary mother whose son still has 13 months to go on his mission.  He was sent home.  And she mentioned something about her son needing to go into quarantine before he can apply to finish his mission.  In any case, his 11 month mission is marked Return With Honor (not quite sure what that means).

Missionaries from Liberia are also getting sent home due to a fuel crisis.  They were also Return With Honor but the mother that was talking about it said his son can still apply to finish his mission because he has over 3 months to go.

Something you might want to share with the parents on that forum:

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On 1/23/2020 at 1:24 PM, MormonGator said:

Here is what is going to happen: 

People will begin to hear about this shortly. It's making the rounds. 
People will believe "fake news" about it's spread, mortality rate, etc. 
People will panic and claim the end is near. You know because reading The Stand, The Left Behind series & The Hot Zone makes everyone an expert in all diseases and end time prophecy. 

When nothing happens and the disease doesn't destroy 99.9% of us, people will go back to their daily lives and go back to ignoring science, so they can get ready to panic about the next big outbreak. 


the corona virus is an occult ritual, the alluded  to real and metaphysical threat (started from snakes!) being His 144k;
symbolically, they quarantine the 144k and note - why the aiding in the amount of “14.4 million”….? 

Edited by e v e
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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, e v e said:

the corona virus is an occult ritual, the alluded  to real and metaphysical threat (started from snakes!) being His 144k;
symbolically, they quarantine the 144k and note - why the aiding in the amount of “14.4 million”….? 

Very interesting. Thanks @e v e

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14 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

* source please

Articles online stating that the virus was spread from snake to people. I take the term snake as a symbolic part of the ritual. There are lots of links, here is one. they keep hiding their own statements under counter-statements...then saying there were other causes...etc.

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3 minutes ago, e v e said:

Articles online stating that the virus was spread from snake to people. I take the term snake as a symbolic part of the ritual. There are lots of links, here is one. they keep hiding their own statements under counter-statements...then saying there were other causes...etc.

Your link says "potentially a bat or a snake". Other sources say pangolins. I think the TWD, but you will have to ask @mirkwood?

Article: Did pangolins spread the China coronavirus to people?


Coronaviruses are known to circulate in mammals and birds,

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7 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

Your link says "potentially a bat or a snake". Other sources say pangolins. I think the TWD, but you will have to ask @mirkwood?

Article: Did pangolins spread the China coronavirus to people?

I saw that about pangolins.  I was talking about the 'news' aspect and how that was manufactured.

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10 minutes ago, Scott said:

So what are people's opinion (meaning members of this forum) on forced quarantines for outbreaks?

I'm just curious.  

Depends on whether you are sick or not.

Also depends on whether it is in a free nation or in China.

In China, may not be so great.  Could be a death sentence for some.

In other places, it may or may not be that bad.  Quarantines in the US in the past have not been that bad, but the US hasn't been hit hard with a major plague recently either.

Ironically, several year back when they had the swine flu stuff (H1N1? I think it was) I was pretty sure I got it.  I had all the symptoms. 

Many of the people I was with at the time got quarantined.  They could not leave the quarters they were placed in and had to have others get them food.  Some of them never showed symptoms. 

On the otherhand, I was with them but was not quarantined.  However, I'm almost positive I came down with the swine flu.  I went to turn myself in, but they turned me away.  At that time, the location I was at I think was simply just overwhelmed with the numbers and had no more resources to devote.  In essence, they quarantined many, but probably not enough and thus the swine flu wasn't contained (for obvious reasons).  I tried not to go out if I didn't have to, but as I was not under quarantine they expected me to go and get the others food and other supplies and such.  This meant I went into public...which probably wasn't the best idea.

This experience probably foreshadows to me that if something ever did hit the US in a major way, the resources to deal with it might be quickly overrun and basically, just like in the small localized area I was at during the time of the swine flu, they basically just give up at containing it except for those already under quarantine in interest to just trying to keep the areas still actually working (electricity, services...etc).

Edited by JohnsonJones
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2 hours ago, Vort said:

Welcome to communism. Bask in the friendly, loving smile of Big Brother.

It's more than just the communists.  Hundreds of Americans are being quarantined right now:

Right now it's only for 14 days though and only from people who have been to China.

If the disease was here though, would the same quarentine procedures be in effect?  

Anyway, if it were me who was infected, I'd voluntarily go along with the quarentine.  I wouldn't want to infect others.

Of course if others didn't voluntarily submit to the quarentine, that's a whole different ethical dilemma. 

Edited by Scott
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13 hours ago, Scott said:

So what are people's opinion (meaning members of this forum) on forced quarantines for outbreaks?

I'm just curious.  

Do it if you must, but don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself—or like you have a lot of practice with this sort of thing.  

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15 hours ago, Scott said:

So what are people's opinion (meaning members of this forum) on forced quarantines for outbreaks?

I'm just curious.  

In socialist or communist countries not good. I am speculating that that take you to an internment camp and if you get better you get better and if you don't they just let you die.

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Last night I watch several videos of the Chinese government via the Army or police, physically abusing a woman who was outside without a mask, sealing people in apartment buildings, loading a couple into a box on a truck, and dragging people out of their homes. While I am somewhat concerned about the virus (having seen how bad H1N1 was on my campus), I watch these videos more to remind myself that no matter what leftists may say, no matter what 'workers paradise' they promise, this is what happens under a totalitarian government and to a disarmed people.

I'm not saying that, if sh$t really hits the fan in the US, we might not see some government action that would make people uncomfortable, but I can guarantee you, some of our good citizens will shoot to kill before they let their family be sealed up in the house or taken away to some unknown location for who-knows-what to be done to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MormonGator

My brother and I were talking via WeChat last night. He said that things are slowly getting back to normal in China and by mid-March, things will probably be completely back to normal. 

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