2020 Worldwide Fast to fight Covid-19

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17 hours ago, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

I am referring to the quote from President Nelson: "How do we fast? Two meals or a period of 24 hours is customary. But you decide what would constitute a sacrifice for you, as you remember the supreme sacrifice the Savior made for you. Let us unite in pleading for healing throughout the world."

The way I saw it is that he gave us a definite way for a proper fast, but IF for some reason, you are not able to do it, then there is a way to still "fast" by giving up something you might consider a sacrifice. 

so, to summarize, 

1.- Abstain from eating and drinking for a period of 24 hours


2.- Giving up something you would consider a sacrifice to go without for the same period

Of course, every fast is accompanied by a monetary donation of your choice... perhaps that's a sacrifice on its own.

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19 minutes ago, Xavier said:

The way I saw it is that he gave us a definite way for a proper fast, but IF for some reason, you are not able to do it, then there is a way to still "fast" by giving up something you might consider a sacrifice. 

so, to summarize, 

1.- Abstain from eating and drinking for a period of 24 hours


2.- Giving up something you would consider a sacrifice to go without for the same period

Of course, every fast is accompanied by a monetary donation of your choice... perhaps that's a sacrifice on its own.

I feel like including an extra sacrifice cannot hurt. I am feeling closer than usual to the divine today because of the fast. 

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My fast is scheduled to end 5 hours from now.  For some reason, this fast seems a bit more difficult than usual.  It may be because I'm not out and about getting distracted but in an "open concept" house where you can't escape from the visibility of the kitchen.  This requires more focus for me, especially in this last few hours.  I'm thinking of extending the fast to breakfast tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, anatess2 said:

My fast is scheduled to end 5 hours from now.  For some reason, this fast seems a bit more difficult than usual.  It may be because I'm not out and about getting distracted but in an "open concept" house where you can't escape from the visibility of the kitchen.  This requires more focus for me, especially in this last few hours.  I'm thinking of extending the fast to breakfast tomorrow.

I find that the last few hours of a fast are always the most challenging. I have come to rely on prayer during these times and I also focus on serving, but as you've mentioned, during a lockdown is kind of hard! 

Perhaps, document your thoughts and/or testimony for your children/family in form of a video log! I am actually doing that right now and it's definitely keeping my mind off of things!

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On 4/9/2020 at 3:25 PM, NeuroTypical said:

Image may contain: 3 people, text

There is a lot of truth to this.

As my family knelt down to end our fast on Friday night, I had a very special impression about something akin to the above image.  I momentarily pondered all the religions of the world participating in the fast.  All united.  All one-in-purpose for one day.

The Lord heard us.  It was then that I knew that however this was going to be fixed was going to be by the Lord's Hand, and not by the hand of any man (even Trump :) ).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have put some thought together on this that I'd like to share.

When President Nelson proposed this fast he gave four stated goals:

  • The Present Pandemic May Be Controlled
  • Caregivers Protected
  • The Economy Strengthened
  • Life Normalized.

Now, I know that the temporal and Spiritual are always linked.  But these all seem too temporal to be the end goal.  So, what is the spiritual side?

At the end of Conference, Pres. Nelson repeated the call to fast and these four goals of the fast.  Then something interesting happened.  After about a minute or two summary of all that had been covered during Conference, he spent about 6-1/2 minutes out of a 9-1/2 minute address talking about temples.  He also gave the following quote.


“When Thy people shall not have the opportunity of entering this holy house … and they are oppressed and in trouble, surrounded by difficulties...” … and shall turn their faces towards this Thy holy house and ask Thee for deliverance, for help, for Thy power to be extended in their behalf, we beseech Thee, to look down from Thy holy habitation in mercy … and listen to their cries. Or when the children of Thy people, in years to come, shall be separated, through any cause, from this place, … and they shall cry unto Thee from the depths of their affliction and sorrow to extend relief and deliverance to them, we humbly entreat Thee to … hearken to their cries, and grant unto them the blessings for which they ask.”

Yes, this outlines the fact that if we look to the temple for relief from our troubles, we will receive deliverance.  But what it also says to me is that the spiritual side that we're missing from the quarantine is that we can no longer go to the temple.

Yes, we fasted for those four things.  But unless we use that rediscovered freedom and utility to actually attend the temple regularly, then what was the point?  So, we could go back to hour normal lives not improving, not doing the Lord's will?

We are not going to lose our freedom -- particularly our freedom to worship Him unless we have not been faithful to Him.  So, I don't believe we will gain a reprieve until a sufficient number of The Saints will gain a renewed will to be more faithful in going to the temple.

Edited by Carborendum
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18 hours ago, Vort said:

I think that's five stated goals. One, two, five.


I fixed it.  But the funny thing is that after Conference ended, I remembered only three.  Thus three was the number of my counting.  And the number of my counting was three.

But when I went to get the exact quotes, there were four of them -- like four white horses.

Anyway, I just never corrected it in my head... until now.

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On 4/9/2020 at 10:22 AM, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

What are you all planning to sacrifice other than food and water?

I am still deciding.

I paid the fast offering both times, and also subsequently went out and bought and equal amount in nonperishable food items for a food bank drive.

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