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So... my parents have a long history of buying cheap vacuums one right after the other, and their latest just died.

Because they refuse to charge me rent, the Husband and I are thinking of buying them a nice vacuum that will live a little bit longer.

Any recommendations? Keep in mind, there are three long-haired cats in the house.

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Nice title. :)

I've heard good things about the Dyson Animal. We've always been happy with a Eureka Boss. Our last one lasted 12 years. The new one isn't doing as well, but now we have 4 long-haired princesses and a long-haired dog, on top of me and all my hair.

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I'm not sure there is an affordable vacuum that isn't in some respect a piece, but we got a Dyson and have liked it. We bought it at costco so we could return it if it broke. We've had it for a couple of years and haven't had any major issues. It isn't the miracle we were told it was but it's good.

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I have a Dyson animal. We have 3 dogs and 3 birds. Works great even after 6 years. My only complaint is that it is bag less. I can't empty out the thing because my allergies go haywire.

I also like the Oreck Magnesium and it is also Made in the US if you're into that thing.

But, if I can spend $800 on a vacuum I'd get the Miele Premium. It's the best for a houseful of allergy sufferers.

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We have a Dyson, and I regret the expenditure. Ours was in the mid-400s. I've heard that some of the Eureka ones are rated as high as the Dyson. Mind you, it's a decent vacuum--it's just not three times as nice as a Eureka.

Sometimes it's not a case of performs X function Y% better, but rather it simply lasts longer. A vacuum that is otherwise identical in performance but lasts half as long isn't worth it unless it costs less than half as much the more expensive, more durable option*. If it costs exactly half as much then it is a break even proposition. How do the Eureka vacuums stack up on longevity?

*Sometimes reality causes one to make an economically sub-optimal decision.

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I used to run through a lot of vacuums... Then I got a Dyson an had an "oh duh" moment and have been using it ever since.

With the Dyson we moved from a bagged system to a canister system.. I watched as that vacuum filled up its canister. Then it was a click to remove and then another click to empty and then we were back to work. I quickly noticed I was emptying it a lot.. At first I figured it was just a better performing vacuum compared to the one it replaced and once it caught up it would be fine.

It never did.

And I know my family can't have gotten that much dirtier between vacuums. This lead me to the "oh duh" moment. If the dirt level remained the same... then I wasn't replacing the bags nearly often enough. Replacing the bags was an expense (you had to go buy replacement bags), the bag was covered (and thus hidden) with a cloth covering so it was hard to tell if it needed to be replaced, and it was kind of a dirty hassle to disconnect one bag and put on the new one. So I avoided doing it until it was clear I had to.

All this basically meant that most of the time the older vacuums were trying to force even more stuff into an already full bag. More effort = higher wear = earlier failure.

You might not want to pay for a Dyson... But my advice would be to pick one that is really obvious and easy to empty out.

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I got my Dyson animal for less than $400. I know you can get cheaper vacuums, but you can catch Dysons on sale (which I did).

And I took an informal survey at work. I talked with 5 people and 3 of them swore by their Dyson. The other two said they just bought the cheapest vacuum they could find. Based on my informal survey, I bought my Dyson animal and have loved it ever since.

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What about a Roomba? They make those for pets now. Nothing sounds more appealing to me than having a robot (that may or may not revolt) do work for me.

Had one. Waste of money. It goes and picks up stuff then runs out of battery. I go over the same spot with the Dyson and much more stuff get picked up that the robot left behind.

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So... my parents have a long history of buying cheap vacuums one right after the other, and their latest just died.

Because they refuse to charge me rent, the Husband and I are thinking of buying them a nice vacuum that will live a little bit longer.

Any recommendations? Keep in mind, there are three long-haired cats in the house.

My wife and I own a Kirby. The upfront cost is significant but, they will never have to buy another vacuum. It also cleans carpets and can buff tile floors. It is excellent on cat hair.

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Kirby... my mom had a Kirby when I was a kid. It still works over 40 years later. I hated that vacuum. It was heavy and difficult to maneuver. But...IT GOT THE DIRT OUT!

40 years later... I bought a NEW Kirby. They are heavy but you don't feel it because the new transmission makes the vacuum light as a feather to maneuver. And... It Gets all the Dirt OUT! Love it and wish I had bought one a decade or so ago.

Addtionally: Two of my kids sold Kirby's for about a year. I was amazed at what I found out about other brands. I wanted a Dyson...not anymore. I had been looking at the newer Hoovers... no way. I thought the Roomba looked cool. Who doesn't want a vacuum that runs itself...but it doesn't clean anything. I was surprised at the brand which voids some carpet warranties.

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Addtionally: Two of my kids sold Kirby's for about a year. I was amazed at what I found out about other brands. I wanted a Dyson...not anymore. I had been looking at the newer Hoovers... no way. I thought the Roomba looked cool. Who doesn't want a vacuum that runs itself...but it doesn't clean anything. I was surprised at the brand which voids some carpet warranties.

I sold Ford trucks for about a year. I was amazed at what I found out about Chevys. Don't get me started on Toyota......

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