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The Folk Prophet

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I have to agree. Such spirited (and controversial) discussions that happen here wouldn't happen in this way during the three-hour block on Sunday at church.

Our purpose in that area would be to help inspire others who have never been to church, or haven't been in a while, to go ahead and go to church and see things in person.

This is true, though you rarely hear such outlandish liberal p.o.v.s in church either (at least not in the wards I've been in). I have heard of situations where church meetings turned into pretty heated debates though.

Moreso, however, I was meaning that there are 5000+ active members and 55,000ish total members that are spread out demographically quite a bit. This is much more of a melting pot than a sample of a ward where the demographics align.

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I first found this before it was even a forum and it was only a chat site back in 1999. It was called ldstalk at the time....

Are you sure Pam that LDSTalk was only a chat site? I was around during the LDStalk days and I remember it being a typical message board. It wasn't as large at lds.net but it was a message board.

I come here because I've been here for so long I can't imagine not coming here.


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Short answer: To learn and to share. I count it a privilege to share my testimony as a pentecostal-evangelical-'born again'-Christian on an LDS site. At the same time I appreciate learning about the LDS faith from actual members. Doing so makes me a better chaplain and a better Christian.

The back story is that back in 2005 we had a school board election. One of the candidates was LDS. The other candidate put out that, in the name of diversity, maybe having two LDS on the 5-member board was enough. As an evangelical minister in a community that is majority non-religious, I smelled bigotry and called it out in our local paper. The incident got me curious about LDS spirituality, and I figured I'd like to find out from actual adherents. I discovered LDStalk, which later grew up and became LDS.net. About a year after joining and participating I was invited to become a moderator. I prayed about it for a week or so, and felt peace to accept the offer. I've been here ever since.

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I originally found lds.net by searching on the internet about a question on sealings. I lurked for quite awhile before joining. I have found that I like the regulars here on the forums. I've learned a lot. I feel like I can contribute. And you may think this is hokey, but when I say my personal prayers I pray that I might be a tool in the Lord's hand to further his work. Whenever I make a comment, I hope it is Christlike. I feel like lds.net allows people an anonymous way to ask questions, to ask for help, and to gain understanding. I would never want anything I post to drive someone away from the Gospel. To me it's serious business--the Lord's business. Of course that doesn't mean I'm not light-hearted at times.

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Are you sure Pam that LDSTalk was only a chat site? I was around during the LDStalk days and I remember it being a typical message board. It wasn't as large at lds.net but it was a message board.

I come here because I've been here for so long I can't imagine not coming here.


If it was I wasn't aware of it. I only knew about the chatrooms. I remember that there was a limit as to how many people could get into the singles and the 40's chatroom. There was a few times that so many people were accessing I would get frustrated because I would have to wait until someone left before I could go in.

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Yeah, I probably should get it changed...forgot how to do that with the avatars. Here's a more honest "view" though...



I can only see the first but the Minions are our favourite! (Btw, let me know when we can change avatars because my candycane is tired of dancin'!)

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