Necessary confess to bishop if looked at one questionable picture on the internet?


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I heard a celebrity was baring herself in a magazine, so my willpower got the best of me I looked her up on the internet and looked at her backside. I did have a problem with this sort of thing before, but it was resolved. Is it absolutely necessary to confess this to my bishop? Or is it necessary only for repeated times of doing this sort of thing? Thanks in advance.

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Guest MormonGator

Remember-your bishop has heard everything before. You can not surprise him. :-)

When in doubt, just confess. You'll feel better and you'll grow stronger in the process. 


Prayers for you my friend. 

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This means that any time a member watches a rated R movie and doesnt look away the second nudity is seen, that he or she should confess to the bishop? I am the executive secretary and make appts for the bishop. Most appts are for financial assistance. I would think if most members abided by this, that the bishop wpuld have a ling line outside his door. So if I dont ever confess, it sounds like there is the possibility I might not be exalted? I pay a full tithe, was EQ pres, served a mission, attend all my meetings, pray and read the scriptures daily. I honestly cannot get myself to confess bo matter how much I push myseld, so I might be forfeiting my exaltation over this. Is there something official that states what exaxtly needs to be confessed?

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Friend, what denies us our exaltation isn't what we do; it's what those actions lead us to become.


We should be becoming the kind of person who wouldn't look; and if we find we're having trouble in that quest--well, that's exactly what the bishop is for.  Not to give us absolution; but to coach us in becoming what God wants us to become. 


Adultery and fornication are definitely so destructive to that quest and hostile to the Spirit, that we need to get help ASAP.  Ditto for masturbation and for flat-out pornography.  R-rated movies and incidental nudity in popular media is perhaps more of a gray area; but IMHO the fact that you're even asking about this suggests that in your case the Spirit has been sufficiently grieved that a chat with your bishop would be appropriate.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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The Bishop isn't a sounding board. He likely has many grave issues he's dealing with.  I too was an Exec Sec and Clerk, but you won't see ALL he deals with. You'd be seriously wasting his time, if in fact you believe you understand what he would tell you (you've already demonstrated you understand). This isn't the Catholic church. The Bishop doesn't sit in a booth waiting for folks to look for absolution on the momentary lapses of judgement of the week.  

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No, you would not need to confess for a one-off...


Well, maybe if you enjoyed it...


Seriously, you would be wasting the bishops time.  If you have had a problem with that sort of thing in the past, then you clearly know the line that needs to be crossed.  Did you go back for seconds?  Did you sin further?  

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Ahh The Kim Kardashian photo....


No, IMHO no need to confess you didn't do anything wrong, and to be in fear for your exaltation because of it is just silly.

As per my previous post.  You would only need to confess if you enjoyed it.  

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This isn't the Catholic church. The Bishop doesn't sit in a booth waiting for folks to look for absolution on the momentary lapses of judgement of the week.  


Well, that's not the Catholic Church either...

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When determining if you must speak with your bishop, and have questions, please refer to this quote:


""First, those in sin must confess. “By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins--behold, he will confess them and forsake them.” (D&C 58:43.) That confession must be made first to the person who has been most wronged by your acts. A sincere confession is not merely admitting guilt after the proof is already in evidence. If you have offended many persons openly, your acknowledgment is to be made openly and before those whom you have offended that you might show your shame and humility and willingness to receive a merited rebuke. If your act is secret and has resulted in injury to no one but yourself, your confession should be in secret, that your Heavenly Father who hears in secret may reward you openly. Acts that may affect your standing in the Church, or your right to privileges or advancement in the Church, are to be promptly confessed to the bishop whom the Lord has appointed as a shepherd over every flock and whom the Lord has commissioned to be a common judge in Israel" (President Harold B. Lee, "Successful Sinners," July Ensign 1971)."

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Someone asked what I am doing to make up for the slip-up. The list:prayer,church attendance, fasting,reading the scriptures, etc.

Someone asked if I enjoyed it. As you know, enjoyment is what that is what draws people to commit sin to begin with.

And yes, it was Kim Kardashian.

Thanks for everyone's input.

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This means that any time a member watches a rated R movie...


I'll give you three guesses what is wrong with starting the rest of your comment with this.


No, you would not need to confess for a one-off...


That depends on what the one-off is.



you didn't do anything wrong...


There's nothing wrong with purposefully seeking out the viewing of nudity?


Let's be honest, that picture doesn't show much more than an average shampoo commercial


Um...which shampoo commercial was that? I'd like to...wait...nevermind.

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There's nothing wrong with purposefully seeking out the viewing of nudity?



Sure you shouldn't seek it out, but it certainly does not rise to a "I need to see the Bishop to confess" status. Not for what the OP has described.


Let me be clear if you are making this a habit then yes please see your Bishop and get some help.


This sounds like a one or two off occurrence aka no biggie 


Clearly you have not seen the picture in question, You see more nudity on late night TV.

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I cannot get myself to confess,I know I am not the only one that has done this, but I am way too embarrassed.  I hope I am not coming across as cheapening his mantle or revelation, but I would think what he will advise is the following: recommend fasting, scripture study, prayer, meeting and temple attendance, etc.  I think more than anything, confession to a bishop is more for the purpose of accountability.  Knowing you will be following up with him will probably be a strong deterrent.  What do you all think?

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Sure you shouldn't seek it out, but it certainly does not rise to a "I need to see the Bishop to confess" status. Not for what the OP has described.


What you said is that he did nothing wrong. Per my understanding of the OP, he sought it out purposefully for prurient reasons. If that is the case, then he did, indeed, do something wrong. I made no comment on the need to see a bishop about it. That idea, to me, seems silly. But I also would never tell someone to not do so if they felt like they should, and it's actually a rule of the forum that we not do so. The answer to should I see my bishop is always either yes or follow the spirit.


Clearly you have not seen the picture in question, You see more nudity on late night TV.


How is that relevant? I have, actually, seen it, though I did not seek it out for prurient reasons but came across it accidentally. I moved on without much thought. I have worked hard to respond to such things in that way, as my natural impulse would be to linger and enjoy. And the same remains true of bikini clad women in TV shows and movies. I look away. Were I to seek such things out with prurient intent, I would be doing something wrong. Relatively not-so-bad does not mean not bad.

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One of the reasons we have judges in Israel are for questions like these. From people's responses you can see that opinions are varied on what you should do. All of us, no matter how well intentioned, can not give you the peace that you need. It sounds like the Spirit has already been prompting you what to do. If that prompting is that you need to talk to your bishop then trust that prompting and speak with him... No matter if you think it will be embarrassing or whatever else. Your need to talk with the bishop may not really even be so much about the pic you looked at.. There may be an important teaching moment and testimony builder that specifically *you* need. If the Spirit is prompting you to do something else then do that. If the Spirit is prompting you to do all of the above and also other things then proceed and do those things. If you're not certain *what* the Spirit is trying to tell you then you may well need your bishop's counsel. Trust The Lord. Trust the repentance process. Trust that The Lord is able to do his work and help you to grow in the ways that you need to.

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I've seen that picture, and all of you that have viewed it should immediately go to the Bishop and confess your total lack of any semblance of good taste and judgement. :eek:


Frankly it's about as prurient as the chairs in my office. :P


"Should I see the bishop after [engaging in some activity] and feeling enough distress about it that I'm seeking public anonymous counsel online?" is a different question from "should everyone who [engages in some activity] see the bishop?".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Boy....if every member of the church saw the bishop every time they had a lustful thought, the bishop would be a very tired man!


Based on what you shared, confession to a priesthood leader is not necessary.  If you found yourself in a lustful moment, talk to God about it.  Get yourself thinking on what's important....learning all about bridling your passions so that ye may be filled with love.  Talking to God about it IS confessing.  Then God can teach you the truth of all tutorials on how to bridle.


Remember...grappling with lust is a sort of unavoidable part of sexual development on both temporal and spiritual fronts.  Over reacting it's necessary or helpful. 

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